Sex Offender and Requirement to Register

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

Therefore, it is comprehensive to understand and followed in the criminal law department while handling sex offense case that has been presented in any judiciary body be it a juvenile court or the criminal court of justice. Apparently, it is noted that the United States of America embrace the act as it helps in protecting the children that have been violated and bringing the offenders to justice1. Ideally, the main area of focus is to investigate the requirements needed in order to register as a sex offender and to expound on the sex offender registration and notification act in order to bring light to its meaning and what it stands for. Therefore, if there is any reported sexual crime, and an investigation conducted suggests that there was indeed a sexual violation crime which occurred and the person molested was a child, the officers responsible for law enforcement will be required to conduct an examination and evaluation to gather information that will help them in identifying the perpetrator and solving the crime.

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Levels of Sex Offenders Sex offender notification has been categorically grouped into three different levels. From the book, the authors express their concerns over the issues of sex offenders. Farkas and Palermo suggest that most of the victims that commit sex offenses are known by their victims and they only commit the crime when they are comfortable with either the location or the time of the action. Therefore, they argue, that by notifying the public, it lowers the chances of a sex offender being able to get close to their victim, specifically children2. “They can no longer hide behind a cloak of anonymity and groom children and parents for their intended sexual victimizations”2. Legislation related to Sex Offenders From early 1990s, there has been an effort of the government to reduce sexual crimes.

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Sex Offenders Requirement Laws The Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) believe they have found the remedy to ensure communities will be safer from sexual offenders/predators. CSOM suggests the focus should be placed on the prevention of impending victimization while protecting the community and victims. The theory focuses on sexual predators are less likely to offend if law enforcement, victim advocates, treatment specialists and others work closely together in supervising the offender, (CSOM 2013). Other individuals tend to disagree with this process and believe stricter rules should be set into place, almost forcing the offender to be victimized. It’s perceived by some individuals the laws set into place to protect victims may have the opposite effect. It has been argued that after a sex offender or predator has served his/her time they should be released back into society without any repercussions.

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Actually, it is believed that the laws and basis of his/her release should be harsher. It may not be clear what changes need to take place but others believed all sex offenders or predators should lose access to the internet and every second of their lives monitored. Some states are considering using special license plates for sex offenders or predators. Practical Problems related to the Sex Offender’s Act Jacob Wetterling Act that was passed in 1994 was put in place so that to make the information about the offenders readily available to the public so that the people could protect themselves against the possible suspects published in the register. Once again the focus and sympathy appear to be displaced on the offender and not the victim. Victims and/or possible victims should have the right to know what sex offender/predator reside in their community.

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There is no clear-cut response to ensure the protection of not becoming victimized but the laws currently in place are a great start. Sex offenders/predators should register, have his/her photograph and personal information issued to the public, should not be allowed to reside in particular neighborhoods; close to schools, parks or any area where small children attend, in order to have residents breathe just a little bit easier. The requirements or rather the guidelines are offered or issued to govern and guide through the jurisdiction. Case that falls under sex offense and should not is the statutory rape. By definition, it is the act of having sexual relationship with and under age person or a person who has not yet reached the age of consent. In this case, it is regarded as sex offense since one of the partner or both or not in the age of consent despite the fact that they might be having sex at their knowledge.

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Different states punishes statutory rape under laws that addresses rape, sexual assaults or even carnal knowledge of the child. The reason why this should not fall under sex offense is during a case of both partners agreeing to have sex. The public feels safer when they are made aware of the sex offenders living around them; an idea generated by moral panics. Having these laws can make it very tough for sex offenders to ease their way back into society to live a “normal” life again. In fact, these policies make it so their lives will never have the possibility to be normal at all. Although this may not be the safest measure at least it is a start. As in regards to the sex offender the biggest issue that they face is having to deal with this form of commitment for life.

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a) The Medical Model The Medical Model is a series of ideas proposed by a variety of psychologists and social scientists about sexual deviance and the causation of it. Some of the ideas proposed seem decent at the beginning, but most of them left us questioning them. Sex offending was seen to occur due to “uncontrollable impulses” that offenders had. Freud states that “every person has the potential to be a sex offender,” and places a lot of the factors influencing who becomes a sex offender on their childhood10. The behavior of sexual offenders was said to be pleasure-driven; done to gain personal pleasures. The model does not do a lot to explain violence against women. b) Recidivism in Sexual Offenders Recidivism in sexual offenders is very low, with rapists being one of the only exceptions.

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Often times, sex offenders have a lower reoffending rate than offenders of other serious crimes that are not sexually based. In television shows, sex offenders are often portrayed as repeat offenders, and this gives the public the general idea that they will do just that, reoffended11. Most, however, do not. Therefore, At this point, there was an introduction of a registration program that enables the law enforcers to know the whereabouts of any criminal or rather sex offender that has been released. The registration helps in keeping the law enforcers aware of the location, identity, and past offense committed by the sex offender registration. The registrant is there for keeping on surveillance in case he or she commits another sexual violation crime or assault. There should be a national uniformity so that all states could be on the same page when requiring individuals to register on the sex registry.

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With that being said I also believe that there should be national uniformity on what constitutes a sex crime.

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