Sustaining Innovation Beyond Initial Ideation and Project Launches in the Public Sphere

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

2 billion dollars (Taube, 2013). This was an example of what happens when an advertisement went right. Where the hype for the new campaign was worth, the risk and the payoff was foreseen. However, many times there are ideas and plans that in theory, should be great ideas, but turned out to be unfortunate disasters. These disasters are the ones that are remembered the most because they were over advertised, and highly publicised. With that being said, I do not think the hotel would have been successful, at least not at the top of the building. I say this because it would be hard to imagine one of the hotel rooms at the very top of the building. I wonder how the architects would have had to set up the rooms to fit with the shape of the building while keeping everything in the rooms straights.

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This might have been another reason why the plan for the building fell through. The Green Bird was no ordinary skyscraper; it was to be one of the biggest building in the London. In matter of fact, the building was was hard, thick layer rubber had pointer of the top (Londonist). Addition, the Green Bird building was curved so it can withstand the wind blowing the through the building. Equally important, they did not mention wings that were should be on the building. Likewise, they probably theories that the wings would have impacted the wind blew through the building. Although the building was going to have unique characteristics inside and out, there was something else about this project that was so important.

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This design takes account of the effect a large structure has on its immediate surroundings and uses only minimal energy reserves to run the building" (Skyscraper Page). This is something that had not been done before and if it has, it has never been acknowledged. Especially in a building that is close to the size of what Green Bird was supposed to be. It is a shame that this project was never brought to life because it would have been a monumental step for new buildings everywhere to become more energy efficient. The San Diego Zoo back in 2015 broke ground for their new exhibit called Africa Rocks. The project was therefore supposed to create a magnificent feature that has not been experienced across the world.

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Though the project has not fully failed, it is worth to consider it somewhat failed as it is likely to be dragged a year later into completion. Having been such huge and involving project, the project managers and the involved parties needed to mobilize funds and other resources that were to be consumed by the project in time. In other words, they move to debunk on campaign plays, broadcasts and posters cost the facility a huge amount of resources. Though the move may not be criticized in its entirety, it was a move to advertise the facility which only comes last or when the resources have been mobilized efficiently (Wilkens, 2017). Google Glass was a quite a stir for the 21st century.

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The project was however ended sooner than it was expected with myriad reasons accompanying the reason for the offset of the project. The project was an instrumental induction to a new information age. The basic idea was to receive and pass information though a piece of glass that represented a smartphone. The revolutionary product, however, failed to perform as expected technically and market wise and as such was withdrawn by Google (Doyle, 2016). Instead of having to change it from cooler to hotter based on the seasons the Doe would be kept at a steady temperature. It was said that the dome was to be built once the architect found the right material to make it happen. The plan never happened. The motivation behind the project as was fronted by Buckminister was to secure the city of Manhattan which till now remains a city with public housing issue a steady temperature.

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