Value Stream Mapping On Shutdown Management
Document Type:Dissertation
Subject Area:Engineering
We are learning a lot of knowledge by this project. In future, that will be very beneficial for us as well as for the industrial progress and prosperity. I am very much thankful to every member of the organization for providing access to the organization boundaries. Specially I am also thankful to the respected board of directors, managers, production staff, leaders of teams and the workers of oil and gas companies in the middle east. Specially my thanks are for my parents and my family. Purpose of the study 10 1. Study significance 10 1. Research questions 10 1. Research design 11 1. Scope of the study 11 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2. Future state map 22 3. Value added activities 22 3. Non-value-added activity 23 3. Data processing and analysis 24 Chapter 4: Main findings and discussions 4. Introduction 25 4. Data Base Building Overview…………………………………………. ………12 Figure 3: Showing Current State Map Of The Company………………….
Figure 4: Showing The Future State Map Of The Company……………………………. Figure 5: Showing The Value Stream Map Process Of The Company…………………. Figure 6: Showing The Information Flow System In The Company……………………. percent lower than what was recorded in 2012. Aims and Objectives Aim and objective of study is to make a strategy for oil and gas companies in the middle eastern side to integrate the weaknesses and strengths of the organizations including the threatening and the company’s environment and secondly but most important one to apply tools and techniques that helps to upstream the oil and gas operations. Using lean principles helps in targeting and up streaming the oil and gas sectors operations. VSM is one of the most important tools for identification of the various lean thinking and techniques. This approach was applied to the hydrocarbon company using the correct observation.
Between the year of 2010-2014 there is a rapid increase in the growth of the population, demand of energy in the Africa is increased by 85. and almost 75% in the middle east. The states of middle east economical, sources, energy and life resources, this totally depends on the productivity of oil and export of oil for meeting the daily demands. That condition in the middle east will be harder for meeting in the future, resulting in the limited number of resources, additionally the oil reserves might be taken over by the different means of energy that doesn’t have any existence in the middle eastern states (Proctor, 2000, p. The industries of oil and gas sector are the largest and most valuable assets of the middle east. How the organizations in the middle East adopted lean thinking? 2.
How middle East organizations government extract crude oil in the past? 3. How oil and gas organizations contributed a lot middle East development? 4. Develop current value stream map for middle east organizations productions? 5. Develop Future value stream map for middle east organizations productions? 6. First of all, define the parameters of the data collection and then after data collection proper strategic planning should be done and then finally current and future state value stream maps should be constructed for achieving the desired objective (Pokharel and Jiao, 2008, p. Figure1 Showing Research Design (Hines, Holweg and Rich, 2004, p. Scope of the Study VSM is a tool for identifying opportunities for process improvement. They involve three different phases in general. Every organization is using this approach for achieving the heights of glory , to make maximum profit and increasing their production efficiency.
Literature Review 2. Introduction Literature review is the analyzing of the research that are related to the specific field. The aim of the literature review is for defining theoretical framework for the research topic, explaining the key terminology, defining, model case study and concluding research work for justifying research topic. Literature Review Ohno in (1988, p. developed the Toyota production system. According to the research studies of Lenahan, (2011, p. it suggests that different opportunities of reducing pollution is unexploited, including the importance of undirected and distributed costing and the benefits. According to research study of (Klotz, Horman, and Bechtel, 2008, p 623), it claims that the lean thinking ensures the managers for eliminating waste activities and reducing the costing. According to the research studies of Abdulmalek and Rajgopal, (2007, p. in constructing lean each of the process require producing less cost green output, including planning and the procurement that is right from the drawing up of designing for constructing and final occupancies.
Chapter Three 3. Description of the project 3. Introduction The main important thing while setting up the Value stream mapping on Shutdown Management of one of oil and gas companies in Middle East is the selection of the value stream. TAM in oil and gas industries concerning with the wide range of activity including boilers, heat exchangers, storing tanks repairing or replacement, reasoning for making the improvement and meeting the maintenance needs. Shutdown milestones were measure after proper observation and were given below as follow. Contractors and activity owners (maintenance and project engineers) to present their scope and review the lessons learnt from the last shutdown. XXO9x / SD Coord 20 4 Internal scope review meeting held. XXO9X / SD Coord 14 Detailed Planning 5 Work packs Issued at AFC status to interior construction; all maintenance work orders set to REL status.
