Parts of our bodies we never clean properly

Document Type:Article

Subject Area:English

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Dozens of times since childhood I have found myself in a position I had to choose between cleaning the body partly at specific areas and taking a complete hasty shower. There is totally no wrongdoing in taking such an alternative when in a hurry of being somewhere more important or trying to preserve the last few tokens of electricity. The main problem here is making the complete hasty shower a consistent habit. It’s not just about cleaning You are soon to deduce that the consistent habit of being hasty in taking a shower could consequently cause bacterial build-up in those parts of your bodies that you really don’t scrub properly in the short event. The Good news is that I have investigated some five body parts among others that need to be critically washed or scrubbed to avoid turning your human body into a laboratory agar of growing bacteria which could culminate undesirable diseases.

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I suggest people research more on this issue because the navel harbors so many forms of bacteria. The tongue absorbs almost all things thrown into the mouth. Whenever you consume chocolate, fingerlings, and tacos for supper, a beer at dessert hour; part of them remain on your tongue. These things could lead to bad breath when the tongue isn’t properly cleaned. Bacteria accumulate fast in the tongue areas of taste buds. “Recent analytical studies carried out on clippings of the fingernail deduced that diarrhea and vomiting are problems partially brought by failing to scrub underneath the fingernails” (Muchene, E. I totally agree with this, considering how the fingernails ‘gather' dirt and turn ‘black' for some people. Even my fingernails sometimes look that way, no matter how much I wash them.

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So during meals, I normally prefer using forks and spoons to scoop my food rather than end up getting undefined diseases. It is therefore recommended that hands must be properly washed after visiting the washroom and even after laying fingers on raw red or white meat that might be a harbor of deadly bacteria. For this reason, I adapted the habit of properly scrubbing it whenever I shower. The bottoms of the feet are another area of the body not properly cleaned by many. Never assume the bottom of your feet will magically become clean just because soap water from your upper body flows down to that area. That is a dangerous assumption as it might also cause ailments from bacterial build-up.

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I love my feet so much and for this reason, I recommend people also learn that keeping feet in warm soapy water then scrubbing gently with the use of pumice rock is very effective at eradicating the germ build-up problem. I have always wanted to change people’s behavior as far as cleanliness and hygiene is concerned. By reading this, maybe even relationships will become better since insecure folk will become more confident when going out, opening their mouths freely and expressing their feelings for each other. I am certain even hugging will be more comfortable. The public should take the concerns addressed in this article seriously for a better world in terms of health, social interactions, and spreading goodwill. Work cited Crohnie, T.

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