A chronicle of urban music from the caribbean to new york city

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Music

Document 1

In this book, Rondon explains on the history and emergence of Salsa, its development, the creation of the music bands, the singer's professional lives including their performances and also concerts and later the factors and lyrics influencing salsa. Rondon also talks about the origin of the music in Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican republics and also how it began in New York City. To Puerto Rico people in New York salsa became an identity to them since it was a belief that it was something representing them(Rondon et al. They embraced it as there tradition and supported it. The main thesis argument in the book is that Salsas music is not only an identity for the Latinos but also for the Americans and also salsas success in New York in the 1970s had its roots from the Cuban music.

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Musicians such as Senora Motanceg and Celia Cruz were among those who went to New York. These factors were essential since it led to the beginning of the lyrics and styles that brought about the definition of salsa. Randon explains how the beginning of Salsa was beneficial for New York. He describes it as a commercial thing that the singers were using. It was a business that was providing fame and money to them and changing their lifestyles. Fania All-Stars in 1973 was able to give the biggest Salsa concert which was in the Yankee Stadium in New York; this was a great achievement in the industry since it was a sign that many people were in love with the music. Other groups of musicians also started growing and achieving and also winning the fans affection.

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Conjunto Anabaroa which was a group of musicians also had successful concerts and performances. Rondon in his last chapter explains the success and achievements of particular singers and bands and also talks on the contributions of specific artists in the development of salsa. He mentions on the importance of Juan Luis Guerra to Bachata and Merengue and even on how Gilberto Santa Rosa supported the development of the salsa in the 1970s. The only difference is that Rondon's book has more details and gives an in-depth explanation of the history of salsa. People who would like to gain more knowledge, ideas and perspectives on the music should consider reading them This book is an essential thing since it gives a good description of the history and development of salsa. It provides its readers the knowledge on how it all started.

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Rondon has systematically arranged the book making it easy for people to read and understand. The translation of the text was a significant achievement since many people from all over the world will be able to enjoy it. It has to start somewhere. The book provides a lot of knowledge on the origin of salsa music something that many people are not aware. The translation was of great assistance since many individuals from different nations would be able to read. Achievements and success of salsa have also motivated me by making me understand that everything needs time and also systematically doing things. The main topic in the book is on Salsa its history and even its growth (Rondon et al. Aparicio, and Jackie White. The Book of Salsa: A Chronicle of Urban Music from the Caribbean to New York City.

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Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008. Print. Washburne, Christopher.

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