Ruth bader ginsburg historical and cultural significance

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

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Furthermore, there are a lot of people within these civilized countries who still have a penchant for homophobic acts at this age even with clearly outlined legislations that protect homosexuals. Perhaps one of the most publicized countries when it comes to issues of same-sex relationships is America. Despite being regarded as the “land of the free,” America was one of the latest countries to recognize same-sex marriages and it seems that the debate is still on given the conservative leaning views of the current administration. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the 2015 ruling on legality of same-sex marriages ushered in a new cultural and social movement that will definitely change the history of marriages and sexual relationships. However, there cannot be a mention of the ruling without recognizing the role of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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” However, this term also referred to any activity, regardless of sexual preference, that involved queer sexual activities such as sodomy for political power which was a tradition among a community like the Aztecs ("Latin America: Colonial"). Even with the severe consequences of practicing homosexuality in the colonial times, its prevalence seemed to be increasing. In fact, it came to a time when the colonialists themselves had to soften their stand regarding homosexuality in natives. For instances, Philip II directed that the Moors should be allowed to engage in homosexual acts given that they were incapable of using logic that was based on the philosophies of the Inquisition. However, religious authorities were still judgmental of the acts and heavily influenced their followers to desist from any homosexual acts ("Latin America: Colonial").

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Quest for Legalization of Same-Sex Marriages and Ruth Bader Ginsburg The 20th Century marked the beginning of an even stronger wave of support towards same-sex relationships. Although those showing their support were doing it in private, their works were increasingly gaining country-wide popularity. Moreover, there was the influence from outside the country particularly from Europe. Within the country, some organizations that advancing for the rights of the LGBT began to form. One such notable organization was the Society for Human Rights. Like most social movements, the efforts to suppress homophile activities resulted into more rebellious actions. These included creation of more homophile movements such as the Gay Activists Alliance (GAA) and the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in the second half of the 20th Century.

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Like other social movements, some of the activities of these homophile groups included organizing riots protesting against brutality and harassment towards homosexuals. However, while most states in America were adamant to recognizing homosexuals, some like California were increasingly liberalizing their legislations. At the same time, there were similar activities in other civilized countries across the world. However, when Obergefell v. Hodges was brought before the country’s highest court, Ginsburg offered insightful opinions that obviously seemed to be a summation of all her work in fighting against discrimination. Her citations were undoubtedly crucial in influencing the final court’s verdict given the close 5-4 ruling in favor of same-sex couples (Small). Moreover, she had become the first person sitting at the Supreme Court to officiate a same-sex marriage even before the highest court made the landmark ruling (Desmond-Harris).

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