Criminal Justice Policy Making Matrix

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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The government controls the visa processes, and by doing so, it implements immigration policies. The Federal Legislature makes and amends laws related to Immigration The members introduce immigration bills, discuss them, amend, vote on them, and procure the process of reconciliation between the upper and lower chambers. Once immigrants have gained entry into the United States, the State provides laws that govern their wellbeing. The local legislature provides the framework that governs the welfare of immigrants in the United States. Executive The Federal Executive Government enforces policies established by the Legislature regarding Immigration The executive works through states and localities to enact laws such as forcing aliens into detention and through the deportation system. This means that the federal government has the mantle of responsibility to construct laws that determine the process of Naturalization such that non-citizens become citizens of the United States.

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The Congress started enacting statutes that regulated immigration in the 19th Century to control the proliferation of Chinese immigrants into US soil. Federal Legislative Government Involvement in Immigration Policy Making The Federal Immigration Law establishes whether an individual is an alien, the rights, duties, and responsibilities related to a foreigner and how such people gain the permit to become residents or citizens. The Federal legislature has complete power over immigration. The government controls the visa processes, and by doing so, it implements immigration policies. The executive works through states and localities to enact laws such as forcing aliens into detention and through the deportation system. Implementation takes place through bureaus created in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) such as the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Customs and Border Protection, US-VISIT and Office of Immigration Statistics (Duncan, 2012).

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Federal Judicial Role in Immigration Policy Making The Federal Judiciary convenes over cases of immigration such as deportation but has limited power to enforce policies other than punishing law-breakers. Policies of immigration have been founded on the plenary power doctrine, which stipulates that the executive and legislative branches of the government have sole power in regulating facets of immigration. This is owing to the US constitution giving no direction on any branch of government on matters of immigration. The state executive implements the rules created by the state's legislative branch and classified by the state's judicial branch. The State Judicial Role in Immigration Policy Making The State Judicial plays the role of interpreting the legislative directives before passing them down to the executive for implementation. The Judicial system, therefore, intervenes in cases involved and has limited power concerning making policies of Immigration.

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However, there have been growing concerns related to individual rights of immigrants, and therefore the state judicial system has found a new role to fill in these matters. This phenomenon has been owing to the plenary doctrine of power that affects the Federal Judicial system on issues of immigration. Conclusion Immigration has been causing global concern in the recent past due to economic, trade and business ramifications. Some regions of the country have bursting populations because of immigrants inhabiting the areas. The main reason behind this significant numbers in the country has been due to aliens searching for improved standards of livelihood. These levels of government create a pyramid system with laws that trickle down from the legislature to execution and finally checked and balanced through the judicial system (Duncan, 2012). References Duncan, Natasha T.

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