Tourism in Las Vegas Analysis
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Tourism
For this to work, the shareholders in the industry and the authorities in charge have to work cooperatively. This would mean that information has to be freely shared and competition has to be controlled. Las Vegas is already known across the world for entertainment. This is a good selling point to stand on. However, the city also needs the products and service within it to be made known to the customers. The key point in tourism is transportation. Through the convenient airport, international visitors can find their way into and out of the city with much ease. One commercial airport of international calibre provides the convenient services to the international visitors. The McCarran airport makes the business of tourism easier and efficient in Las Vegas. Las Vegas in five miles north of the airport.
Accommodation Accommodation forms a very basic part of tourism. It is through accommodation that the hotels in Las Vegas an be able to illustrate their services they offer to the visitors. Las Vegas is known for its rich value hotels and accommodation centres aimed at giving visitors the best experiences. While some hotels are extremely expensive some have a friendly price that is affordable to majority of the tourists. This implies that cost is not a constraint when it comes to accommodation in Las Vegas. The presence of the best chefs in Las Vegas gives it a good name as concerns beverage and food. In addition, the hotels not only offer local food. They also offer different menus from different parts of the world. This gives the tourists customer a variety of meals to choose from (Moro, et al.
The competitive nature of the tourism market in Las Vegas also puts the hotel owners on the edge of getting the best chefs who will prepare exceptional meals lest they be knocked out of the competition. The fountains and pools of water in hotels along the strip are made in a way that they can change colours and dance to the rhythm of music (Law, 2018). The incorporation of gaming in the hotels is also another form of attraction. There are over three thousand two hundred licences issued in the Las Vegas gaming sector. There are variety of games provided in the casinos to suite the desire of visitors. The design of hotels and structures is also made to resemble various places across the globe. Another attractive event is the indoor skydiving which happens at the Convention Centre.
international and national gaming competitions in gaming are also among the events that attract tourists to this place (Law, 2018). These events have a special contribution to the tourism industry in Las Vegas. They help in advertising the city and increasing the revenue earned from visitors who come to participate and spectate the events. The events are suited with a special experience. The Strip is the centre of attraction and most tour tickets have a route definition unless the tourist is not interested. The companies offering the travel services are also on duty during the night and during the day. During some days, vehicular traffic in the strip is prohibited. The hotels along the Strip are still accessible during such days because there are alternative routes to the hotels. The travel agencies also recommend the use of software applications from which a person can call a cab.
Cab services are responsible for taking tourists to hotels from the airport. other transport services such as the monorail system and the bus shuttles are also applied in the transportation of the guests. In the hotels, good meals are couple with thrilling entertainment services such as gaming in the casinos and a scenic view from the lit streets, pools, walls and fountains along the Strip and other places. Adventure, indoor activities and sporting activities form part of the tourism services which also does well in drawing the attention of tourists. For instance, the scheduling of games in tandem with the tourists’ calendar creates a diversity in attraction events. This implies that the city has not invested in one product. Gaming presents a tourist with a unique experience of having fun without necessarily having to move around.
In addition, this form of product generates more revenue using relatively lesser resources. For instance, it earns more and costs less to host ten people in the casino as compared to taking ten people for an adventure to Grand Canyon using a helicopter. Another way of bettering the product is offering better training for the employees offering services on the basics of customer service and innovation. The promotion should also be focused on getting the product to the weak markets. There are people only know Las Vegas as a city in the united states which comes to life at night. In other cases, the city is said to be known for high rates of immorality. The LVCVA has to come clear in their advertisement campaigns. They have to paint a good name for the city.
However, it is important to take note that this form of pricing may not work well for people who will be going from one place to another at varied intervals. The LVCVA should also ensure that it sets a price limit to hinder the hotels from indulging in unfair price wars. The price factor can be covered by developing amenities in the city to take care of the needs of those who cannot manage to meet the extremely expensive budgets. Bundling of hotel charges or round-trip charges can help in attracting the clients to the product. Place The name of Las Vegas is known in most parts of the world. The various places in Las Vegas also have a unique appeal. This should be shown I to the public through advertisement.
