Philips LED Lighting Solutions

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Though LED bulbs perform better when making a comparison with traditional bulbs concerning harmful effects on the environment, the LED bulbs have significant environmental effects which require interventions to clear the product for better absorption into the market. This paper seeks to emphasize the efficacy of Philip’s LED bulbs in meeting the needs of the current market. Philips Dependence on Ecosystem Goods and Services. Firstly, Philips uses light energy from the sun as a template for understanding the relationship between crop growth and light needs of the horticultural industry. With the changing trends in the production of food through artificial interventions, artificial lighting such as LED is the current trend. After production of the bulbs and distribution to the market, consumers purchase the goods. Once the bulbs become non-functional, the land becomes important to allow for the incineration of the waste or reuse of some parts of the non-functional bulbs to encourage a healthier ecosystem for the sake of posterity and comfort at present.

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Thirdly, fresh water is another ecological good utilized for the benefit of Philips company. The accessibility of fresh water makes the manufacturing process for LED bulbs to match the expectation from the consumer market. Water is important for the operations of machinery in the manufacturing sector for Philips company. High efficiency in the use of energy for the LED bulbs makes it a necessity to transit to the option. The LED bulbs use up more energy for light than for the generation of heat, a phenomenon which reduces the need for using up a lot of hydroelectric power from dams. The energy consumption for light bulbs is about thirty percent less than the traditional light bulbs. Also, LED bulbs do not have any harmful chemicals such as mercury which constitute the traditional bulbs.

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The absence of toxicities makes the LED option a more environmentally sound option given the health hazards of some chemicals such as mercury. Secondly, LED bulbs are key in reducing the number of carbon emissions due to the use of traditional bulbs. Carbon emissions contribute significantly to the global warming that puts the whole world at risk of climatic changes which are detrimental to the environment and the inhabitants of the earth. Global warming due to the greenhouse effect causes harm even to the plant and animal world through the rising of the sea level. Global warming causes an increase in the overall temperature causing the melting of glaciers leading to an alteration in the balance between land and water. Also, the occurrence of floods and droughts can be linked to the mismanagement of the natural resources that we have such as land and water.

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Even in areas where there is no need for lighting at night, security precautions make it almost mandatory to infringe on nature’s natural pattern of a night and a bright day. Fourthly, although LEDs pass the mercury test, there is still a potential risk for toxic components such as lead and arsenic (Lim, Kang, Ogunseitan & Schoenung, 2011). Low-intensity lights appear to be the worst culprits, containing up to eight times lead amounts permitted by the state law of California. There are several kinds of LEDs which show safety concerns, especially red-light bulbs. Lead is toxic to the brain, with a possibility of causing cancer because of the heavy metals. Philips believes in having safe technology that is sustainable according to the natural resources available. The company has a grand vision of making the world healthier and creating sustainability through innovation.

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Every worker in the company acknowledges and aligns personal objectives to meet the overall goal of the company. The approach is worthy of recommendation because of the current state of the world’s climate. The human interference in the natural ecosystem makes it a matter of great importance to rectify the current trend by advocating for better handling of the natural ecosystem goods and services. The circular economy consists of four integral returning loops which are service, refurbish, parts harvesting and recycling. The focus of the whole production process is to preserve the value of the commodity through every step of the production process. The loops ensure that even when the consumer uses a product till it no longer works, it can find better use through the recycling process. A good example of how Philips intends to ensure that a circular economy takes effect in the LED bulb production is through the recycling of aluminum.

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Servicing of damaged electronic products is also a very good option to restore the value of the commodity. EGS framework helps a manager see the environment as a system which needs to be maintained in a balance to achieve maximum benefits and longevity in the business world. The implementation and adherence to a circular economy model help a manager to ensure that the business avoids unnecessary risks to the environment. A circular economy ensures that the cost of production of goods declines to the advantage of the company in securing better profit margins. Good managers ensure that the business invests less to obtain more products, a concept which is practical through the implementation of a loop pattern in the production system. Understanding the impact of the land waste resultant from the disposal of old and damaged LED bulbs helps a manager to avert the business risk of ignoring the need for a comprehensive system to deal with the menace of non-biodegradable waste which pollutes the soil.

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LED technology will be the solution for lighting for many more years to come because of the efficiency of the product. References Circular economy - Sustainable planet - Sustainability - About | Philips.  Philips. Retrieved 21 March 2018, from https://www. philips. Gertner, J.  How Philips Altered The Future Of Light.  Fast Company. Retrieved 21 March 2018, from https://www. fastcompany. Harris, S. Conserving energy at a cost to biodiversity? Impacts of LED lighting on bats.  Global Change Biology, 18(8), 2458-2465. doi. org/10.

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