Problem of overcrowding and long waiting periods experienced at ARC
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Business
Therefore there is a very high chance that people will face the space problem when they go to ARC. Based on customers’ review, people feel the court is small, crowded almost all the time. On the other hand, for the ARC staff, the inefficient arrangement of courts can increase their workload since lots of people in one court may make court management extra hard. Unknown to problems The expenditure of ARC managed by school finance department, the practical applicability of our solution, the effectiveness of our solution. Benefits from solutions By optimizing the program schedule, staffs might have better working hours scheduled; by re-designing the court arrangement, students, faculties, and residents will be directly benefited by eliminating the waiting period. The objectives are aimed at improving ARC mission of healthy lifestyle, through programming within the Arc, including group exercises, personal training and intramural sports.
The recommendations of this report are aimed at helping ARC cut wastage, to avoid ARC having to raise prices for non-students to keep up with CPI. The research will use interviews and questionnaires, and ARC related websites, as part of secondary sources. The first-hand information would be drawn from those with direct experience or those who have been directly affected by the problem. The estimate cost of the research is projected at three thousand and fifty dollars, including labor costs, printing and technology use, and transportation. Machines breakdowns and not getting fixed immediately has also been cited to cause waiting periods and overcrowding. Most people do exercises after school and work and students have physical education classes which causes longer waiting periods. Among gym members, 67% of the memberships go unused according to USA Today, only 18%of people who bought gym memberships use it consistently.
The report seeks to establish solutions to the identified problems, by dealing with overcrowding and implementing an optimal and economic approach to reduce wastage. Background Information Exercising regularly is very important in improving health, concentration, and stress relief. Significance of the Study This research will be significant in providing a framework of eliminating crowding and reducing waiting time, and optimizing the utilization of available resources and space through program and schedule redesign, and considering people’s various interests. This will improve user experience, and will serve as a major boost in revenue since improved customer experience will result in customer loyalty. Program and schedule redesign will improve efficiency and maximize income. Objectives 1. Find out the causes of long waiting periods during peak hour. For users this will make sure that they get their workout, they get space, they also get to pursue their various interests, due the proper scheduling and programing of various sports courts and activity centers.
They also get to redeem their membership subscriptions consistently without them going to waste. It will also enable the ARC staff reduce idling, and optimize use of resources and spaces. It will also help the ARC preserve their machines and equipment to avoid frequent breakdown and replacement. It will also relieve workload on their staff. ONE This research seeks to understand the problems of long waiting periods at the ARC, especially during peak periods, the problem of overcrowding experienced in the weight section and the courts, the contribution of the current scheduling and program design to these phenomena. the long waiting periods have caused a lot of time wastage taking away valuable time from the customers that would have been spent on other activities. This sometimes force customers to not attend the gym, and their membership subscriptions go to waste.
This research is justified because no similar study has been done on the subject matter. Fitness and wellness is a major focus and component of healthy living, which everybody is encouraged to embrace for the purposes of healthy mind-body balance. Size of the gym, especially the weight lifting section 3. Coinciding workout times 4. Overcrowding of equipment 5. Non availability of specific allocated time for users 6. Poor scheduling especially of the courts 7. Size of the weights section has also been cited as a cause for overcrowding and long waiting periods. As large as the size of the gym may seem, it struggles to accommodate the over twenty five thousand customer, looking to use the weights and use the treadmills, and other gym equipment. The large open two level lobby as per some interviewees should have made more room for the weight room.
The size of the weight room contributes to the next reason attributed to the long waiting periods and overcrowding, which is the overcrowding of equipment. Due to the small size of the weight room, many equipment were installed to make up for the small size of the room and accommodate a bigger number. Machine breakdown was also a factor considered as a cause for the overcrowding and long waiting periods. Sometimes machines, like treadmills breakdown, and therefore cause long waits due to the inadequate equipment. Sometimes the machines take long before they are repaired or replaced. The breakdowns have been largely attributed the carelessness of users, poor gym etiquette, for example reracking weights, and old equipment. Poor gym etiquette has also been blamed for causing long waiting hours and overcrowding, as some users do not observe gym regulations, traditions and practices.
The study found the following ways to improve equipment arrangement: 1. Expand the weight room to accommodate the weights, elliptical, treadmills, stationary bikes and the arc walking machines. This will eliminate fitness equipment located on the sides of the hallway, and on the basketball court, therefore creating more space on the hallways for free movement. It will also eliminate, or in the least reduce the waiting time on the basketball courts. The ARC has to find a better way to dispose or get rid of the old replaced equipment to create more space for the newly installed ones. For example booking a basketball court and being given a volleyball court instead. By the time you complain, the court would have been booked to another group, by which time there would be no space available for you.
A second court is used to keep fitness equipment, leaving only two of the obscenely large basketball courts functional. Why turn a basketball court to a storage room? Therefore, the ARC can better cater for the needs of their basketball customers by optimizing the court schedule, by removing the fitness equipment from the court, proper and flexible court scheduling, in order to offer greater customer satisfaction. Adjusting program schedule to optimize resource utilization The ARC has many resources that can be optimally harnessed with proper program and schedule design. TWO SUMMARY OF FINDINGS From the research many findings were drawn, some major findings, others minor findings, some anticipated, while some completely unforeseen. This findings were drawn from the analysis and interpretation of the gathered primary data of interviews and questionnaires, and the qualitative analysis of secondary data.
The findings attributed the problems of overcrowding and long waiting periods during peak hour to a huge number of poser, idlers or ‘tourists’, those that simply come to pass time, wait on friends and spouses and socialize. As they wait and sit around, they sometimes occupy the workout space, especially stretching mats. The size of the weight room was also cited to cause long waiting periods, as large as it may seem, it struggles with the over twenty thousand users that visit it one time or the other. Those who come later, especially during peak hours have to wait for as long as those who came before them desire to stay in the gym. Sometimes this waiting time can stretch as long as an hour, in which time some users have to give up and turn back.
The ARC also has to deal with its ‘mall phenomenon’ as it house so many facilities under its one roof, including an indoor track, alongside a climbing wall, a weight lifting room, basket, volleyball and racquetball courts. The study found among some groups of interviewees that so many facilities under one roof was also to blame for the overcrowding. Some questioned the idea of having an indoor track in the ARC. In view of these findings, the study concludes that the ARC needs a physical redesign, as well as a program, schedule and policy redesign to tackle some of their most pressing shortcomings. The study contributes to seeking solutions to the problems that face the ARC in order to meet users’ needs and enhance customer satisfaction, while being profitable at the same time.
RECOMMENDATIONS For the ARC to eliminate long waiting periods and overcrowding during peak hours, and to redesign their program for user satisfaction, the following recommendations are suggested: 1. Abolish mandatory membership for students, this is will help deal with the problem of posers, to avoid people simply coming to the ARC ‘to spend their money’ and making the ARC an attraction center. Understand users’ needs and preferences, to enable them optimize on those services most favored and cut back on those least used, in order to reduce wastage and optimize profitability. pdf 3. ucdavis. edu/arc/ 4. glassdoor. com/Reviews/Employees-Review-UC-Davis-Rvw7002240. Do you think the equipment are organized well? 10. Currently, does the ARC have an appointment system? Is it possible to have one for peak hours? 11. Are there any policies for court usage in the peak time? 12.
When is construction done? 13. What will be added after the construction is finished? 14.
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