Public Opinion on Immigration in USA

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Law

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My research covers most of the critical policies that with time affect the politics of the country. Racism n most cases are not left behind especially when a given situation is likely to change the political and leadership conditions of the country. Consequently, the paper covers a significant bit of the effects of immigration and political maneuver. Furthermore, my research covers the current president’s executive orders and their effects on the refugees and the country as a whole. The immigration also in a significant portion affects the well-being of the economic condition of any state, for that reason, the research will cover issues of interest to refugees and economy. More than 50% of American are said to oppose the building of the Mexican border wall. Also, the today's research varies from one platform of research to the other.

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For instance, then results gotten from online interviews differ from the results obtained from live interviews. Furthermore, the reaction of Americans towards the temporary ban of immigration varies from one American to the other. From my point of view, I would say that America as a country is not sure on the action to take regarding the existence of the immigration activities that are going on in America. Four things are involved in the migration. There is the matter of illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. Most of the research by CBS indicates that that 65% illegal migrants in the united states of America take the jobs that Americans do not want. Recent reports show that 59% of the American citizens said that the immigrants living in America need to be allowed to live America legally and also apply for citizenship.

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of the Americans, on the other hand, say that the illegal immigrants should be allowed to live in America but should not be allowed to apply for their citizenship. These people were the representation of the Americans who care about the well-being of the minority individuals who are sometimes disadvantaged at times. Latinos, compared to the 61% of the people who agree to the construction of the wall, entirely oppose the whole idea of constructing the wall. New immigration executive orders. President Trump signed a controversial immigration executive order which banned six of the dominant Muslim nations in the world from having their citizens visit the USA. The countries included Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Syria. The costs involved in this could be one of the things that could have contributed to the people not to support the building of the border walls.

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The February 20 DHS memorandum lay the basis for an unparalleled extension of accelerated eliminations, expulsions without legal review or due procedure. Presently, furthered elimination is limited to persons apprehended within 100 miles of the boundary which have been in the United States for not more than 14 days. The DHS memo deliberates the publication of a description in the Central Record that could increase rushed exclusion to people detained anywhere in the United States who cannot verify they have been in the United States incessantly for more than two years. It seems to the people like this order was put in place to help reduce the chances in which people have in getting to the united states. People pointed out that this action was likely to endanger the lives of the women and children involved.

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The government seemed not to care much though. It seemed not to care whether the refugees faced violence or political instability in their countries. Despite the criticism on the Donald trumps government over the immigration issue, the government is said to have taken with seriousness the upholding of the asylum laws. The president previously demanded that appropriate action is taken to secure the keen adherence to the asylum laws. This order also suspended the admission of Syrian refugees for 120 days. Most of the Americans anticipated that the refugee and immigration issues were going to be key subjects to be considered during the campaigns in 2016. The issue of immigration was positioned to be one of those with the privileged priorities. In fact, president trump had already talked about making border activities stricter.

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That must have been one of the reasons that his followers liked or hated him. According to researchers, the immigrants complement American born workers including the less skilled laborers rather than competing with them. The immigrants and U. S. born workers have different skills set and a tendancy to work in different industries and jobs even when their educational background is similar (Meissner & Doris 2013). This is according to researchers like the Madeleine Sumption, Ethan Willis and Will Somerville. S. born individuals will leave the labor force between 2020 and 2030. During this period 2 million immigrants and 6. million children of immigrants will join the labor force. Even further, the immigrants and their descendants are expected to account for 88% of the US population growth between 2015 and 2065. billion annually if they are granted legal status. This is because both legal and unauthorized immigrants pay too supports many benefits they are statutorily barred from accessing.

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Big economic gains have been receiving through DACA initiative. The recipients actually moved to better-paying jobs and working conditions while at the same time increasing the recipients' average hourly wages by 42 percent while 6 percent of them started their own businesses. Therefore more revenue in property and sales tax is being collected as people buy homes and cars due to better jobs and higher wages. trillion. Industries would lose large shares with others getting up to 18 percent. In addition, this policy would cost the federal government about $900 billion in revenue. Mass deportation would create huge losses in important and large industries amounting to $54. billion in financial, $73. Implementation of DACA program has increased the localities and states population efforts to integrate the unauthorized population. It grants many young unauthorized immigrants execution from work authorization and deportation.

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The DACA recipients can now receive professional licenses and in-state tuition in several states and drivers licenses in all states. Enforcing state laws has proved to be an extremely costly activity. Considering the hefty sums, the states are prompted to pay defending their laws high implementation costs where the law enforcement officers are turned into immigration officials. When the ordinance was struck down in 2017, the state paid at least $2. million. Similarly, the Framers branch, Texas, paid more than $1. million in damages when its law was struck down in 2014. Initially, it had incurred more than $6 million defending its law between 2006 and 2014. By being able to access municipal ID cards, unauthorized immigrants in at least six municipalities the immigrants can access public services. Also, the District of Columbia and other 12 states offer driver licenses.

