Proposal Innovation Project 40 Aquaponics System
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Management
This paper presents a proposed innovation project featuring a $40 Aquaponics System that is cheap and inexpensive. The Aquaponics system is a combination of hydroponics and fish farming with the sole of objective of creating a symbiotic environment and the created symbiotic environment is what is termed as the Aquaponics system. The major advantage of using the Aquaponics system is that it can be applicable anywhere. Additionally, the Aquaponics system makes it easy for one to carry out recycling. Letter of Transmissal Any question that might have a relationship as far as any technical aspect of the proposed research presented herein should be directed to the group members through the group leader whose name is indicated in the cover page in the document for this proposed research. Our organization understands the potential of food production and agriculture especially in the subtropics and the tropics.
Our greatest mission as college students is to translate the basics learnt in science to the applications and the relevant industries so that nanotechnology, information technology and biotechnology can be harnessed for the sole purpose of food production and sustainable agriculture. Our group intends to make sure that the food supply chain of agriculture and food production systems expands from paddock to plate. Therefore, our organization believes in the power of science applied to create sustainable agricultural systems and food production. The innovation to be discussed about Considering the fact that we are living in the 21st century, there are serious environmental concerns that have to be taken seriously. Thus, it is essential to state that what makes the proposed project presented in this paper is unique is that it is cheap to make, (costs $40) only and can be applied in almost any place even where there is limitation of space.
Discussion of the Proposed Innovation The Aquaponics system is a combination of hydroponics and fish farming with the sole of objective of creating a symbiotic environment and the created symbiotic environment is what is termed as the Aquaponics system. As a matter of fact, Aquaponics is a combination of the practices of aquaculture, and those of hydroponics which refers to the growth of plants in a soilless environment. A study of what will be obtained from the Aquaculture System In the aquaculture system, waste will accumulate in the tanks. Eventually, the accumulated waste has to be removed. In our proposed research, the main objective is to ensure that effective systems such as the Aquaponics system gets to benefit farmers who have limited resources of water and land. The total budget for the whole the Aquaponics system is $40.
In creating this proposed research, the objective was to come up with an inexpensive Aquaponics system that can provide food; greens and fish. The advantage of this Aquaponics system is that one would never have to spend his or her time cleaning or applying fertilizer to the agricultural plants. In other words, it is an autopilot method that could be applied in food production. Hole Saw • Wood / Straw File • 2. Inch Screws • 1 inch screws • 2 wood Braces What are the Advantages of the Aquaponics system? The major advantage of using the Aquaponics system is that it can be applicable anywhere. Additionally, the Aquaponics system makes it easy for one to carry out recycling. As a matter of fact, when done in small scale, it is even better because the materials used are cheap and some of them can be found for free.
Another advantage of the Aquaponics system with regards to the materials that will be used in setting it up is that they can be traded for other things. Monitoring the quality of the water will be a technical challenge, given that this system will be passed on to people who might not have the technical capability to determine the right water to use and most importantly, the manner in which the quality of that water will be monitored. The Current Challenge Facing the Project Currently, the project is facing on major challenge; determining the site of where it can be implemented. Likely Challenges from the Project The proposed project presented in this research is likely to face a number of challenges. To begin with, there is a high possibility that there might be a number of fish and plant causalities as they are transferred to a new environment.
The other challenge of the project is with regard to what will be done with the harvest given that the group that had this proposed research in mind is largely constituent if students. If the proposed Aquaponics system can help households produce the stated amount of food, then food production will be revolutionized and taken to a whole new level. On the same case, the amount of food produced by the Aquaponics system that is presented in this research is not limited to the stated figure. As a matter of fact, the figures could change given that the system presented in this research can be scalable to incorporate larger food production units which will fit the requirements of the large scale farmers which will in essence help in achieving the goals of the Agri-Food Innovation Excellence program How does the $40 Aquaponics system presented in This Proposed Project When the group that wrote this innovation was brainstorming for the idea to present, the reference point was the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence’s objectives, which are well stipulated in the official guidebook.
To begin with the Aquaponics system that has been presented in this research is geared towards attaining sustainable food productions in a system that is faced with a major challenge; lack of two critical resources that are very essential in food production; lack of food and lack of water. This is line with The Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence’s objective of being the in the frontline as far as fostering innovation and creativity is concerned within the realm of the food production system so that an impact can be felt at the farm level. Roughly, the proposed Aquaponics system can produce 100 pounds of fish in a year. If the proposed Aquaponics system can help households produce the stated amount of food, then food production will be revolutionized and taken to a whole new level.
On the same case, the amount of food produced by the Aquaponics system that is presented in this research is not limited to the stated figure. Recommendation of the Proposed Project Contained in this Document The proposed project ($40 Aquaponics system) is a viable project. There are a number of reasons why this innovation should be implemented and applied across households in Canada is that it can be applicable anywhere. Small Scale Aquaponic Food Production. Integrated Fish and Plant Farming | GLOBEFISH | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fao. org. N.
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