PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Management
Methodologies have defined a combination of practices, processes and methods which determine how well the workload will be managed. Methodologies guide the teams throughout all the project stages, processes and tasks. The first framework for PRINCE was developed first in the 1980s for use by the UK government mainly as a standard for IT projects only. The methodology approach was reviewed and updated in 1996 to the current PRINCE2. The new version is a generic method of project management. PRINCE2 is a great invention that simplifies project management and is highly adaptable to all sorts of projects, big or small (De Jong and Cornelis 113). The purpose of the PRINCE2 Methodology The purpose of the methodology is outlined in its principles. To understand how the PRINCE2 project management method purpose is and how it works, one has to be familiar with the methods seven basic principles that outline its importance and aim in project management.
The principles are the main building block of the methodology. The seven principles offer a framework for efficient and effective project management practice. PRINCE2 projects focus on what needs to be delivered according to the user's wants rather than the common view of the specialists work. The main focus is on effectiveness and not efficiency. The projects managers strive to deliver as early as possible during the project and progress with the same measure of quality. Preparations are done before the work starts; expected products are described, their measurements, quality, their tolerances and other criteria's established. Users are supposed to check to test the products before delivery can be accepted (Kpekpena 680). Learn from experience, prior projects PRINCE2 allows the team to learn about the process and upgrade their skills continuously. The teams are supposed to take lessons from prior projects into account, maintain a lessons log or a lesson report and update it for this main purpose.
A project manager should generate a full lessons report towards the completion of the project at that stage. Lessons applied from earlier projects have the potential to enhance project management and enhance techniques execution. All new projects in a presiding stage should start by examining learning logs of the previous project. Changes in plans should be updated with the business case to ensure the benefits are realized. Business case view is different from the financial department view, financial department believes that a business case should only be changed at the end of a financial year. This is wrong as the plan should always align with the business case to safeguard the profitability of the project. Financial control is mainly based on the next year's budget instead of the current analysis, this makes the financial reports to be just wishful thinking rather than show the real financial control on the ground.
If a business case view on financial control exudes confidence, then the project will be profitable because its report is mainly based on cost and expected benefits balance (Zarina et al. Completed products by a team are delivered to users; some teams deliver to another team who are the end users of that team's product. Products are described concerning their quality, tolerance and deviation from the target. Stages being uncertain and risk-based, if all is done according to plan, quality will be relatively good (Al-Zoabi and Zaidoun 79). Complaints will be very low. A project can be better understood if it’s broken down into defined stages laid in planning to create a roadmap of the projects progress. The PRINCE2 method is broken down into seven phases which characterize it. they consist of: Starting up a Project In this first step, a request for a project is made which is referred as the project mandate.
Description of the project and expectations of what ideally going to be achieved for the project is prepared. The organization's capability is assessed regarding the project. If a positive decision is made about the projects approval, a more detailed project brief than the first is submitted. The project managers at this stage create initiation documentation which contains a clear plan for key performance targets: benefits, time, quality, quality, scope, risks and cost. Documents are prepared and sent to the board for authorization. Once the project board approves, work starts. Directing a Project The project board controls the overall project through the sub-process. The project board has overall authority over the stages. Approval of revised requests or changes is dependent on the project board evaluation. Managing Stage Boundaries Managing stage boundaries dictate what is supposed to happen towards the end of a stage.
A review of each stage by both the project board and the project manager is carried out to make sure the progress is up to the required level. The process covers the action to be taken for a stage already outside the tolerance level. Lessons learned are recorded and improvements carried on to the next stage. Profitability is the main driving force of a project. The benefits of PRINCE2 application in project management is to realized profits. If any changes are made to the plan business case must also be reviewed to safeguard the company's benefits. Management of Risk The main importance of risk management is to help in control, assessment of uncertainties and record risks during a project. Positive risks are called opportunities and negative ones are referred as threats.
Plans have to be approved throughout to confirm required progress by the project board. Quality in Project environment The focus of PRINCE2 method is on quality of products rather than the expert processes with poor outcome. Quality is defined at the beginning of the project to keep the work on the track which is vital (Rosenau et al. Quality is set for each deliverable with a vivid description of the planning process. Quality is defined at the start, control stage, and management stage. The council management sorts the services of better project management that supports better performance and strong communication to support decision making. The case insights deliberated on the suitability of PRINCE2. first the method provided more accessible information to the staff from the project board to the project managers.
An easy process made the communication better. The method provided more flexibility and was less prescriptive. The fastest region in the application by 2012 include central Asia with 150 % increase in exams compared to previous years, Scandinavia with 65 %, Eastern Europe with 23%, East Asia and Africa with 11 % and North America with 16%. There is growth in the number of candidates studying PRINCE2 using the accredited eLearning courses. In a survey that was carried out in 2007 by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that performing projects are significantly likely to have staffs that are PRINCE2 certified projects managers. Accredited managers are equipped with the important information other than the expertise that helps them to tackle issues intelligently. Reviews done by hazard cited by that PRINCE2 courses offer valuable information to project managers and kick-start their careers. In PRINCE2 in case of an issue occurring one is not required to start from the beginning but solve the problem right way.
Breaking down processes by the PRINCE2 method provides room for processes adjustment. Planning Both project management method plans are made upfront before the project begins. Both plans are elaborate and have strong schedules set to achieve the set objectives. These are strong elements of waterfall and PRINCE2 which makes both of them preferred methods. Conclusion In conclusion, PRINCE2 is a very structured approach to management of projects. The method has defined a clear framework for project management. The procedures are described properly to coordinate people and the relevant activities in a project. PRINCE2 project management template ensures projects are designed for easy supervision and plans are adjusted in case of a need arise during the project. Every process is paired with its key inputs. Schipper, Ron, and Gilbert Silvius. The Sustainable Project Management Canvas.
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