Public speaking skill

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

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Furthermore, in situations of lack of morale among subordinates, public speaking skills can help in rekindling the internal drive and therefore, motivate them to carry on in their assigned roles. In informing a group of people about an issue, it is essential to understand the listeners to identify the most effective approach to convey the message, a situation when public speaking skills come in. Some of the ways of achieving this is engaging the audient in the speech and maintaining eye contact to detect any changes in mood. Public speaking comprises of five general elements namely ‘who’ signifying the one communicating, ‘what’ indicating the message, ‘whom’ standing for the receiver, the ‘medium’ that describes the path followed and the ‘effects’ indicating the impact of the message (Nikitina, 2011). My first rule in public speaking is first to understand the mood in the audience and then to decide on the right tone to use to sway their emotions.

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Public relations field play a crucial role in the survival of the organisation in the increasingly competitive environment where the managers are endowed with public speaking skills to perform their tasks effectively. The primary goal of public speaking is to convince the audience about an issue they already have information about. For instance, in a case when there is a dispute between the company and its suppliers, public speaking skills can facilitate reaching a common ground that by convincing the audience to give in regarding some of their demands. The task can best be achieved if the public relations officer speaks eloquently to ensure they are listened to. Speaking eloquently indicates that the orator in confident, knowledge and understanding in whatever they are saying, which can motivate them to soften on their stance.

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Overall, written statements can be used as a point of reference in the formulation of public relation policies that give a favourable impression of the company. Achieving effectiveness in relaying information in public relation calls for the integration of different measures to convince and inform the audience. One of these measures which I have experienced is the use of non-verbal cues such as gestures, eye contact, voice tone, facial expression and posture of the body. According to Richmond, Mccroskey and Hickson, (2012), the message portrayed by body language is equal to the orator’s verbal messages. For instance, in crisis communication, the body language must relate to what the public relations officer is stating failure to which the audience will not have confidence in the verbal message. Public speaking skills facilitate the nurturing of leaders among the employees that drive organisations towards improved performance.

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Individual productivity among the employees is highly dependent on the kind of leaders they have and their skill set. Leadership is all about how you influence others towards working together to achieve a common goal. According to Naile and Selesho (2014), leaders can use their public speaking skills to motivate employees by inspiring to increase their productivity towards the common good. That is, employees, understand the benefits of sustaining high productivity but some factors may demotivate them such as poor organisational performance. Methods Used to Improve my Public Speaking Skills The recognition that public speaking skills are an essential tool for achieving desired goals in leadership, I adopted for approaches to help me improve in the skills. Firstly, I practice before a mock audience mainly comprising of my fellow students and coworkers where they are free to give their perceptions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the session.

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Rehearsing with the mock audience provides opportunities to apply the lessons learnt when with an actual audience (Carpenter and Kennan, 2017). I then incorporate positive criticism from the audience during rehearsals and apply when delivering my public speeches. The primary weakness with using a mock audience to practice is that it is different from the actual audience signifying that I have to improvise on some of the elements of public speaking skills. The most reliable source of opinions regarding performance in public speaking skills is the audiences where it dictates how an orator expresses his or her public speaking skills. Behaviours and mood of the audience dictate the effectiveness of the orator in public speaking (Stuart, 2013). That is, when the audience is attentive and or actively participating in the speech, it is an indication that the orator is successful.

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However, when they are silent, not attentive to the orator or making noises, it signifies they are not interested in what they are being told. Such behaviours help in improving my public speaking skills since it the speaker can identify identifying the moment when the audient became less cooperative and seek ways of improving on the weakness. Both basic and advanced orators use this approach to improve their public speaking skills. Conclusion Public speaking skills are crucial in sustaining and enhancing relationships among people. It involves convincing the target audience into accepting the orator’s perspective in dealing with an issue at hand. The skill plays a crucial role in fields such as public relations and human resource management. For the former, public speaking controls the kind of information about an organisation that is released to the public and for the latter, it is a tool for motivating and inspiring employees to ameliorate their productivity levels thus contributing to improved overall organisational performance.

