Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

com when she was planning her wedding. She got the ideas for a wedding dress, catering companies and florists, and details about newlyweds from a wedding fair at a convention center in North Carolina. Jessica had searched wedding sites on the internet and found several wedding sites which featured couples who were getting married and national lottery registry. Jessica and her fiancé discussed the idea, and they concluded that offering services related to local-wedding was an exciting opportunity and made her interested in the business. The strategy that Jessica took to make sure that the organization goes on the right path and what she should do to ensure that the firm becomes successful is well. Family, friends, and the guests are necessary to visit the website for free and get the information about local hotels, wedding preferences, and discounts on car rentals, and the maps that can be printed of churches and synagogues in the area.

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This idea helped MyPerfectWedding. com to reach new potential customers who were planning to wed and to give necessary information about the website. Jessica also created colorful fliers that described MyPerfectWedding. com and sent to them to most firms that participate in the nuptial fair. She should also make use of her experience from working in the small firm to run the business. Jessica liked the creative facet of designing the appearance of a website and the detailed technical specialists from working for IBM. Thus, she should use this aspect to create the look of MyPerfectWedding. com and to give out more detailed information for wedding gifts registries. She also uses the skills of her husband as a database programmer to come up with the ideas for the website that could attract the attention of potential customers (Taylor 411-418).

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Jessica should prioritize customer’s needs and know when to act when customers need urgent customers. This aspect is only possible when customers are comfortable with Facebook, and thus, Jessica should always have a follow up on customer service process. Once Jessica has created customers on her page, the sites become the most robust service marketing strategy. Jessica needs to know the difference between Facebook and Google Advs. Frick 13). If Jessica is looking forward to moving forward with her business, she needs to consider a long-term strategy that ensures a long-term return on investment and a better capacity for the future of the company. Thus, she should find the best online advertising strategy that requires more time and money. One of the best plans is the search engine optimization, and it can help Jessica optimize the MyPerfectWedding.

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com to increase its ranking and its visibility in the Google search engine. Better ranking can help the business to gain more customers and of course, increase its revenue (Demers 2-3). This strategy ensures retention, attraction, and simplicity of information for a very long time (Frick 13). These strategies will thus help Jessica to build an excellent service reputation and attracts more customers to the site eventually. Jessica’s financial support from the advertising sponsors is not realistic even though some sponsors had notified her that they were going to sign up to the website. The main reason is, there is no surety that the site was going to generate any direct revenue from the sales of the flowers and other wedding related stuff. It also seemed that everything that was going to attract more customers to sign up was not efficient and more expensive.

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“Role of content strategy in social media brand communities: a case of higher institutes in India”, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 22(1), 40-51, 2013. Curran, Kevin. “Advertising on Facebook,” International Journal of E-business development, 1(1), pp. Demers, Jayson. “What’s the best long-term online marketing strategy?” Forbes.

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