Report on analysis of service encounter blogs

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Engineering

Document 1

Effective communication is key when dealing with customers. Customers’ preferences, needs, compliments and complaints are delivered through effective communication forum. Effective communication helps in creating a conducive environment for business operation. Customers’ satisfaction is the key to a sustainable business enterprise. Lack of customers’ satisfaction will lead to a reduced number of clients which lowers the company’s profit margin. For any organization to operate smoothly, much effort should be bestowed to the human resource department. This is because the type of employees and their level of skills and experience help much in improving the types of services delivered by a certain company.  For a company to achieve effective service delivery, several things must be prioritized. First, the organization must ensure that the customers are reached through the most effective means.

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This involves effective channels of communication where clients can give their concerns, compliments and complaints about the service offered (Parasuraman & Berry, 2005 pp. Therefore it is clear that, although Mary’s Bleue Moon does not adopt changes to new technology in its operation, the service being offered and the type of food being served meets the quality required by its regular customers who are mostly middle-aged and elder people. Brett in his blog trues to explain that a company can maintain the quality of its service but this depends greatly on the targeted preferences of the targeted customers. Example 2: Shreya Gomez blog 1 Shreya Gomes in her blog also expounds much on the issue of service delivery. Shreya starts with explaining her encounter with Scotia Bank (Shreya blog 1). Shreya was scammed by online fraudsters who accessed her bank account details illegally resulting in her bank account getting blocked.

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Based on Shreya’s encounter blog, the service of detecting and resolving fraudulent activities is done at no cost. In her blog, Shreya is trying to illustrate how quality service delivery bridges trust between the clients and the organization. Example 3: Sevak’s blog 2 Sevak in his blog also explains his encounter and gives us an insightful idea on the tenets of quality service delivery.  Sevak explains his willingness to hire a contractor to renovate his suite and this leads him to hire a contractor recommended by his family member. Sevak at first is convinced that the work will work out as expected but a few days after hiring the contractor his trust fades away because of the faulty reasons given by his contactor to delay the renovation process. Emma explains that after her brother made a call to the hospital about their pet’s illness, the veterinary told her brother to start CPR approach towards reviving the cat (Emma’s blog 2).

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Although the cat does not survive, Emma is satisfied that the veterinary hospital had advised them on CPR treatment before taking the pet to the hospital. According to Hoffman and Bateson (2010), “service quality refers to an attitude formed by long-term general evaluation of a company’s performance” (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010 chapter 12 pp. The Central Victoria Veterinary Hospital management is eager to extend its services and pieces of advice even at home. After the death of their cut, the veterinary gives Emma and her brother an option to choose the method they would prefer using to discard the cadaver (Emma’s blog 2). According to Ryan, the most fascinating thing is the warm welcome and the friendly atmosphere that he meets. Ryan is greeted warmly by the restaurant’s steward who gives him a smile that symbolizes her willingness to serve Ryan.

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According to Keller (2009), effective communication helps in fostering a positive relationship between the clients and the employees (Keller, 2009 pp. The employees in the Emporium Coffee restaurant are effectively trained on how to use friendly communication to welcome customers. The first encounter with the customers will determine their length of stay and their likelihood to purchase many items. Example 2: Rajkiran’s blog 2 Rajkiran in his blog explains his awful encounter in D-Mart Supermarket in India. Rajkiran explains that he knew the supermarket as home since he was a regular customer there. After ordering chocolates that were on offer, the lady in the billing counter could not listen to Rajkiran claims of having paid the bill through cash (Rajkiran blog 2). To his disappointment, the chocolates mounted to INR 700 instead of INR 350 as Rajkiran was expecting.

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Asking about this matter, Rajkiran was referred to help desk where he did receive help. Apart from getting the variety of items that Adriana wants, the communication she receives from the seller makes her feel much welcome and purchase more items. According to Hoffman and Bateson (2010), “effective marketing communications are successful in attracting and maintaining the customer base” (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010 chapter 7 pp. Sellers in Plant Organic Market are friendly and good at making positive comments about their products. This is in agreement with Hoffman and Bateson (2010) concept. The encounter that Adriana has meets her expectation as a regular customer. They ensured that Spencer’s friend receives warm welcome through soothing communication and first aid services. According to Spencer’s blog, waiting for the doctor was not a hectic thing because his friend had already received a first aid treatment (Spencer’s blog 3).

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According to Taylor (2004), effective communication helps in evaluating the customers’ needs thus delivering the required services (Taylor, 2004 pp. During Spencer’s friend encounter with the doctor, the questions raised are relevant to his friend’s treatment. The humility shown by her doctor’s communication makes them calm in a stressful situation. It makes the customers feel that the services and products offered by the company are always the best. It makes customers feel that your company is always the best choice. If the customers feel happy and pleasant about the company’s products and success, then the company becomes successful in creating a strong brand. Customer satisfaction influence the company’s sales, reputation, profit and overall success (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010 pp. The importance of customer satisfaction as explained by different students in their blogs Example 1: Adriana’s blog 3 Adriana Valentina explains her experience in the Planet Organic Market.