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 Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20(3), pp. BOVÉE, C. L.  Contemporary Public Speaking. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield. The role of leadership in employee motivation.  Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 175. Nikitina, A.  Successful public speaking. Bookboon. and Arumsari, A.  Benefits of Self Confidence in Public Speaking for Students. ebook] Surabaya: Airlangga University, pp. Available at: https://www. researchgate. Operations management lay more emphasis on achieving effectiveness and efficiency in production processes, and thus it involves secondary activities such as inventory control, logistics, managing purchases, quality control, evaluation of process, and storage of inputs (Luiz Corrêa, Ellram, José Scavarda and Cooper, 2007). Achieving this calls for substantial analysis and measurement of internal production processes but the specific activities are dependent on the type of services or products offered by the organisation. The job requires management of product or service quality to sustain continuous improvement where approaches such as total quality management and benchmarking.

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Product creation involves the development of new products using existing or new materials. In this field, product creation is just an idea, and its actualisation comes in the development stage that involves tailoring it to meet organisational standards and customer expectations (Joglekar and Lévesque, 2013). For instance, due to the growing environmental concerns, most organisations have adopted ‘green’ strategies that involve reducing the emission of pollutants and protect the well-being of consumers to attain sustainability. Achieving this can be particularly challenging especially for small organisations that have insular work environments that are characterised by regurgitation of same ideas (McFarlane, 2014). For this reason, incorporation of new ideas to promote sustainability becomes challenges compared to large corporations. Since operations management requires constant liaison with other departments, successful candidates are faced with the challenge of dealing with competing practices (Bayraktar, Jothishankar, Tatoglu and Wu, 2007).

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That is, the heads of respective departments may prefer varied means of communication, for instance, emails and written memos for the finance and human resources department respectively. Besides, globalisation has brought competition to the doorstep of organisations due to the reduction of trade barriers and improvements in transportation technology (Bhattacharya, Cheffi and Dey, 2016). Therefore, it presents the operations manager with the challenge of developing products that would attract demand and fetch competitive prices in the market. The most commonly used approach to survive is lowering product prices and improving their quality to remain competitive in the market. In such a case, the challenges fall on the operations manager since he or she is responsible for executing all the four functions of management (Kettering University, 2016). Other departments after providing necessary resources, they expect the operations manager to produce acceptable products.

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Even after recruitment, another issue will arise in motivating the recruits through turf times and provision of education and training. For companies such as Ashley Furniture, the production process are labour intensive signifying that employee turnover can have a negative impact on the overall organisational performance. Rapid technological advancement is another key contributing factor to the technical skills gap in the manufacturing industry since candidates do not find the technologies they are taught in school at their workplaces. Measures to Address the Operational Challenges Competing Practices The successful operations management candidate can overcome the challenge of competing practices by advocating for the adoption of organisation-wide standards (Islam and Ali, 2011). Some organisations face the challenge of rivalry between the functional managers where each wants to institute their standards to give an impression they are more superior to the other.

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Doing so will enable employees from the subsidiaries working in the operations department to easily adapt to thereby limiting the impact on productivity in cases of employee turnover. For instance, using emails can be effective in saving on time and costs due to a reduction in the amount of paperwork he or she will have to do thus providing for enough time to concentrate on other essential activities. Achieving Continuous Improvement To guarantee continuous improvement in performance in the long-term, organisations such as Ashley Furniture Industries are left with the option of using sustainable production measures. It is a large corporation with a global presence, and hence, it has stronger linkages with other companies with the goals of going ‘green’ in their practices. Therefore, the successful candidate for the operations management position should advocate for organisational policy change to adopt measures that would reduce the harmful effluent associated with the company’s production processes (Neves, Drohomeretski, Da Costa and De Lima, 2014).

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For instance, Ashley Furniture Industries can outsource its distribution function to third parties to promote efficiency while at the same time enabling the operations manager to focus on other issues. There is also need to seek sources of raw materials that are less costly to help in keeping the cost of final product down and while maintaining their competitiveness. Technological innovation is another strategy for overcoming competition by increasing the quality of its products, which fetch competitive prices in the market. The innovation should focus on areas such as communication, product creation and production activities. It is imperative to note that these two approaches are aimed at reducing the overall cost and promoting efficiency and effectiveness in the production processes. The new operations manager should advocate for the formation of partnerships in technological development for advancing operations which will involve itself providing financial resources while the tech company providing the skills.

