Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

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This is such that, there were sub-departments that handled the criminal and civil litigation, conveyancing and commercial and corporate matters. The department was structured in a manner that it allowed for growth and development for new associates and interns. The legal department ensured that the organization’s dealings and transactions were well within the law and added value to the company. This was in line of the organization’s mission to provide quality and equitable services to the clients without any discrimination for the growth of the client and the organization. Based on this mission, the legal department worked towards achieving the provision of quality and equitable services. The overall organization’s excellence is attributed to the contribution of all departments in the organization. Practically the performance of either department contributes to the reputation, growth and development of the organization.

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The legal department in this directive thus works to ensure that all other department’s dealings internally or externally are within the legal provisions thus protecting the image and position of the organization. The contribution of the legal department thus is crucial as it communicates to all other departments on the risks and repercussions that are associated with various activities, the liabilities to the organization and the values that will be encountered or enforced by the various actions. The overall organization achieves excellence in its operations. Hence, those who I would like to empower are the interns. Ideally, interns usually work for the purposes of learning the practical aspect of the theories they learn in school. This gives them a clear perspective of the legal profession and ow it operates first-hand.

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Therefore, for some of the interns, the activities and details demanded by the profession may be overwhelming for them to consider pushing through with their legal studies. Additionally, interns are often used in the offices and workplaces in general for many purposes. Hence, the stakeholders at all levels are capable of implementing their skills based on their competence to the task assigned. This cooperation between the stakeholders makes it conveniently possible for the achievement of excellence. Furthermore, as per Richard St. John’s (2005) perspective of success, the stakeholders are capable of achieving success as they are driven by their passion and the sharing of ideas. These form part of the momentum that allow for success. p). They were in a new environment and therefore, by assisting them, I was able to help them become better in their tasks and in understanding their roles.

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Overall, based on the performance of the interns, there was little need for the department head to focus much in the training of the interns a they were fast adapting to the culture. This reflected positively on the department’s achievement of excellence as all stakeholders worked at the same pace without any lags. PART III – Action Plan In the position of absolute power, I would have changed the approach used in the training of interns in all departments of the organization. In training the interns, I was able to assist in the reduction of the workload in the department as the interns chimed in their skills and expertise giving the associates a chance to focus on the crucial matters. Therefore, in moving towards excellence, the legal department of the organization was well managed in ensuring that there was no backlog of work and the clients of the organization were well served on time.

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In the event that no changes were made in the department in empowering the interns and other stakeholders, the long-term effects will be reflected on the organization’s reputation as well as performance. An organization performs according to how well the junior employees are treated. These junior level employees are important as they are often the ones who handle the basics as the tasks move vertically to senior positions. In a span of twelve months, the intern would be in a position to train others in the same capacity to achieve excellence. Practically, to achieve this, the associates must be willing to actively participate and the overall organization would have to consider the approach. Works Cited Chin, Roger. “Examining teamwork and leadership in the fields of public administration, leadership and management.

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” Team Performance Management, vol. Rappaport, Julian et al. Studies in Empowerment: Steps Toward Understanding and Action. Haworth, 1984. Richard St. John.

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