Biography of William Somerset Maugham
Document Type:Biography
Subject Area:Literature
Maugham was the most paid and accomplished writer in his era and made a remarkable impact on the world of literature during the 1930s (Rogal 44). The Briton, unfortunately, lost his mother at a tender age of 8 and his father two years later from cancer. Consequently, he was moved to Kent where he was schooled in King’s School and raised by his cold and emotionally cruel uncle in Whitstable. Experience of the hostility he faced from his uncle and depressions resulting from being an orphan caused him to develop a stammering disorder (Rogal 47). Moreover, the situation made him unable to engage freely with his peers and in getting into a relationship, which resulted in an introvert character. Maugham family members are renowned for being remarkable lawyers. Viscount Maugham, William’s elder brother, was a well-known lawyer who enjoyed his career thorough serving Lord Chancellor in 1938 and 1939 and most people thought William would be a lawyer as well (Rogal 55).
Edith Mary also Nee Snell was William’s mother and suffered tuberculosis since birth. Edith gave birth to William after some few years when her last three brothers were born. By the time, Maugham was age three; the previous three brothers of Edith had progressed in life and were now at boarding school. He had the passion for becoming an author but had to study Medicine in Lambeth as per his uncle’s direction. William wrote a lot of literary materials containing experience as an assistant midwifery and at the same time exploring for his degree. Liza of Lambeth talks about working-class adulterous, and their eventual outcome was his first novel published in 1897 (Rogal 69). The story sold a lot during the first week of its release and William dropped out as a qualified medic to concentrate on his sixty-five years’ career in writing.
His career as a writer enabled him to travel and explore many places in the world such as Capri and Spain (Rogal 72). In the early months of 1925, the book was produced in eight consecutive parts in a magazine called Nash’s Magazine in the United Kingdom. Richard Cordell, a biographer, regarded the book as the most influential texts as it contained William’s experience as a houseman in St. Thomas hospital and a lot of scientific studies (Sjöberg 5). William engages a third person narration in the story whereby Kitty Garstin acts as the central character. Kitty is displayed to have squandered her early youth life by living a high-class social life and misbehaving, which prompted her mother to arrange a perfect match after suspecting that her younger daughter Doris might end up getting married first.
She was later introduced to nuns who had dedicated their time in caring for the sick and orphans that emanated from the cholera pandemic (Sjöberg 11). Kitty realized that she was pregnant and was unable to explain it to her husband. After Walter succumbed to cholera, Kitty returned to Hong Kong where Charlie's wife received her. Charlie seduced her and made love with her despite citing that she was in grieve. Kitty made her final decisions and returned home after discovering that her mother had died and decided to accompany her dad who had been appointed by the British government as the Chief Justice and vowed to raise her child and not to follow her lousy character. Institutionen För Kultur Och Kommunikation, 2008, pp. www. diva-portal. org/smash/get/diva2:5723/fulltext01.
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