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This enhances participation in the economy and also increases safety. Organizations such as welcoming America have essentially helped in promoting immigrants integration especially at the grassroots levels. This organization has worked with nonprofit, local officials, immigration communities and religious institutions. It also mandates the US department of homeland security to do 700 miles of pedestrian fencing. This bill will ensure that unauthorized immigrants will not be able to access employment by using governments authorization system which is internet based referred to as E-verify. The system will also be able to check machine-readable visa, biographical information and passport hence creating a full entry-exit system. This bill also provides for people who are individual under the age of 16 and who have completed college, high school or military service to apply for permanent citizenship and residence.

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At the beginning of this year -9th January 2018- US district court based in San Francisco ordered that the Trump administration must continue to process renewal application to individuals granted differed status under the Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (Bender, Steven & William 2017). million people, subdivided by the immigration status giving 18. million of people as the naturalized United States citizens and 22. million as the noncitizens. The 22. million known as the noncitizens of the state, 13. persons from China; 2. million from Vietnam ; 2 million from India and 1. million from Cuba and Korea. The truth about immigration in the United States is experienced as from 2012 since a majority of the population within Northeast and Midwest are made of the immigrants while back in 1960, the percentage of the foreign-born population was less than 5 and most of them lived in the west and south of the states.

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Composition of the population is made up men and women, back in the 1960s, the number of men immigrants was more than the women, but the change was dynamic due to several conditions and favors on the women made them surpassed the number of men starting from the 1970s until the year 2012 the percentage population of men to women was 51. by then the naturalized citizens owned 66 percent of homes by the year 2012. in the same year the analysis shows that the number of individuals living in the united states but are from another country, 19. percent lived in poverty state while the native or the naturalized Americans were only 15. percent of the population who lived in poverty state. The people in from Mexico amounted to 3. S graduated from college implementing 5 percent above the national average in the performance.

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Also, about 11 percent are children with the low level of standard showing that the national level is above by 13 percent with at least 64 % owning their own houses. Undocumented Immigrant Population. Almost 8. million total population of the residents of the United States back in 2000 were the undocumented. million adult people from the state who were undocumented had a mixed status, some were married by the native Americans. by 2011, at least 9 million of the population of the undocumented residents of the united states had U. S born child. in that around 3. million adults had the children born in the united states, the figure raised gradually in the year 2012, in that among the 10 million undocumented immigrants. percent of the U. S population is the Latino while the 5. percent are the Asian Americans Latino are seen as the rapid growing community in which it increased by 7 percent from 2000 to 2013 with the Asian Americans increasing to 46 percent from 2000 to 2010.

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of all the immigrants, the population made up of 55 percent of the total voters and between 2012 and 2016, 3. million of the immigrant population from the Latin were 18 years and above with at least 2 million being children. million while the Asian Americans were3. million giving a percentage of 48 and 47. percent cast votes. Still, the immigrants from the African Americans were 44 percent compared with the Latino and the Asian Americans whose turnout in 2010 was equivalent to 31. percent and 31 percent. et al.  Immigration enforcement in the United States: The rise of a formidable machinery. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2013. Hollifield, James, Philip Martin, and Pia Orrenius.  Controlling immigration: A global perspective. Bhachu, Parminder, ed.  Immigration and entrepreneurship: culture, capital, and ethnic networks. Routledge, 2017. Bianchi, Milo. Immigration Policy and Self‐Selecting Migrants. Einfluß des Kations auf die Struktur des [Si(O2C6H4)2F]⊖-Anions: Struktur von [K(18-Krone-6)][Si(O2C6H4)2F] / The Influence of the Cation on the Structure of the Anion [Si(O2C6H4)2F]⊖: The Structure of [K(18-Krone-6)][Si(O2C6H4)2F].

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Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 46(5). Citrin, Jack, et al. Public opinion toward immigration reform: The role of economic motivations. The Journal of Politics 59. Hernandez, David M. Undue process: Immigrant detention, due process, and lesser citizenship. Institute for the Study of Social Change (2005). ORDER, EXECUTIVE. Executive order: Border security and immigration enforcement improvements. LGBT data collection amid social and demographic shifts of the US LGBT community. Katz, Marcelo, Marcelo Franken, and Marcia Makdisse. Value-based health care in Latin America: An urgent discussion. Bejarano, Christina E. and Valerie Martinez-Ebers. com/.

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