Self esteem and humor
Document Type:Report
Subject Area:Psychology
The results of these aspects (humor and self-esteem) are considered obvious by a majority of the population and it is only through an extensive analysis and research that the truth of this belief is ascertained. Individuals are able to cope with stress when humor is incorporated into their daily engagements. The type or kind of humor initiated is dependent on the self-esteem of those involved (Julie et al 892). The analogy in existence is that the impact of humor to promote a healthy population is formed on a strong foundation of self-esteem (Kuiper et al 137). Previous studies have indicated that people who are humorous are the most liked. It is quite detrimental to the psychological growth of an individual since it destroys their self- esteem. On the other hand, adaptive humor entails actions, events or statements that promote the psychological growth of a person.
This type of humor affirms the people involved to continue acting in the most positive manner. It has been established that the male gender is the best in making or coining humor as compared to their female counterparts (Randler 194). Self-esteem has a formidable correlation with the positive outcome of humor; happiness. The ability to possess resilience is a clear indication of having high self-esteem. Findings from the study reveal that self-esteem is defined by the humor patterns and behavior. It is the emotions or feeling that arises from humor that creates an environment that allows self-esteem to grow. Similarly, self-esteem foresees the styles of humor and the manner in which the well-being of individuals is affected (Martin et al 89). In most cases, people with high self-esteem are responsible for making adaptive humor while depressed people are associated with maladaptive humor.
A high self-esteem is responsible for instilling confidence and sense of belonging by making person articulate issues, ideas, or opinions without fear. Moreover, one may get ready and open to new life challenges. An open mind explores more and learns new ideas. Anyone possessing high self-esteem does not fear risks or uncertainties (David et al 431). The presence of risks usually excites the person by prompting a rethinking of the possible solutions. The scale analyses 16 types of emotions depending on their levels. To attain equilibrium effect, both ratings of negative and positive effects are averaged (Galloway & Graeme 565). • Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) – This method gives out types of humor that have been outlined in literature that has already been reviewed. Through this approach, adaptive and maladaptive humor was identified (Galloway & Graeme 565). • Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) – It measures the well-being basing on emotions.
Work cited David Goldstein, Constanze, Hahn, Lynn Hasher, Ursula J. Wiprzycka , Philip David Zelazo. Time of day, intellectual performance, and behavioral problems in Morning versus Evening type adolescents: Is there a synchrony effect?. Personality and individual Differences 42. Galloway, Graeme. Grimshaw, M. Leite, C. Kirsh, G. Humor is not always the best medicine: Specific components of sense of humor and psychological well-being. Humor, 17(1/2), 135-168. Morningness–eveningness, sleep–wake variables and big five personality factors. Personality and Individual Differences 45.
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