Amazon Big Data Strategy Case Study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Business

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The current Amazon Echo depends on third party skills for its functionality. You are required to install it in your home then customize it to do certain tasks. However, for one to order services such as Uber or request pizza from Domino’s, it is third-party Echo apps which Amazon has labelled as ‘Skills’ that make this possible. Currently there are more than 10,000 skills demonstrating clearly how developers are interested in the platform. But analylists argue that majority of these ‘Skills’ are not that useful analysts firm, Voice labs released a report on January suggesting that there is only about 3% chance that customers who download voice apps for their Amazon Echo will reuse the app a week later. Such simple voice controls have already benefitted some apps although to a limited extend.

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For instance, it is possible to use the Echo to activate internet-controlled lights simply by saying “Alexa, turn on the lights. ” This functionality however, has been limited to music playback and smart home devices. Amzaon should explore ways to improve this in the near future. One drawback that may surface here is that the multiple trigger phrases might increase the chances of overlaps between various apps. The company has not confirmed any future plans of bringing more social-focused capabilities to the Echo. Nevertheless, features such as phone calling, intercom system should be part of the company’s future plans if they intent to see this initiative succeed and result into revenues in future. Step 3: Again, another important feature missing in the Echo is the experience of notifications.

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A voice interaction is the next evolution of the way we use our computers according to experts. Amazon should take the front seat in the market as they have the necessary resources to take the Echo to the next level. The company could add pauses in places that would help make it improve and sound more realistic like a person. By doing that, these changes may make Amazon achieve its strategy of making Echo and Alexa the most reliable home assistant. Outside developers would also be satisfied because their contributions would also improve the program and make the Echo and Alexa better products that are more useful. The result of the proposed strategy will likely be: A step ahead of competitors.

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This is likely so because while the Alexa and Echo are currently breakthrough programs, Amazon is up against tough completion from rival companies such as Google and Apple. Despite the high cost of healthcare expenses, the safety and accuracy of medical care in the US is wanting as medical related errors kill more Americans per annum than motorbike related incidents and AIDS combined. Surprisingly, the modern medicine industry has been spared the large scale automation and systems engineering reforms. As the Business Manager, here are the Steps necessary to resolve the issue: Step 1: Amazon possesses the potential to turn around this market as its decisions are sculpted from tech giants like Tencent and Alibaba which made tremendous strides in implementation of employee healthcare software for many years in China.

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Their initial targets included drug tracking systems, medical advice and in the past years they introduced Artificial Intelligence (AI). If Amazon wants to be successful where other industry giants have failed, however, they must put in place important infrastructure to leverage cutting-edge medical technologies. Big data and continuous analytics: All tough problems encountered, call for creative solutions. If the healthcare and pharmaceutical tech innovators are determined to venture into the streamlining of health plans, they will need to collect and analyze large data. Behavioural economists appreciate the occasional unpredictability of humans’ behaviour. The AI, however, optimize well-known solutions to narrative problems in the first-wave AI, or iterate on them with machine learning in their second-wave AI but, diverse data collection can detect narrative trends that previously had not been compared.

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With modern applications, diverse data collection by tech giants is done using predictive, prescriptive, descriptive software or even using controlled online experiments. As Amazon has proved over the years to be an innovative company that enjoys new opportunities, this is an area that could guarantee regular flow of revenues in the future. Also with continuous technology advancement, the future of healthcare lies with Artificial intelligence mechanisms for diagnosis. Step 3: Amazon has a potentially lucrative opportunity. Right now digital health solutions and connected health devices aren't that common — many hospitals and doctors’ offices still rely on decades-old machines, computers, and other technologies to power their businesses. But that's about to change — the global healthcare sector will invest $410 billion in software, hardware, and services in 2021, up from about $59 billion currently, according to Dhar, (2014).

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