Analysis of Bamboo industry in Suriname and Guatemala
The global interests of bamboo due to its ecological importance, quite distinctive life forms and wide range uses and values for the human population. Guatemala is a country that enjoys the pride in some species of woody bamboos. Unfortunately, of all the native bamboo species, only two genera is important that is the Chusquea longifilia and Chusquea nelsonii that are useful. Geography Guatemala is a Central American country that is closely located near Nicaragua bamboo plantation operations. There are lots of native woody species of bamboo in Guatemala. Bamboo production, therefore, has enough supply of labour and resources to make it successful. The professionalism and labour skills among the citizens of Guatemala. It is as well important to note the siguinificance of porter’s theory to bamboo production in the country.
The production does not face a threat of a new substitute based on the fact that there is high rates of deforestation that does not make it easy to other agencies to get involved in plantation farmings. The supplier power and buyer power is quite significant in the bamboo production. There are inadequate employment opportunities for the citizens in the community. They make use of every available resource in their surroundings. The relative poverty and inadequate employment opportunities mean higher rates of depletion of the forests. It is estimated that there are about 80000 hectares of forests being depleted annually. The depletion does not even spare the national parks that should be highly protected from the malicious individuals. Most of the bamboo production in Guatemala have been extensively used in the decorative materials for a building as well as in the making of furniture (Akinlapi pp 44).
The bamboo production environment is such an essential aspect that supports marketing, sales, process and cultivation of bamboo products in the industry. The market size is greatly improved, and more people are involved in the production and cultivation of the bamboo crops in Guatemala. Clusters Guatemala as a country has greatly been involved in the bamboo production through alliances of several agencies. For instance, there is a world trend in Gautemala that is aimed at ensuring a sustainable development through bamboo production. Such interventions are important in the generation of incentives not only for the sustainable management and conservation of forests but to the forest carbon stocks enhancements as well. It is as well important to note that such interventions will ensure that adaption actions for the climate change are well formulated and designed for the reduction of the risk at the local and national levels in the country.
Suriname Geography Suriname is a country with great diversity and quite close to the Amazon forests. It is in a common knowledge that it is considered to be one of the countries with most the most forested demography in the world. The country has initiated a REDD movement aimed at proper reduction of the deforestation emissions and degradation of its forests to ensure proper deforestation and sustainability of the forest management initiatives. Besides, the government has played such an important role in ensuring the promotion of sustainable management of forests. Production forests are in designated locations, commonly referred to as forestry belt. In such locations, there selective logging off to protect the forest covers even after proper timber harvesting. In some cases where illegal deforestation has taken place in the country due to legal mining activities, agricultural activities such as burning, and road construction activities aimed at creating enough space for other important functions (Popat pp 27).
The national government aimed at stimulating the national economy by keeping the forested lands, and converting them to quite important plantations for oil palms, bamboo, and other plants. Nonetheless, the social and environmental impacts on the country’s rich sector have promoted bamboo production practices especially in the exploitation of the country’s rich natural resources. Availability of enough resources in the country makes it quite easy to promote bamboo production. It is as well important to note the enormous potential of Suriname in potentially using sources of sustainable energy in the country. Some of these energy used in the production of bamboo include biofuels or biomass, wind, and solar energy. These are quite diversified energy sources that are essential for large production of bamboo in the country. It is as well important to note the creation of the National Forest Policy document in 2003.
This was an essential creation in enhancing the forests contribution to the economy of the country as well as the wellbeing of not only the current generations but the future generations as well regarding biodiversity conservation (Akinlabi pp 43). The policy greatly considered the environmental, sociocultural and economic objectives equally as supported by the 2012-26 development plan in the country. Comparison Although the government of Guatemala plays an important role in the management of the interaction among different forest organizations and institutions, there is a need for much efforts from the national government to realize the best results in bamboo production. The private and public collaboration of the forestry and bamboo production sectors is such an important aspect in ensuring the high production throughout the industry. The government should understand and respect the laws that protect the land ownership by the citizens.
Works Cited Van der Lugt, P. Et Al. Environmental Assessment of Industrial Bamboo Products-Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Sequestration. 10th World Bamboo Congress. Springer, 2017:41-56.
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