Report on Puma Company
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Business
Last year, this company had employed more than 13,000 individuals right across the globe and distribute its products in more than 120 countries. Right now, indubitably, sports have taken the better of the world where everybody is thinking of the sports. It has been operating since 1948. Its headquarters are located right in Germany, Bavaria, Herzogenaurach. Dassler Rudolf founded it. These participants are those that take place in different fields of sports inclusive of soccer, running, Golf, basketball and motorsports. For example, the field of soccer, this company has sponsored clubs like Borussia Dortmund, Bengaluru FC among others. It has also sponsored nationals like Senegal, Italy, Austria and many more. It has sponsored Usain Bolt who has been the fastest man right in the world. However, this company has been facing a stiff competition right from other companies in the same industry.
billion in its sales the same year (Goldman & Papson, 1998). It did its first advertisement back in 19822. Consequently, it has been receiving different awards right for their advertisements. The awards are like Emmy awards twice for the commercial advertiser of the year in the years 1994 as well as 2003 (Locke, Qin & Brause, 2007). The awards show that this company did its advertisement in an outstanding way (Goldman & Papson, 1998). Another thing that has made Nike excel is selling the "benefits of emotions" of their products. Nike does sell a lifestyle; it does tap right into the consumer emotional part that does want to inspire living healthier as well as finding their own "greatness. For example, Bill Bowerman never sold his shoes with his particular strategy of marketing (Nisen, 2013). He sold feeling good emotional benefits right about jogging as well as healthy living.
It was noted that the Nike company would only mention its product minimally right in their promotion like the advertisement but does focus on the exercises' benefits. Adidas had been distracted as well as lost capabilities’ sight which had formed its earlier success’ backbone. This company later experience resurgence right in the market right after it channeled its heritage. Rediscovering and rejuvenating capabilities is not a simple process (Ind, Iglesias & Schultz, 2015). It was found that when leaders of a given company rediscover the heritage of the company as well as learn what does work and what it does not, the core assumptions, as well as values of the past, are reabsorbed right into the culture of organization and come right to the defining the strategic choices of the company. Adidas found that the prime knows exactly how to deploy the connection f their problem with the past effectively to eventually meet the consumers' needs.
The project in hand is successful right in the proportion of 70-75% since it was handed right in before its deadline. Moreover, the project has a clear structure as per the requirements as well as a research’s result as expected. Findings It is clear that different strategies are for various problems or their varying utilization give different outcomes depending on the issue at hand. Puma Company, after being considered as among the first companies for sports equipment, it has made losses showing that its presence in the market has been lacking as it was previously. It has been using different strategies to excel in the market. Moreover, it never advertised its product directly. It could mention their product minimally. In their advertisements, they were relating their products to the health of the user.
This aspect, made Nike Company win Emmy awards twice. It shows that it outshines the adverts of the competitors. It is just not ignoring the petty issue in the company since they can expand and affect the whole company operations. Conclusion The report has sought to shed light on the Puma Company. It has introduced the topic briefly giving its operations. However, it has been making losses right after shining and making profits for sometimes. Though it has been utilizing different strategies, they do not seem viable. References Goldman, R. Papson, S. Nike culture: The sign of the swoosh. Sage. Ind, N. Strategy+ Business, 80, 1-5. Locke, R. M. Qin, F. Brause, A. Long range planning, 43(2-3), 172-194.
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