Community Policing Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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Although there has been an establishment of community policing and various efforts by the police force to put to an end and curb the current level of crime in the United States of America, acts of misconduct are still persistent. Community policing promotes organizational strategies to address potential situations that might cause social unrest, crime or crime fear in the community. The objective of this policing is oriented towards solving of problems. Police still have to implement the service of responding to emergencies, however, most of the calls that they handle are not police related and could be more effectively and efficiently handled by other related government agencies (Dempsey, 2013). When the number of calls decreases, advantages to the community individuals also increases. While organizational transformation entails the modernizing harmonizing organizational information support system, management, structure and the staffs to support community collaborations and proactive problem solving to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

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Finally, the problem-solving component explains the process of the preemptive and organized scrutiny of recognized situations and assesses the most appropriate answers. A major conceptual tool to think about when solving a situation is the SARA (scanning, analysis, response, and assessment) problem model. The entire process should be considered as a cycle but not as a linear process implicating the addition of analysis, scanning or responses may be needed. Key actors in making community policing Community policing identifies the fact that police force can resolve public safety challenges alone, embraces collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders. Moreover, the media provides a very important platform by which to communicate with the community. Their major role in community policing could provide publication of community issues or concerns and any available and appropriate solutions, this may include services from the community agencies or government or new regulations and codes that are likely to be enforced.

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Furthermore, the fear of crime, public perceptions opinions of the police and crime problems are greatly influenced by the media. An example of community policing in use There is much community policing programs in use united states of America, they include the Project Alert and Locate of Smithfield, high school citizens' police academy program, the citizen's police academy program, Drug Aware Resistance Education(D. A. According to a research study conducted by Pope and Jones Citizens police academies; Beliefs and perceptions found out that the citizen police academies are effective in improving the knowledge of the community individuals of the departments and in appositive way impacting their perceptions of those members of the community or citizens in the law enforcement. The study also found that participation of citizens in the Academy improved their understanding the most important functions of the police administration and also increased the familiarity with the programs available in the police academy.

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In addition, the transition towards community policy results in an increased interest and attitude of the citizens towards police­ (Pope et al, 2007) As stated by Michael 2007 over the last 20 years, the citizens policing programs have speedily expanded in the police departments in the USA, and it was noted that 15% in the police departments have some of this programs According to the survey conducted shows that about half of the police agencies across the states in the United States offer the services of citizen police academies program. Although the citizen police academies have had many benefits the expansion of the role of these police academies would reduce most of the current disadvantages such as the tendency of newly certified citizen instructors to overemphasize public partnership rather than focus on crime prevention topics In conclusion, the matters of community-oriented policing highlight the big role played by the police and the community and other organizations in ensuring a healthy, secure and effective community.

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A closer analysis crimes in any given society is shows that by any single individual alone. Global Environment of Policing, 27. Brogden, M. Nijhar, P. Community policing. Routledge. Forst, L. S. An introduction to policing. Cengage Learning.

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