Right to disconnect review

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Despite the effectiveness of technology use, some of the platforms have resulted in threats and challenges that have exposed business operations to insecurities and other forms of vulnerabilities. Most managers focus on ways through which they can make profits and grow the sales through the use of technology. When employees engage in social networking activities, they may expose some information related to the firms and this might have a long-term impact on the business activities. The different personalities and ways in which employees react will determine the reason and impact of engaging in social connections through computers and other devices such as phones. The paper will address the right to disconnect and its impact on corporations in the course of various activities. During their free hours, some employees might decide to engage in social networking but end up having access to information that may distract them.

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Based on the increased amount of information available through social networking, it is important to withdraw from such activities that may negatively impact on a person's life (Hesselberth, 2018). The issue of the right to disconnect has become controversial because some people feel that they should decide whether to engage in communication after the working hours. Sometimes, workers feel that they are overworked and should not communicate with employers during their non-working hours. Work-related communication such as emails is sent to employees by the employers during the non-working hours. Disconnecting from emails will also enable a company to prevent insecurities that may have a negative impact on business activities. For example, in the course of replying to emails, an employer might reply some that will open room for malicious people who intend to access and use confidential information for the wrong purposes.

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Sharing of important information through emails might be subjected to hacking or alteration and this will make it hard for an organization to achieve its set goals and objectives (Hilgert, 2012). When disconnecting from emails, it might become possible to avoid insecurities that will negatively impact on a firm's operations. More benefits will come from the disconnection from the emails. For example, when a manager wants to send a lot of information to the employees, the use of emails is the most effective method. Emails are convenient and the sending strategy saves time as the employers and employees can use the platform to have a conversation that will solve some of the problems that affect businesses. Disconnecting from emails might also lead to some employees failing to perform some tasks as expected by the employers through emails.

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Those that depend on emails for communication that takes place through emails might not achieve its objectives. There might not be other means of communication that will effectively serve the needs of a corporation. The company has also realized that at times, employees become overworked because they work both from the office and from their homes. As a way of giving them time to rejuvenate their energy, the company has decided to turn off its main server after 5 pm. When workers go for holidays, the company also ensures that they do not have to work and that they have enough time to rest and enjoy (Hesselberth, 2018). This is a good example of the companies that look into the needs of the workers and those that give the staff members an opportunity to enjoy and utilize their non-working hours.

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VW is one of the biggest companies in the automobile industry and has recognized the needs of the employees implies that other companies should also follow its steps to create a health and conducive working environment that will enable the workers to utilize their skills and abilities to meet the organizational goals. The application of this strategy is important because it provides employees with time to engage with family matters. The staff members are allowed to use their devices in making calls and the rule is not applicable to the executives in the corporation. After the implementation of the policy, the organization was criticized by many people who claimed that it was not the best option for the company. However, the management of the company explained that it was not necessary for employees to spend more time reading and replying to text messages while at work and when at home.

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This was defined as time wastage and there was the need to give employees an opportunity to utilize the time resource in other important activities in the corporation (Hilgert, 2012). Since the policies were implemented after the management identified a problem, there is the likelihood of sustaining them because they would not like to inflict suffering on the employees who form an important part of the company. The firm will thus sustain the policies because it would like to have a productive team at work all through. Reflection According to my understanding, the right to disconnect means that workers have to decide on whether to receive any form of communication from the employers during the hours when they are not at work. However, based on the definition in the workplaces, the decision is not made by the employees but their employers.

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The right to disconnect is applicable in some companies while in others, employees have to follow the orders given by the employers. The right to disconnect might only be successful in those organizations that have already embraced its implementation. For example, the Volkswagen Company has succeeded in its implementation because it has focused on the benefits associated with the aspect. However, other companies might find it hard to implement the policy because they feel that it will make it hard to achieve organizational success. In the highly competitive business environment, it is hard for organizations to meet the needs of the employees while managers focus on productivity, performance, and competitiveness of their corporations. References Al-Dabbagh, B. Lab. L. Pol'y J. Savage, R. Staunton, M.

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