Analysis of Law Cases

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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For this reason, the parents decided to sue the school for denying education to all Handicapped children, which was tantamount to violation of Handicapped Children Act 1975. The US Supreme Court led by Justice Rehnquist ruled that the school did not violate any Act because public learning institutions were not eligible to provide sign language interpreters to the victims. It is assumed that all the handicapped students were receiving the required and adequate educational services. The parents of Rowley contacted the administration of Furnace Wood Elementary school, which was located near their home. The parents informed the administration of their interest to have their child educated in the school. The school reported that Army registered excellent performance both with and without the interpreter.

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However, there were specific tasks like group story telling with the help of interpreter. Notably, Army was making tremendous progress towards achieving first grade without the help of the interpreter. As a result, the school administration decided to forgo the expense of employing interpreter, as law did not require it. The administration claimed that she could use hearing aid to facilitate her Individualized Education Program. The case involved battling for the rights of the disabled together with the rights of the deaf. Sam Costner, a truck driver in Texas filed a case against a large trucking company, which fired him after realizing that he was epileptic. Costner was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was at the age of 15. At that time, he broke his skull and he had to control seizure-using medication.

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After that, stayed more than 20 years without seizure during which he became a licensed commercial truck driver. The district court found out that it was in order to deny people with epilepsy the commercial driving license. However, for the case of Costner, the ban was unfounded and unnecessary as well as unconstitutional in nature. However, the court of appeal reversed the decision of the district court by stating that the district court has no jurisdiction to determine a case which involves separation of the people from general classification. This case plays a vital role for all the relevant cases, which uses it as a precedent to determine other cases. For instance, this case has been used to determine the status of deaf drivers of whether to be certified with commercial truck driving license or not.

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Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services In this case, the court was determine which institution was responsible for providing auxiliary services as required by Rehabilitation Act. Jones joined the Illinois Institute of Technology, which received federal funds to offer auxiliary services. The Department of Rehabilitation Services in Illinois provided assistance limited to tuition services, accommodation and books. ITT assumed that IDRS would provide sign interpretation services. However, the latter declined to play the assumed role. She filed a suit against trial judge Kirby because she was dismissed without explanation. She appeared in the court with sign interpreter to assist her during the trial. However, the interpreter was equally dismissed. The judges later dismissed her prayer citing Arkansas law, which stated that, a person who is not able to speak or fathom English would not be granted jury rights.

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The District Court also upheld the decision of Kirby. The District Court ruled in the favor of Schornstein stating that the regulation required NJDVRS to provide sign language interpretation services for her to attend Kean College. In my opinion, the court made the right decision and it can be used as a precedence to determine other similar cases. Strathie v. Department of Transportation Strathie v. Department of Transportation is a case, which the court had, determines the civil rights of Strathie. Therefore, the ruling of the court played a critical role in setting a judicial system, which favored people with disabilities. How the cases affected the deaf on larger scale The decision of the above cases affects the deaf in different ways.

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