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Such an approach is advantageous since there are no administration costs compared to establishing an incubator model that will involve hiring employees and managing them (Dari-Mattiacci, Gelderblom, Jonker and Perotti, 2017). In such a case, it would promote operational efficiency and help the company keep pace with technological advancements. Another approach is creating linkages with operations managers in other industries can help in keeping up with the rapid technological advancement through information sharing. Information sharing is a cost-effective approach as it does not require capital investment and does not affect the operations manager’s focus on core responsibilities. The technicality of the job is also associated with the requirement that the officer liaises with the functional managers from other departments, which signifies extensive communication and reporting. Other challenges that reporting managers faces include competing practices adopted by other departments, achieving sustainability in production processes, competition due to globalisation and recruitment of the right talent to mitigate the impact of employee turnovers on performance.

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Such challenges arise mainly from the goal of maintaining the competitiveness of process through process improvements in a dynamic environment characterised by increasing competition, stagnation of resources and the need to protect the social welfare of the communities. The successful candidate for an operation manager position at Ashley Furniture Industry needs to know of the existence of these challenges to responsibility crises. Overcoming the challenges calls for approaches that involve developing solutions that are tailored to the company. ashleyfurnitureindustriesinc. com. Available at: https://www. ashleyfurnitureindustriesinc. com/company/locations [Accessed 19 Jan. C. Tatoglu, E. and Wu, T. Evolution of operations management: past, present and future.  Management Research News, 30(11), pp.  Brooks, I. Weatherson, J. Wilkinson, G. The International Business Environment: Challenges and Changes. nd ed. and Ali, M. M. Identifying Problems of Strategic Operations Management in Business Organizations in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis.

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 Journal of Business and Policy Research, 6(1), pp. Joglekar, N. edu/news/2016/10/18/what-are-5-current-challenges-operations-management [Accessed 18 Jan. Klimplová, L. Employers' View on Problems Related to Workforce Skills and Qualification.  Journal of Competitiveness, 4(4). Luiz Corrêa, H. McFarlane, D. A. The Challenges of Operations Management for Business Managers.  International Journal of Operations and Logistics Management, 3(1), pp. Mikusova, M. and Perotti, E. C. The emergence of the corporate form.  The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 33(2), pp. Neves, T. The conceptualization of sustainability in operations management.  Procedia CIRP, 29, pp. Haron, A. J. Standardized versus localized strategy: The role of cultural patterns in society on consumption and market research. Can Corporate Sustainability Influence Employee Engagement?.  International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 8(2), pp. Slipicevic, O. and Masic, I. Management knowledge and skills required in the health care system of the federation Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Then, by adhering to some of the most efficient production standards in the world, we can maximize productivity and minimize waste, generating additional savings for you. Finally, all orders are filled from strategically located regional warehouses and are serviced by our fleet of trucks, the largest in the industry. The ADS Operations Manager will plan, direct, implement, manage and oversee day-to-day Fleet Operations through coordination of the routine planning and dispatch functions for all locations. This includes the utilization of assets and fleet personnel to control costs and maximize delivery performance. This position will plan activities, methods, and controls to meet quality, cost, and safety standards as well as investigate and resolve scheduling and performance problems internally and externally. • Manage and oversee to ensure proper documentation as it relates to the driver, vendor/customer performance.

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• Assist Operations management with the creation of the annual budget based on the strategic growth initiatives; monitor departmental performance and take action when necessary to ensure budgetary goals are met. • Make employment decisions and/or recommendations on hiring, improvement plans, transfers, promotions, corrective actions, terminations, pay adjustments, etc. • Coordinate and manage the work of employees by directing members of the team to meet the area’s goals. Audit regularly to ensure standard operating procedures are being adhered to. glassdoor. com/job-listing/operations-manager-ads-ashley-furniture-JV_IC1132993_KO0,22_KE23,39. htm?jl=3031716892&utm_source=jobactivity&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=jas-recentjobs-0&utm_campaign=jas&ctt=1547817548782.

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