Annotated Bibliography Management Leadership and Communication

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

This review study is seeks to clarify the differences and similarities between management and leadership. It appreciates that majority of people have used these terms interchangeably while others perceive them as two different terms. The results of the study indicate that management and leadership are completely different terms with different distinct functions. Moreover, the study appreciates that there are key similarities between the management and leadership. The review identifies that leadership skills are employed to center on a prospective change by aligning people, inspiring and motivating them, as well as creating direction. It acquires its data from an online survey and uses it to establish is whether a positive relation exists between the leadership and communication skills of nurse managers and the organizational citizenship behaviors of the nurses and nursing assistants.

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The study used the employees’ perception of the nursing manager communication and leadership skills, as well as the organizational citizenship behaviors of the nursing assistants and the registered nurses as its predicting variables. The study results indicate that there is a positive, albeit moderate relation between communication and leadership skills of the nurse manager, and the organizational citizenship behaviors of the registered nurse assistants and nurses. This implies that nurse managers with effective communication and leadership skills are able to positively impact the organizational behaviors of their nursing unit. This is research especially for students who want to learn about the relationship between leadership and communication in management. , Liden, R. C. , & Hu, J. Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives.

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 The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), 36-62. The study provides a review various scholarly works that have investigated how communication and organizational change relate. In addition, the paper presents various advantages of successful communication in relation to improved employee’s efforts in planning and executing change strategies within the organization. The paper provides a change communication model that incorporates various variables that facilitate effective communication within the organization. Moreover, it provides the key aspects of communication that have been instrumental in ensuring successful change. Based on the findings of the paper, it is of great value that researchers and practitioners improve their communication skills that would help staff members produce better results. In addition, the paper explores current trends in management and leadership development.

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Not only that, it identifies various theoretical perspectives and the appropriate way of choosing an approach to leadership and management development (LMD). Moreover, the chapter identifies an integrated approach to LMD. These include five key procedures. These are setting direction, examining processes and structures, leadership development, learning transfer, as well as review and evaluation. This report defines the concept of communication leadership besides providing an overview of the research on leadership and communication. The paper defines a communicative leader as a leader who involves employees in discourse and passionately seeks and shares feedback. Besides, such a leader engages in participatory decision making besides being open minded and involved. The paper identifies initiation of structure, facilitation, relation and representation as the key communication behaviors of leaders.

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Besides, the paper identifies eight key principles of communication and the behaviors that act as important elements in enhancing organizational performance. The results of the research indicate that management communication has a positive relation to temporal changes in perceived organizational support (POS). In addition, POS serves as a full mediator in the link between management communication and role performance. The study helps to establish that management communication effects performance majorly because it is an indication that the organization cares about the welfare and the values the contribution of its staff. This paper provides more knowledge on how management communication affects employee performance. This research adequately covers the subject of management communication and organizational support and how these two affect staff performance within the organization.

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Moreover, the study provides that behaviors that are connected to human motivation are connected to various aspects of the human biology. Therefore, since organizations are always looking for new strategies to motivate as well as respond to the evolving needs of their employees, the ability to predict their behavior and motivation would be of great value to the organization. This paper provides a detailed definition of management as well as the theories of management. It adequately and correctly explains the human motivation theory of management using various relevant supporting studies and examples. The findings of this study are therefore convincing, and as such I would recommend the paper to other students who are interested in learning about management. This paper clearly identifies the role of organizational communication in realizing various organizational goals.

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It adequately provides for the process and channels of communication using relevant explanations. Therefore, the paper is convincing and as such I would recommend it to other students. Yukl, G. Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention. The findings are convincing and relevant to the study of effective leadership. Therefore, I would recommend it to other students. References Algahtani, A. Are leadership and management different? A review.  Journal of management policies and practices, 2(3), 71-82. L. , Meuser, J. D. , Liden, R. C. Johansson, C. , D. Miller, V. , & Hamrin, S. Conceptualizing communicative leadership: A framework for analysing and developing leaders’ communication competence. Organizational Communication as an important factor of organizational behaviour.  Interdisciplinary Management Research, 5, 33-42. Yukl, G. Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention.

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