The Evolution from Cradle to Grave to Cradle to Cradle Sustainability by Amazon and Alibaba

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

According to this approach, the products are introduced to the market and once it has served its purpose, it is disposed. The other most applied approach to the businesses is the Cradle to Cradle approach. This approach put emphases on utilizing the product and once the product has served its purpose, its waste is recycled to be used as raw materials for producing another product or used as nutrients by another company. This research paper aimed at analyzing how the Amazon and Alibaba companies on how they have been transiting from one approach to another. Moreover, the research project aimed at analyzing the benefits which the two companies gained by moving from Cradle to Grave companies to Cradle to Cradle companies. In other words, Cradle to Cradle philosophy means that the waste of the product becomes the raw materials for the other product.

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Amazon and Alibaba companies have been operating on these two approaches for long time. These companies supplies consumer goods to various customers and have had an experience on the use of the two approaches. Therefore, this research project aims at analyzing the lesson learnt from the two companies that have gone from Cradle to Grave to Cradle to Cradle. Statement of the problem There are many challenges encountered by companies while moving from Cradle to Grave to Cradle to Cradle. Amazon is an American electronic commerce which deals in internet retailing. The company had been utilizing the approach Cradle to Grave approach which involved analysis of the product lifecycle from when the product is designed until it becomes obsolete and finally disposed. The company was founded to minimize regret which described the founders’ (Jeff Bezos) effort to remove any regret for not engaging so soon in the internet business.

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Amazon aims at using bridges which ensures sustainable community (Shanley 2015, p. Cradle to Grave approach was applied by this organization to end poverty in America. Alibaba Company is an organization which provides technology infrastructure and marketing assistance to other organizations through opening internet platform to help them interact with their customers and users. The company has had a long history of success in achieving their objectives and long term strategies. The organization reaches organizations which are willing to market their products and get a great chance of interacting with their customers. The company had been utilizing the Cradle to Grave approach during its introduction phase to the market until it full entered in the market where it started utilizing the Cradle to Cradle approach (Chu & Juro 2014, p. The Cradle to Grave approach helped the company in assessing the environmental impacts its operation has on the environment and the best measures to be applied to reduce the environment pollution while undertaking its daily activities.

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The used products is also recycled and used by the organization to make other products hence bringing extra cash to the company (Mozur 2016, p. After analyzing the two companies, the Amazon Company and the Alibaba, is evident that the Cradle to Grave approach was only applied at the introduction phase of the companies who learnt its side effects hence moving to the use of Cradle to Cradle where they saw a lot of benefits. Methodology This section analysis the methods which were used to gather information concerning Alibaba and Amazon and the information concern their utilization of the two business approaches; Cradle to Grave and Cradle to Cradle. Both primary and secondary data was collected and analysis done. The researcher reviewed various articles from different scholars concerning the application of Cradle to Grave approach by the Amazon Company and Alibaba Company as well as their application of Cradle to Cradle approach.

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The data concerning the two companies was analyzed and results presented. The researcher found out that, the two companies have had a history of their evolution from Cradle to Grave to Cradle to Cradle and that they had experienced more challenges during the evolution but they had reported a great progress after they had moved from Cradle to Grave approach to Cradle to Cradle approach. The study also established that the two companies had started from Cradle to Grave approach and finally moved to Cradle to Cradle approach. Additionally, the two companies were found to have undergone the evolution stage by stage. Since the main aim of the study was to analyze the lesson learnt from Amazon and Alibaba companies from going from Cradle to Grave to Cradle to Cradle, the researcher fund out that the is need for all organizations to move from Cradle to Grave approach to Cradle to Cradle approach.

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First, the companies were found to have maximized their profits while minimizing the cost. This is due to additional cash from the sale of the waste to other companies as their raw material or using the waste materials as the raw materials to make other products. Moreover, the companies realized that using the Cradle to Cradle approach could conserve the environment since the waste which could have negative impacts to the environment when disposed is recycled and reused again. The other benefit which these companies are found to achieve when utilizing the Cradle to Cradle approach is that the goals of the companies are easily achieved since even after products becomes obsolete, they are not disposed rather they serve as raw materials for the production of other products. After comparing the two approaches, the researcher found out that Cradle to Cradle approach was more of benefit to the companies compared to Cradle to Grave approach.

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It is therefore, important if all organizations adopted this approach in order to realize their objectives and also to ensure environmental conservation while undertaking their operations. Bibliographies Shanley, Will. Longmont, Colo. Based Givezilla Works with Amazon to Help Nonprofits Online. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, Nov 13, 2005, pp. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest. com/docview/445472239 ?accountid=25281. Will Shanley Denver Post,Staff Writer. Givezilla Offers Nonprofits a Leg Up on Fundraising A Growing Number of for-Profits Offer Web Services to Help Boost Donations and Publicize Charity Events. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest. com/docview/445458541 ?accountid=25281. Amazon. Com Offers Holiday Gift-Wrapping Program for Kentucky Nonprofits. dominican. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest. com/docview/445356450 ?accountid=25281. Amazon. Canada NewsWire, Apr 24, 2014, Global Newsstream, http://ezproxy. dominican. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest. com/docview/151874939 1?accountid=25281. International New York Times, May 27, 2016, pp.

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Global Newsstream, http://ezproxy. dominican. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest. China's Alibaba Plans IPO for Core Unit; Yahoo Owns 40% of Internet Firm with Global Goals. Wall Street Journal, May 01, 2007, ABI/INFORM Collection; Global Newsstream, http://ezproxy. dominican. edu/login?url=https://search. proquest.

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