The impact of race in two countries

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

In the research it was found that white-sounding names were more likely to be invited for an interview as opposed to the black-sounding names. In the research it was found that most of the resumes that contained white-sounding names were more than fifty percent likely to be replied to and invited for interviews. Assuming other things were equal, such as qualification, skills and level of education, racism remains to be a factor in the American Job market which needs to be addressed. The United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world and therefore, cases of racial discrimination are more rampant. United States is known to have the largest number of immigrants and therefore diverse cultures and people of color are in the United States owing it to be faced by challenges in combating racial discrimination.

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The applicants were adequately trained to behave in a similar way in the job application process and having similar qualifications all the applicants prepared closely related resumes. The study focused to determine which race was more likely to be called back for a job interview after the similar job application process. The outcomes were that African- Americans with criminal record were most likely to be unemployed followed by African-Americans who did not have any criminal records. From the study the observations showed that race was taken into account in offering employment and it effects include limited opportunities to the racial minorities such as the women and African- Americans. Racial discrimination in employment seeking process in the United States results in minority groups having to cast wider nets than whites in search for employment.

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This makes the discriminated groups to become passive job seekers waiting to get right opportunity that suits them in terms of earnings and motivation (Stets & Turner, 2014).   France has a large population of immigrants from North and West Africa whose large percentage live in poor neighborhoods and are likely to have high rates of unemployment as compared to the rest of the population. Racial discrimination is rampant in France. These increased rates of unemployment are attributed to lack of social networks that link the ethnic minorities to information about job vacancies with some of them lacking person specification that match the job requirements. However, in cases that the minorities find their way to the job interviews, they are unlikely to secure the job since the employers discriminate against them by identifying their names and addresses.

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Even with spotting a Muslim name in a letter of application is a reason enough to dump the application letter even if the person qualifies for the said job. Also for those with jobs, Muslims earn less as compared to their Christian equivalents which clearly indicates religious discrimination as well as racial discrimination. Muslims are believed to be less educated as compared to the Christians therefore most Muslims are unemployed. Many employers in France fear Muslims so they unlikely offer them jobs. Ethnic minorities in France are therefore treated like the invisible leaving them with no rights to be citizens therefore do not deserve the job vacancies in the country. France suggested anonymous job applications to reduce the cases of race discrimination. With anonymous applications of jobs there would be reduced cases of race discrimination although at the stage where the identified people with the required qualifications are called to attend interviews; there would still be discrimination since they have to meet face to face with the applicant.

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In cases where the applicant qualifies for the job anonymously, their working conditions maybe poor or they would receive little payment that does not match their hard work. This is because discrimination is postponed to this later stage. Therefore anonymous applications may not entirely solve the problem of race discrimination (Adida et al. A. Don’t Fear Muslim Immigrants. They Aren’t the Real Problem.  Foreign Affairs, 26. Banks, J. E. Turner, J. H. Eds.  Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions (Vol.

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