ABC Athletics talent management plan

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

ABC Athletics Co. urgently requires a swift and comprehensive talent management plan for some reasons. For instance, the company is experiencing an increase in sales demand. Therefore additional salespersons are required to keep up with the demand. The company is experiencing high turnover rates in the production section for the past five years and is expected to rise as time progresses. The next step in the staff planning process involves providing fair considerations for employment. Equitable employment considerations affect the avoiding of screening patients with disabilities illegally. Another concern is listing the job duties by only describing the tasks rather than including the manner in which the functions are performed (Krishnan & Scullion, 2018). The following step will involve gathering information about the skills of current employees before external recruitment.

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The analysis of the turnover trends is also essential. Advertising is also essential in the building of awareness and reinforcing the ABC Athletics Co. brand. On the other hand, some shortcomings that are attached to advertising include high amounts of money demanded upfront while at the same time a lack of guarantee of a return on investment or success of the recruitment attempt (Veluchamy & Krishnan, 2016). Another disadvantage that falls upon ABC Athletics Co. is that these methods are relatively slow especially when using specialist trade. One of the selection methods includes the utilization of application forms and CVs. The traditional application forms are very lengthy and therefore require that the potential applicants spend a lot of time filling them out and thus become off-putting (Collings & Mellahi, 2013).

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Therefore, ABC Athletics Co. should come up with application forms that are straight to the point and only contain information that would be relevant to the shortlisting process. The organization can also utilize psychometric testing. Therefore, the company should mix up a number of the selection procedures. The company should also utilize the phone screening method to judge valid candidates. The phone screening method saves time and resources. Group panel meetings are also essential to the interviewing process because it provides the potential employee with what to expect from the company as well as allow the company to gauge how the individual could contribute to the working of the organization. Onboarding The first process of onboarding occurs in the initial forty-eight hours of employment.

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The final step will occur two weeks after employment. This step is merely a way to check in on the recruit. This method is essential as compared to the 90-day review. The methods involve having two sit-down meetings with the hire to see how things are working out for them in their original position (Radhesham, 2018). The first sit down will be with the assigned mentor while the second one will be with the recruit’s leader. Employees are equally accountable for their growth and development through the determination of their needs and wants (Oladapo, The impact of talent management on retention, 2014). Voicing these needs and wants is essential for the building of the ideal skill set and career. By making the decisions surrounding the development and growth of a collaborative process, the ABC Athletics Co.

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creates opportunities for the employees to acquire new skills as well as get challenged (Veluchamy & Krishnan, 2016). Mentorship will also serve the purpose of employee development because business relationships can develop, honing of mentor skills, gaining visibility and making connections within the organization as well as the absorbing of common information. Another performance management strategy is creating a relationship between profitability and performance. It is an instinct for an employee to make as much money for themselves. Therefore, it is essential therefore to relate the profits of the company to the activities of the employee. ABC Athletics should come up with an explanation that clarifies the fact that the employee requires to make enough money to cater for their salary as well as leave enough for the profits of the company (Oladapo, The impact of talent management on retention, 2014).

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The most productive workforce is on that is aware that they are making money for themselves as well as the company. The preparation of a potential candidate for a leadership role can be time-consuming. Therefore, it is essential for the company to start the preparation process as soon as possible. The succession planning should go on regardless of how unnecessary a replacement may seem at that moment. Furthermore, early preparation can also serve as a safety net (Collings & Mellahi, 2013). Keeping an open mind in the succession process is also essential because even though the second in command is the visible and most viable candidate, the remaining workforce may even serve the position better. The training offered is in such a way that the individuals will receive leadership skill in diplomacy, communication skills, the ability to stand out verbally as well as strong interpersonal skills.

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The two final components in succession include carrying out a trial run of the succession plan as well as using the idea to develop a strategy for hiring. Succession trial runs are possible by taking advantage of the times when the managers are on vacation breaks (Sparrow & Makram, 2015). The trial run will allow the employee to gain managerial experience while the ABC Athletics Co. will evaluate the level of preparedness of the employee. The mentorship also serves the mentor because the recruit would be providing a fresh point of view to the veteran employee (Veluchamy & Krishnan, 2016). The welcoming of individuals to the company through mentors is valid because it combines supervision and the availability of sounding board to welcome the recruits to ABC Athletics Co.

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