Adult Illiteracy Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Law

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Skills and knowledge are very important attributes that enable an individual to initiate different ways of bringing inventions that change the way of life in society. Development, for instance, is dependent on the level of literacy among the population capable of acting as a resourceful component towards providing the needed labor. Industrialization together with other economic activities is dependent on the constitution of a population with the necessary skills for enhancing growth and progression. The elimination of adult illiteracy is the price to pay towards enabling a better life for different people in society. Most people are subjected to suffering due to the lack of skills and knowledge of critical thinking and problem solving that is backed by literacy. The inability of adults to read and write is an issue that affects the global community and stands out as the primary source of suffering for many since they lack necessary employability skills to be productive.

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Adult illiteracy in the traditional context could be defined as the inability by adults to read, write and interpret arithmetic that comes out as a necessary tool for an adult to understand and enumerate different issues in society (Saskatchewan, 1987). Nonetheless, the evolution of society has developed a new understanding of how adult illiteracy is viewed in modern society. The contemporary perspective of adult illiteracy looks into the inability of an adult to effectively use language, images, numbers, and computers for the purpose of communication and undertaking the need to gain skills that make them resourceful. Most economic activities in society today rely on both skilled and unskilled labor but require a tremendous input of adult literacy to effectively execute different responsibilities. For instance, the stigma cultivated by people through the perception created on people that seek education irrespective of their advanced age making it difficult to convince anyone of the benefits of literacy in their life (Medel-Añonuevo, 2002).

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Despite the several factors that contribute to the problem of adult illiteracy around the globe, the nature and beliefs of certain societies promote the prevalence of the challenge in failing to reduce the trend of an increasing illiterate adult population. The society is molded in a way that problems experienced in a given environment with similar circumstances often exhibit a similar trend in another location subject to similar parameters. The people are often exposed to illiteracy from a tender age where they do not get the opportunity to access basic education that positively impacts their development trajectory to adulthood in a fashion which lays emphasis on basic skills (Connor, & California, 1986). The challenges that have been part of most developing countries have been attributed to the level of inability by adults to offer their skills in the development of society.

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It is without a doubt an important undertaking to develop ways that will seek to correct the gaps that exist within different communities making it challenging to spur exponential growth. The provision of basic education is a step in the right direction that makes it possible to influence how people manage to attain requisite skills and knowledge that advance the attainment of substantive social and economic gains in society. The statistical evidence presents a disturbing reality of an estimated 88 million adults exposed to the implications of living with such an inability that prevents them from attaining a lot of gains in the growing their life prospects (United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization, & Paris France 1965). Adult illiteracy is the reason behind the increase of social evils and health hazards that at times border on environmental population due to the limited capacity in an understanding of the dangers that come with their actions.

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Societies have been characterized with people behaving in a manner that fails to inspire confidence on the ability of the population to coexist peacefully and create cohesive endeavors that promotes human practices in the interest of each other’s safety and comfort. Possible Solutions Adult Illiteracy is a global societal problem that requires the undertaking of different interventions that will limit the possibility of the problem moving out of hand. The suffering resulting from adult illiteracy does not allow any functional government to sit back and watch the situation get out of hand in any way. The commitment by government agencies to work hand in hand with local communities represent a vital input towards establishing a cooperative arrangement that will enhance quality living. I strongly subscribe to the thinking that judging from the fact that adult illiteracy is a problem created by the society; it would better if collective efforts as a product of the same society come in to resolve the problem.

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The society is better placed to develop guiding principles that would draw the trajectory of eliminating adult illiteracy. The awareness attained will inform the establishment of decisions premised on the need to assist adults access an instructional program voluntarily in a bid to improve their literacy levels (Stevenson, 1985). The solution acknowledges the challenges of convincing adults to seek education at a time when their peers are involved in gainful economic activities. The solutions will create a rapport with the affected individuals through convincing them on the underlying benefits that come with being literate. Finally, the elimination of the factors behind adult illiteracy will be a practical approach of nipping it in the bud. The different agencies around the world should analyze the factors causing adult illiteracy and seek initiatives that will advance efforts of preventing people from the basic education.

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The weakness of the sources regards interpretation of the data set to the comprehensive result in critical translation data may be lost or manipulated by some introduced biases (United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization, & Paris France 1965). The underlying challenges that come with adult illiteracy symbolize the exposure to the threat of a disintegrated society where the lack of skills plays a pivotal role. Conclusion In conclusion, it is imperative that people understand the need to eliminate adult illiteracy in society for purposes of creating an environment where people can develop skills to be productive in society. The benefits that come with literacy in society signify the lost opportunity by most countries and jurisdictions in creating value from the human resource endowment. The quality of the human resource in advancing development is dependent on the literacy levels as they boost understanding and cohesive engagement.

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Technology and adult education: Rising expectations. Adult learning, 10(4), 26. Medel-Añonuevo, C.  Integrating lifelong learning perspectives. Hamburg: Unesco Institute for Education. E. Adult illiteracy and the role of the community college.  Community College Review, 15(3), 48-54. Stevenson, C.  Challenging adult illiteracy: Reading and writing disabilities in the British Army. Minedlit/3. United Nations Educational. Victorino-Soriano, C. Almazan-Khan, M.  L.  Rivista Internazionale di Scienze social, 1(1), 87-102.

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