The Sole Superpower
The previous contest between the communism and capitalism has now shifted to the competition between the United States versus other economies such as Russia, China, and India. Opponents are labeling China and Russia as the subsequent superpowers on the perspective that the worldwide dominance of the United States is fading (Mearsheimer 160). Problems such as a 16-day government shutdown, the weak economic recovery coupled with the vast Spy Scandal seem to confirm the notion that Russia, China, and India are replacing the United States as the superpower country in the planet. In contradiction, the United States will remain the superpower for the foreseeable future in the context of power categories including the political, economic, military, innovations and culture (Buzan 2). In such perspective, it is the rationale of this paper to refute the claims that the United States’ role as the sole superpower is arguably diminishing.
returns of private enterprises (Levin and Georgy 117). Also, these figures indicate that the headline growths of other economies may be soaring, but it is the only the United States’ economy that allows its members to develop along with it. Furthermore, the American economy is the bedrock of the worldwide financial system, and it is forecasted to dominate the realm for the subsequent years. More than 80% of the world’s financial dealings are done in the American currency as are 87% of overseas currency market dealings (McCauley and Goetz 55). Given that the world will continue to situate such impressive faith in the American currency and the whole economic solidity, the United States’ economic influence remain unbeaten in the contemporary and following periods. The American’s military supremacy remains unsurpassed. The United States tallies for more than 37% of the worldwide armed expenditure, and it spends about four times what its close contender, China, spends on the military (Chipman 4).
The country spends trillions of dollars in its war against some Middle East regimes. For instance, United States spend more than 600 billion dollars every year on military activities as compared to less than 200 billion dollars and eighty billion dollars spends by China and Russia (Chipman 4). Again, the country’s expenditure on the military is more than three times what China and Russia spend. Additionally, the report indicated that the United States’ status as the only superpower in the space is solid, but the gap between the country and its followers is reducing (Solano 52). Europe, which is ranked as the future great powers in the space, has been making giants leaps in its space capability with the help of the United States. Similarly, China has recorded remarkable accomplishment in the space technology because of its alliance with the United States.
Besides, India emerged as the first Asian economy to successfully send a probe to Mars in 2014 thus making important steps in its space capability (Solano 65). Russia managed to make 31 spaces launches in 2013 as compared to the successful launches made by the United States (19) and China (14). Also, the country seems to be winning in Syria while China is committed to build airstrips in parts of the East China Asia (Kahn). However, these visible aspects of emerging power are clouded by the pitfalls that will hamper these two countries. In contrast, the United States has unshakable allies in the Middle East (Jordan, Israel, Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia), Europe (France, England, and Italy) and Asia (South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia) (Kahn 23). Conversely, Russia has little allies in Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary) and Asia (India, North Korea).
Also, Russia has been arming Syria and selling weapons to Egypt and it’s committed to establish a good relationship with Israel and Saudi Arabia as part of its strategies to develop substantial relations in the Middle East. Similarly, studies indicate that more than 60% of the Chinese elites and influential people opt to leave the country because the Chinese administration fails to give investors consistently profitable real returns (Rubenstein 1). Moreover, the United States is ranked safer as compared to China, Russia, and India according to the world peace index. The global peace index comprises of the 22 values in the three categories including the ongoing international or domestic conflicts, security and militarization, and societal safety. The report ranks the United States 63rd with 2. indexes ahead of 62nd China 2. Based on these statistics it is evident that the United States exceeds Russia, China, and India in the context of technological and innovation sphere.
In the education sector, the United States exceeds China, Russia, and India. Strong universities are essential for the economic and innovative integration of economies. More than 70% of the globe’s leading universities are situated in America while less than 2% of the top 100 world’s colleges are located in China and not more than 1% of the planet’s top 500 colleges are located in Russia (Goodall 4). To demonstrate, 7 out of 10 universities that appeared in the world’s leading universities are based in America, and the UK managed to secure three positions (Goodall 4). On the other hand, 1. million individuals in the United States were living less than $2 per person daily (WorldBank 1). Therefore, the poverty figures in the United States are far less as compared to the poverty rates in India and China. Conclusively, the competition between the United States and other countries such as Russia, China, India, and the UK tends to favor the United States in the economic, political, innovation and military superiority.
In the commercial context, the American dollar is the most used currency in international foreign exchange. worldbank. org/indicator/NY. GDP. MKTP. CD. “All countries compared for Military >. ” NationMaster. com, NationMaster, 2013. Goodall, Amanda. The Leaders of the World's Top 100 Universities. Understanding China. Foreign Affairs(2005): 49-60. McCauley, R. N. and Goetz von Peter. ” Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project, 10 Nov. www. pewglobal. org/interactives/migration-tables/. Solano, Joseph.
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