XXE2X & XXEA2A 12 6 Freeze Scope of Work at Level 4 XXO9X / SD Coord 12 7 Conduct Scope Optimisation Exercise (Internal challenge Session). SD Coord 11 8 AI-PSM and external scope challenge. Kick off meetings: Appointing shutdown coordinators. Issuing shutdown strategies date sheets Second shutdown milestone is “Front End Planning’s”. Sub-principles of these milestones were given below: 1. First shutdown meetings. Different contractors and the activity owners for presenting their scope and reviewing lessons that had been learned from previous shutdown. Fifth shutdown milestone is “Shutdown”. Sub-principles of these milestones were given below: 1. Station shutdowns and S. O. F for restarting. These oil and gas sector salaries were sourced directly from the revenues that is derived from exporting oil. Research Procedure According to the research studies of Creswell in 2013 and Dainty in 2008; it has been noted that the mixed paradigms method that has been used in this study that is qualitative methods that are supported by the quantitative methods.
According to the research studies of Creswell, (2013, p. the basic key features of the mixed methodology approach is methodologically pluralisms that sequentially produces results for providing the better and wider perspectives. In respect to the Middle eastern companies mixed method research plays an important role for encouraging the use of variety of methods. Future state map: Future state map can be defined as the map that results from the improvement of the processes. For identifying the wastes, the lean tools are used for streamlining the value chains and by doing the analysis of the root causes of the wastes in the processes and by elimination of the non-value-added activities. This ideal state in the pull system usually representing the improvements for achieving the practice. For future state map: Value added time as % of total time in oil and gas plants = Figure 4 showing the future state map of the company (Hines and Rich, 1997, p.
Value added activities: Value added activity is the one for which the customer is willing to pay and that activities create and provide benefits, advantages to the customer’s. Non-value-added activity: These activities are defined as that one that does not add value to the product or service in any matter. The non-value-added time is that time the has been spent on that activity that is not beneficial according to the customer point of view and for which the customer is always not willing to pay with happiness and customer is not satisfied with these kinds of activities always in everyday life (Production Research et al. p. These are basically termed as inherent part of a process and they are burden on the companies and are continuously affecting the efficiency of the organizations just like oil and gas sectors of middle eastern side.
Non-value-added activities are given below: 1. According to Rother and Shook in (2003, p. for introducing value stream plan for achieving the future state map. However, it can be said that TAM in oil and gas industries for site base productions and that can be finished in the first time, therefore the working plans, transformation states form current states to future state and they require the lean tools for effectively adopting this into the required practice. Chapter Four 4. Main Findings and Discussion 4. Data might not be more enough for analysis of all the wasting and their requirements. Improvements are thereby measured and identified on the basis of the limited data. Total lead time also decrease. Hereby it is noticed that VSM should be served as a simple guiding source and has the potential for improving the efficiency in the TAM.
Summary This chapter discusses all the main findings and discussions of the value stream mapping shutdown of oil and gas industries in the middle east in the world. Summary This chapter is about the conclusion and the recommendations. Some of the challenges and the valuable advices has been presented on the working plans and they might be provided for converting tools and techniques into one of the efficient tools for the TAM management. This research study can be most suitably used for the theory testing and refinements of the processes. Value stream mapping has been employed by taking help form the historic maintenance schedules by oil and gas industries of the middle east (Holweg, 2007, p. Conclusion Value stream mapping is basically a redesign tooling approach that is basically different from the other several operating management techniques and tools, hence it can be concluded that it is therefore feasible in the TAM projects thereby improving the production plants efficiency of middle eastern oil and gas industries for the identification of the wastes and guiding the value improvements in the process.
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