The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court A 2 Year Field Experiment Article Summary

Document Type:Article

Subject Area:Criminology

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R. Raymond, B. Eibner, C. The efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI court: A 2-year field experiment.  Evaluation Review, 31(1), 4-23. Sample Type(s) and Sampling Procedure(s) The experiment uses random sampling to assign the offenders to either DUI courts or the mandatory minimum sentencing. The population was then randomly assigned to Dui program or mandatory sentencing based on their consent after notice that they are eligible for the DUI option. The random assignment was monitored and certified for adhering to random selection procedures and 139 participants were assigned to the DUI while 145 were assigned to mandatory minimum (MacDonald, Morral, Raymond, & Eibner, 2007). Data Collection Type(s) and Collection Procedure(s) Data was collected through Interviews. The survey staff contacted the participants available after 24-month period for follow -up (MacDonald, Morral, Raymond, & Eibner, 2007).

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Qualitative data is found in the numbers and regression analysis. Data was collected through interviews with randomly selected participants after a 24-month period of treatment and mandatory sanction for the other group (MacDonald, Morral, Raymond, & Eibner, 2007). The interviews were conducted on a face to face basis. Program Evaluation Research This study employs both need based evaluation and impact evaluation. Need based because the result of project will answer the question whether the program is needed or not. Hypotheses or Research Questions The internet provides a solid support network for propagation of extremist ideologies (Schafer, 2002). Description of The Specific Type of Method(S) Being Used The study is developed from the analysis of content from HateWatch to generate data for the research through a purposive sample of websites in the catalogue of HateWatch website (Schafer, 2002).

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The study goes ahead to define what constitutes “hate group”. The study then cleans the catalogue of websites by removing websites that are either listed multiple times, no longer operational or were subsections of other internets. websites were included in the study sample (Schafer, 2002). Study’s Results The results of this research found that of the sample, several techniques were used to facilitate communication among users with chatroom and discussion boards responsible for the highest technique of communication at 18. Schafer, 2002). The study found out that several information was provided to the users and links to other sites was the most provided resource at 72% (Schafer, 2002). Author’s Conclusions/Theoretical Interpretations of Results The study agrees that indeed the internet has power to transform ways in which hate was expressed in American. However, the extent to which the technological changes in communication will alter the function and face of hate extremism in the world is not readily known (Schafer, 2002).

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I would whoever improve the quality of the research by including a host of watchdog sites instead of using one website without a specific scientific criterion for using it as a source of data. Article 3 Citizen Satisfaction with Police Encounters Skogan, W. G. Citizen satisfaction with police encounters.  Police quarterly, 8(3), 298-321. Interviews were then conducted by sending advanced letters of the intended interview. The sample picked was 2,513 (Skogan, 2005). This is believed to have a representative of at least each subgroup of the population. Data was then weighted to correct for biasness resulting from a household either having more than one telephone numbers (meaning greater chance of selection) or the number of adults staying in each household since the bigger the number of adults in a household, the lower the chances of being selected (Skogan, 2005).

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Sample Type(s) And the Sampling Procedure(s) Random sampling was used to select subgroups. The response is then analysed as a percentage of the total. The study wanted to know the overall levels of satisfaction in their encounter with the police. The results of this study revealed that overall 77% of those that initiated contact with police were either somewhat or very satisfied while 57% of those encounters that were police initiated resulted in very satisfied or somewhat satisfied (Skogan, 2005). Author’s Conclusion The author agrees concludes that more should be done especially in the line of process-oriented policing. The author recognizes that people respond positively when the police is openly legitimate, unbiased and makes objective decision. This will have contributed immensely to respondent protection. References MacDonald, J. M. Morral, A. R.

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Citizen satisfaction with police encounters.  Police quarterly, 8(3), 298-321.

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