Bladen Wines Limited QMS proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

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Bladen wine brands include Riesling, Saviognon Blanc, Merlot, Pinot Rose, Pinot Noir, Gewürztraminer and Pinot Gris. Some of Braden wines are produced without barrels guarantee and foster freshness of the wine fruit. Bladen vineyard is a family owned small wine manufacturing factory with only 8 hectares of vine. Extra grapes that might be required at Bladen are sourced from close living friends’ who also own small vineyards (Bladen Wines Ltd, 2018). QMS Proposal for Bladen Wines Ltd This paper proposes a Quality Management System (QMS) for Bladen Wines Limited. Bladen wine making is based on ‘old age’ traditions and processes for creation. Therefore, introduction and implementation of Lean six sigma QMS method could generally help Bladen remain sustainable over the coming years. Apart from this, specific benefits of Bladen QMS also include: Motivate employees: Lean six sigma can play a critical role in ensuring employees only act in a specific manner.

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Researchers and practitioners note that those organizations that fully endorse employee motivation will find themselves experiencing an increase in productivity. Keep costs low: Implementing a QMS in Bladen removes wastes from the different processes and solves problems or defects caused by a process. Consequently, the employees are also able to build trust among themselves. Consistent team effort improves understanding between the teammates increasing the chances of successfully implementing lean six sigma. Implementation of Bladen Lean Six Sigma QMS Bladen Vineyard is a small company with a small number of employees who might not be having vast knowledge on lean six sigma principles. Therefore, the deployment of the QMS will not be large-scale but will be incorporated at all the stages of the wine making nevertheless. Applying lean six sigma methodology will begin from the growing of grapes, harvesting, fermentation, pressing, ageing, stabilizing, bottling and the final delivery to the customers.

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soil pH, fruit acidity) as they impact on the final quality and taste of the wine, an important aspect for Bladen in attracting and retaining its customers. Measure: Once the indicators for the different processes have been defined, the next step will be to measure each indicator. This is carried out by the different Bladen employees in respective departments. For instance, the chemist will be in charge of measuring the soil pH to ensure it meets the pre-determined optimal conditions. This will involve taking samples from the vineyard and measuring. Control: If all the above stages are accomplished, Bladen should hence try to control each process to meet the desired pre-set standard for quality that will not only lead to better harvests but also almost similar (quality) grapes to minimize variations.

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Ultimately, this will ensure that the final wine product is consistent in taste and quality therefore meeting the customer expectations or wants. Evaluation of Legal Compliance Lena six sigma QMS methodology is critical in ensuring organization processes and products meet legal compliance both in host country and internationally. Applying Bladen QMS could assist the organization in meet legal compliance in the following areas; • Environmental • Health & Safety • Privacy Issues Environmental Compliance: Growing vines and maintaining yield is a resource intensive process that effect the environment in many ways. At the same time, environmental factors hugely determine the sustainability of any organization and thus must be taken into consideration to sustain quality harvests. This implies that Bladen will only have fewer materials that end up as scrap thus saving on fuel costs, reduces waste and eliminates use of additional materials ultimately saving the environment and its’ resources.

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Below is an example of environmental policy of Resene adapted for Bladen Vineyard and wineries: BLADEN ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Bladen is New Zealand’s family owned vineyard and wine manufacturing company. The company was established in 1989 and runs wine manufacturing at Marlborough as well as distributing its brands to few retail shops globally. Bladen vision is to be respected as an ethical and sustainable company and be acknowledged as the leading provider of hands craft red and white wines. Bladen also has a great history in environmental participation including having been awarded for different environmental achievements in New Zealand. Measurable and meaningful Bladen is continuously improving its products, services and systems to ensure that they meet or exceed the expectations that we have presented to our customers, by monitoring progress and reporting against a set of regularly reviewed objectives and targets.

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We will focus on issues that provide the greatest reductions in our impacts and while no areas of business is excluded from this mandate, the use of energy, raw materials, hazardous substances, freshwater and waste minimization are key focus areas. Innovation for improvements In seeking out new technologies and suppliers Bladen will continue to focus on technologies that reduce impacts on the environment and minimize hazards to the users of our products. Consideration for the environment is a key characteristic from our past and it will continue to be one of the core tenets of our company for all aspects of our business. Compliance obligations Bladen are committed to operating our manufacturing plants and vineyards in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, codes of practice and voluntary agreements and in a manner that protects the quality of the environment, and the health and safety of our employees, our associates and the general public.

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Safety Policy: 1. Bladen believes that: 1. Health and safety is ranked equal with the Bladen’s primary aims and objectives (including financial), and is to be integrated with all processes and activities at the winery. Incidents which may cause harm are preventable. While leadership has ultimate accountability, responsibility for health and safety is with everyone who works, visits, or has business on vine and wine factory sites. Require all contractors and workers to demonstrate the same commitment to achieving excellence in safety performance including contractors complying with the minimum standards reflected in winery Policy. Comply with relevant legislation, regulations, code of practice and industry standards. Definitions: In this document the following terms are used to convey health and safety requirements: Agreement A contract detailing arrangements between two parties, in the context of safety participation the agreement is between Bladen and its employees associations.

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Procedure Established steps or methods that must be performed to obtain a specified outcome or output. Describes the steps to be performed to obtain a specified outcome or output. PCBU is defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Bladen Wines Limited is a PCBU. PCBU’s are other organizations and companies including self-employed. Audience: Every manager, employees, member, visitor or person at Bladen vineyards and winery. Relevant Legislation: Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation Compensation Act 2001 Hazardous Substance and New Organisms Act 1996 Radiation Protection Act 1986 BioSecurity Act 1993 Occupational health and safety management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques (AS/NZS 4804:2001) Legal Compliance: Statutory requirements for the company, managers, employees members, students, visitors or persons with business at Bladen Wines, are detailed in the above policy statements.

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Post Privacy Policy Documents; Through application of Braden QMS control perspective, the organization takes one step forward by clearly posting their privacy policy documents. This ensures that Braden customers and partners can take the necessary precautionary measures before sharing their data for any other purpose. This approach ensures that any improvement made by Bladen Wines Ltd with regards to privacy issues is sustained or maintained. Below is an example of privacy policy template from Simmond Stewart adapted for Bladen Wines: PRIVACY POLICY INTRODUCTION Bladen Wines Ltd complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person). telephone call or email), or when you buy or use our services and products • Third parties where you have authorized this or the information is publicly available.

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If possible, we will collect personal information from you directly. HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We will use your personal information: • To help us identify you • To recommend our services or products to you • To market our services and products to you, including contacting you electronically (e. g. by text or email for this purpose) • To ask for regular feedback on our services and products • To bill you to collect money owed to us, including authorizing and processing credit card transactions • To perform credit checks • To respond to communications from you, including a complaint(s) • To conduct company research and statistical analysis (anonymously) • For any other purpose authorized by you or the act DISCLOSING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We may disclose your personal information to: • another company within our group • any business that supports our services and products, including any person that hosts or • maintains any underlying IT system or data center that we use to provide the website or other • services and products • a credit reference agency for the purpose of credit checking you • other third parties (for anonymous statistical information) • a person who can require us to supply your personal information (e.

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REFERENCES Bladen Wines Ltd. May 20). Bladen. Retrieved from Bladen: https://www. bladen. Lean six sigma: Combining six sigma quality with lean speed. New York: McGraw-HIll. Hafey, R. B. Lean safety: transforming your safety culture with lean management.

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