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Example 2: Shreya’s blog 1 Shreya explains her experience with scotia bank when a fraud company accessed her account leading to the loss of funds in the accounts but the bank helped block Shreya account to prevent the fraudsters from accessing Shreya’s accounts. Shreya had to go to the bank to seek more information and seek help on how to unblock his accounts. The staff Shreya met at the customer service desk was very patient and experience and he helped Shreya to unblock the accounts. Shreya explains that the experience in the bank was the best. Shreya rates customer satisfaction as excellent because of the nature of customer orientation and the friendly atmosphere in the bank. Customer satisfaction increases customer base since the company retains current customers while attracting new customers.

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Staff having excellent customer service skills and good ambience increases customer experience. Happy customers are likely to use the services and products over and over again. Other guests who were dining in the coffee store were extremely happy with the services of Brentwood Bay. High levels of customer service increase customer satisfaction in the business Example 4: Spenny’s blog 3 Spenny explains the experience he had when he visited the hospital to accompany his injured friend. The servicescape covers the environment that involves the interaction between customers and the firm. Business firms should be fully focused towards providing an environment that is appealing to customers and that makes the customers enjoy their stay in the organization. According to Hoffman and Bateson (2010), “customers find it difficult in evaluating the quality of service given and as a result, they rely on the physical evidence that surrounds the service to help them form evaluations” (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010 chapter 1 pp.

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This explains that the physical appearance of a firm can affect the customer’s preferences. The concept of servicescape was first defined by Bitner and Booms who explained it as “the environment in which the service is assembled” (Fisk et al, 2011 pp. This concept is much related to Ryan experience where he enjoys the services offered and like the approach the waitress uses to welcome him to the coffee shop (Ryan’s blog 2). The additional items that are displayed in the coffee shop help the organization increase its profit margin as the customers also happen to buy these items. Example 2: Brett’s blog 3 Brett in his blog also expounds much on the concept of servicescape. On his arrival in Mary’s Bleue Moon café, Brett explains that the building looks as old as the time the restaurant was founded and there are no incidents of updates.

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In his blog, Brett explains that “the restaurant opened in 1939 and it looks as though there have been no changes to the building whatsoever” (Brett’s blog 2). In his blog, Jake explains that the online website was easy to navigate through as per his expectations. According to Hoffman and Bateson (2010), an organization that has most of its services delivered online requires minimum physical evidence to convince its customers of its reliability (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010 chapter 1 pp. After signing up to the company’s website, Jake experienced a favorable environment that enabled his quick search of the foodstuffs that he needed to purchase. The website was designed in the same way to a physical store. Jake explains that the web page had filters that enabled him to view sections such as ‘dairy’, ‘meat’ and ‘greens’ (Jakes blog 3).

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According to Tombs and McColl-Kennedy (2003), the business operation runs smoothly when the environment is facilitative (Tombs & McColl-Kennedy, 2003 pp. We can relate this concept to Rajkiran’s conflict with the lady on the billing counter over the allegation that Rajkiran did not pay for the products purchased. The environment is facilitative with CCTV cameras that are finally able to reveal the truth thus resolving these crises.   Conclusion In conclusion, services marketing is an important theory that shows its effectiveness when practiced in real business organizations. Based on the examples given by various students from their encounter blogs, it is important to appreciate that the application of concepts in services marketing has different effects on business operation. An expanded servicescape perspective.  Journal of Service Management, 18-36. semanticscholar. org/473a/2a7a66d6c2ee95c84cda1e13ac6609e6ec7e.

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pdf?_ga=2. Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications environment.  Journal of marketing communications, 15(2-3), 139-155. google. co. ke/books?id=-AthBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA119&lpg=PA119&dq=Keller,+K. Importance-performance analysis revisited: the role of the factor structure of customer satisfaction.  The Service Industries Journal, 23(2), 112-129. google. co. ke/books?id=RNaKCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA290&lpg=PA290&dq=Matzler,+K. Zeithaml, V. A. Berry, L. L. A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. com/hrmars_papers/Service_Quality_Measurements_A_review. pdf Smith, P. R. Taylor, J.  Marketing communications: an integrated approach. R. Social-servicescape conceptual model.  Marketing theory, 3(4), 447-475. google. co. f=false Blogs references Brett Boudreau: https://brettboudreaumark385. wordpress. com/ Sevak Dhaliwal: https://sevaksserviceblog. home. blog/ Ryan Evans: https://camosuncollege. home. blog/ Adriana Rocha de la Llave: https://adrianarochadelallave.

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