The imperial hotel london analysis

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The hotel does not have an extensive roadmap for achieving better market returns based on how it is organized to offer efficient services. The 100-year-old hotel requires refurbishment that would assert budgetary pressures on financing the building costs and lost revenue for an estimated 60 rooms under repair. The complexities in the hospitality industry require the Imperial Hotel to develop strategic management and operational mechanisms that would improve the quality of their output in the competitive London hospitality market. An analysis of the hotel challenges ranges from the inability to take on operational, management and business related difficulties in the highly competitive hospitality industry. The paper examines the front of house operational status to determine how best to resolve the inefficiency that impairs the hotel image since it is the first impression for visiting guests.

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According to Hodari, Balla, and Aroul (2017), management plays a key role in advancing the growth objectives of the hotel especially on how they develop a human resource team committed to better performance. Technological advancement has made consumers informed and developed a substantive risk on the reputation of hotels which fail to attain customer satisfaction. The online reviews influence consumer choices becoming the marketing point for hotels through the provision of quality services to visiting clients. An organization is good as its leadership, making it imperative for attaining sensible power capable of influencing staff to deliver an output that works in the best interest of the organization. The quality of leadership defines the capacity of the hotel to influence employees in the front and back office provides the best experience in the market.

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The growth of consumer numbers highly depends on the quality of customer service when it comes to exceeding consumer expectations. In the hospitality industry the customer service is what businesses should strive to sell to the growing market and the moment a hotel manages to win the heart of the customer, success will be an everyday occasion. Hospitality is all about making the customer feel at home and experience tranquillity at its best by providing a well-done food and beverage together with a friendly staff who deliver an appealing accommodation for the customers (Xiang, Du, Ma, and Fan, 2017, 54). The Imperial Hotel London understands very well that to succeed in the hospitality industry successfully is to have a dedicated staff based on their background and ability to offer the best to the company.

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For instance, the front office plays a pivotal role in designing the corporate image of the hotel depending on how the staffs handle customers in facilitating their different needs. Moreover, the hotel management should consider the initiation of a re-engineering program that involves the implementation of a mechanism capable of creating a positive organizational work culture. The program should involve the execution of training programs for employees on customer service to influence their conduct towards handling visitors’ for the best hospitality experience. The shift in consumer perception would be enhanced by the commitment of the employees to project a caring attitude that attracts consumers to the hotel for a world-class experience (Jeffrey, Barden, Buckley, and Hubbard, 2002, 75). The employees should be subjected to fair performance appraisal mechanism recognizing the significance of constant improvement their output to creatively improve consumer attitude to their product.

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The enhancement of customer service will go a long way into creating better returns for the hotel irrespective of the competitive pressure in the London hospitality industry. Conclusion In conclusion, it is essential for the hotel to realize the significance of the front office operations in improving consumer perception about the hotel to influence decisions on whether to visit or not. The organization of the front office operations to coordinate effectively with other departments utilizing technological tools improves the quality of customer care and overall efficiency. The management should understand the role of the human resource component in influencing the quality of output making it important for them to undertake training, fair performance appraisals and enhanced employee welfare. The challenge of the front office inefficiency could be largely attributed to the lack of an integrated management system to coordinate the hotel operations in fulfilling visitors' hospitality experience.

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