Plato and Aristotle Annotated Bibliography
Document Type:Annotated Bibliography
Subject Area:Philosophy
google. co. ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=4h8ru4r0J1AC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Barker,+E. The+political+thought+of+Plato+and+Aristotle. Courier+Corporation. For instance, he argues that according to Plato, in order to attain a perfect outcome from the government, each and every individual in the country must subjugate his or her own interest towards the society. On the views of the other, the elites should be the one to lead the less fortunate for a proper undertaking of the roles of the government. Barker Ernest does not give more details on the comparison and other philosophical views of Aristotle and Plato for his research outline more on the political view. Therefore, this research offers a context for discussing the philosophical views of Aristotle and Plato.
Santas, G. For instance, many scientists and historians have found out that some theories and philosophies developed by Aristotle are an obstacle to scientific progress and were so complete such that no one could challenge them. He figures out that the ancient philosophers used some word which was so hard to change hence becoming a hindrance to the progress of that specific field. For example, Aristotle used the word ‘final work’ hence bringing a meaning that according to his observation and conclusion are the final and unchallengeable. Despite all those, new philosophers and scientist are developing new philosophies which most people are now adapting to. Santas concludes that, despite the development of new philosophies and theories, the theories and philosophies of the ancient philosophers are the ones which has formed bases for the development of new ones.
These authors have found out that the two philosophers have agreed that knowledge must be something which is real and therefore an individual should be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the class of from another source in his or her day today's life. Therefore, both philosophers have agreed that knowledge is real. The authors conclude that there are more differences compared to similarities in the philosophical view of Aristotle and Plato. Although Plato is there was the teacher of Aristotle, Aristotle founds some theories of his teacher Plato which he does not accept and therefore proving them. Therefore, this paper is very important in drawing discussion of the final research paper as it will help in identifying the similarities in the philosophical views of these philosophers. On the other hand, Aristotle is considered to be the first scientist.
Therefore his work relies more on the creation of scientific methods, therefore, observing the universe and drawing a conclusion on bases of what has been observed. Aristotle’s work focuses more on the explanation of the contemporary ideas rather than the insights. Rowe et al outline fundamental assumption based on their research on the discussion of these two philosophers. Their comparison provides a useful conclusion that the works of Aristotle has a clear illustration and was more details since the philosopher could prove his concepts and scientific methods and also do some alteration if need be but maintaining the main idea of the concept or the method. Ruhloff J research offers a detailed discussion on the philosophical viewpoint of Plato and Aristotle. The author has outlined more on these philosophers view on the ethics and other views.
Ruhloff argues that according to Plato, knowledge is a quality and can stand individually. He emphasizes that on this viewpoint after knowing the good thing, and then an individual is able to do the good. In this viewpoint, knowledge can teach someone to differentiate good from evil and also the right thing and the wrong thing.
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