Online advertisement can play a very important role in showing people about Las Vegas. Another form of advertisement that that can work well for Las Vegas is the use of ambassador advertisement. This is where tourists are given a basic scene walk in the city to enable them see what they had not planned to see. RTC has plans to build a rail tunnel that will stretch from the airport to the Strip. Alternatively, there are other suggestions which entail extending the monorail to the bay at Mandalay and extrapolating the same railroad to a rail station with high speed trains. The improvement of the transport sector may also mean building an additional light-rail. A long-term development plan of developing an alternative airport should also be put into place. The McCarran airport is already overwhelmed by the influx of tourists.
Turning down reservations means losing money. In order to resolve this problem, the LVCVA needs to develop an efficient network with hotels inside and outside Las Vegas. It might not be possible to host the increasing number of tourist in the near future even if all hotels were to be constructed as tall as the Burj Khalifa. Similarly, it will also be more expensive to adjust the plan of the city than to develop the outskirts of the central business district. In order to achieve this, LVCVA in collaboration with the ministry in charge of development of infrastructure need to develop better and sustainable policies in development. It this is not taken care of, suppliers will take advantage of the situation. This will increase the production cost which may eventually reduce the profitability attained in the business.
Hoteliers ought to establish strong business relationships in order to take care of this pending danger. Attraction Casinos generate huge revenues to the economy of Las Vegas. On average a single casino is expected to raise a revenue of about one million US dollars (LVCVA, 2011). This causes an influx in the number of people moving into the city (Ulusoy, 2017). Since infrastructure development takes long to come to completion, doing this in the future will mean a more chaotic situation in the streets of Las Vegas. the rage of fans from a disappointing tournament may also bring loss to business inform of looting or damaging properties. Taking care of this situation in the future will call for the LVCVA to work collaboratively with the stakeholders in sport. The sporting activities should be distributed across the year in order to reduce the congestions and the risks associated.
The future needs a vibrant employment force to take care of the needs of the numerous guests. This implies that the education facilities need to market the job opportunities in the adventure tourism and outdoor recreation. This can be done by organising conferences in the schools regarding tourism. Fostering the development of innovative ideas pertaining tourism can also be a wise thing to do using the education system. The adventures and outdoor recreational activities can be boosted by the innovative ideas (Qi Yan, 2018). For instance, private tourists designated to a similar destination can use one shuttle instead of using several cabs. This will greatly assist in reducing congestions. Tourism services Tourism services are broad. As such the challenges encountered in the services are also broad. While some challenges require bureaucratic solutions, other require the establishment of the relevant infrastructure.
Other than the development of policies, the government also needs to check on means of raising the funds to implement the stipulated policies in infrastructure development such as rail-line tunnels form the airport to the Strip. The hoteliers also need to have a mind of expanding or opening new branches in other spots. This will call for training of a new labour force. Conclusion Tourism is a major economic pillar of Las Vegas. The increased number of tourists to a number greater than forty million annually raises an alarm. The excavation and construction of tunnels requires huge sums of money and proper development plans. Before the RTC decides to undertake on the plans to upgrade the transportation system of Las Vegas, it has to establish the timelines and gather the necessary resources.
Such infrastructure upgrading plans require proper research and funding. A feasibility must be conducted to ensure that the development is worth implementing. Other than training for skills, the LVCVA will also need to adopt an innovation-based training model to capture the diverse needs of the future customers. lvcva. com/includes/content/images/media/docs/Year-end-2011. pdf Law, L. Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Las Vegas. Retrieved from: https://www. Moro, S. Paulo, R. Joana, C. Stripping customers' feedback on hotels through data mining: The case of Las Vegas Strip. Tourism management perspectives 23: 41-52. R. Airport image: An exploratory study of McCarran International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management, 67, 72-84. Pieceall, K. Las Vegas is struggling to deal with tourist traffic issues. Retrieved from: http://www. lasvegassun. com/news/2012/nov/10/gaming-trend-continues/ Stein, M. December 22). Las Vegas nightlife timeline.
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