Ethical Case Conceptualization Analysis

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Psychology

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Diagnosing and applying theoretical orientation and hypothesizing the nature of the problem (Zubernis, Snyder & Neale-McFall, 2017). Relevant Ethical Codes In accordance with American Psychological Association, there are various vital ethical codes during conceptualization. They include Autonomy which is the freedom or independence as of the will or one's actions. Second, providing fair judgment or having moral rightness. Thirdly, persons are entitled to the services offered by professionals and their full entitlement to the advances made. Also referred to as the “Golden Kantian Consequentialism,” the model is a derivative of three principles which, as the name suggests, are based on the Golden Rule, Kantian philosophy and from utilitarian thinkers who developed various Consequentialism theories (Knox & Ozolins, 2000). The first principle suggests that all stakeholders must be accounted for, including their well-being and interests. The stakeholders include both those who are indirectly involved and those who are directly involved.

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From this first principle, the model proposes that a person applies the Golden Rule which suggests that a person should take an action that they would also want to be applicable to them. Secondly, the model suggests preceding an action with a consideration of the “Six Pillars of Character” over values such as having fun, making money, popularity among others. Second, Kant suggests that a person needs to inquire whether human beings goals are respected by the action or the action will only be based on selfish interests (Kantian Ethics, n. d. Before application of the character-based decision-making model, there need to be a specific guideline that will be applied in order to maximize the model. Therefore, the ideal approach to implementation of the character-based model was utilizing Forester-Miller and Davis (1996) systematic approach to make decisions which suggests a number of steps.

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The first step should be the problem identification step where there will be a clear distinction of suspicions, hypotheses, assumptions, and innuendos. As such, for ethical decision-making, the choice needs to be based on these rules of ethics that are constituents of these values and which determine the standards of conduct. In this case, where both the practitioner and the patient are both undertaking the same activity, the decision needs to be made based on these standards of conduct regardless of the situation (Josephson Institute of Ethics, n. d. For instance, when I advise the patient to stop drinking, I should also lead by example and even go farther to escort Johnny outside the bar or home. This will not only be fair but will also be a sign of responsibility, responsibility, and fairness which are tenets of the Six Pillars of Character.

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Should the counselor inform his wife? If indeed the client is of good mental capacity, there needs to be consideration of the professional and legal situation of the action taken. Lastly, Johnny is of legal age of drinking, has not been prohibited from drinking by any court because of any case and has not yet committed any offense. Therefore, will the action taken be an infringement of his rights? Reflection In my philosophical reflection on the influences of the case study in our society in professional counseling practice is that many counselors are caught in the dilemma between the ethical and non-ethical practices and thus hindering the counseling process. However, many counselors may also be faced with dilemmas on their safety, thus hindering the output. Also, some face challenges on which ethical values to employ when the client has numerous challenges like Johnny has hence poor administration of the counseling process.

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References American Psychological Association. Provisions in the APA Ethics Codes that Address Conflicts Between Ethics and Law: A History". American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 8 June 2015 Forester-Miller, H. uky. edu/~jrchee0/CE%20401/Josephson%20EDM/Making_Ethical_Decisions. pdf Kantian Ethics. Retrieved from http://www. csus. ucsd. edu/finance/accountability/ethics/model. html McMahon, G. Palmer, S.  Handbook of Counseling. s1516-44462005000600004 Zubernis, L. Snyder, M. Neale-McFall, C. Case Conceptualization: Improving Understanding and Treatment with the Temporal/Contextual Model.  Journal Of Mental Health Counseling, 39(3), 181-194.

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