Bonobos Impact of Life Changing Experiences

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Biology

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The relationship is shown by a phylogenetic tree as well as in their lifestyles. Bonobos lifestyle suggests something akin to the “Theory of Mind”, the idea that complex creatures can solve problems and use tools, (Hare 1). Evolutionary psychology points out that no one in the past had recognized the existence of such similarities between human beings and bonobos for further research or studies on their similarities. The key difference between bonobos and human beings is that bonobos’ society is matriarchal unlike that of human beings which is a patriarchal society. In bonobo society, the concepts of community and ductility play a big role. However, this was likely to have come from a self-centered standpoint than anything else and hence the results seemed to be inconclusive.

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The difference between chimpanzees and bonobos is that they use different tools and tactile for learning. For instance, bonobos performed “Theory of Mind" tests very successful compared to chimpanzees when they were both exposed to such tests for the purpose of determining their cognitive abilities by use of tools. Psychological tests were carried out for the purpose of examining their mental status including intentions as well as beliefs about being other creature other than whom really they are (Herman). Their knowledge of how emotions can impact society is amazing. And hence this makes the bonobos have a strange way of handling such things. Bonobos are not just compared to human beings because they perform theory of mind, but also they are able to use other expressions used by human beings such as facial expressions, emotions as well as keeping themselves in check or under control.

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This proves that both bonobos and chimpanzees have the ability to use facial expressions. Before the Darwin theory of evolution came into existence, people believed that the facial expressions were “divinely created” as well as “not found among other animals” (Steiner 267). However, it has been found that there are at least 6 universal facial expressions including happiness, rage, fear, grief/sadness, and disgust as well as a surprise (Jones 555). Without this information, there would be no link between human beings and non-homo counterparts (bonobos and chimpanzees). Initial occupation of the same geographical area created the link between bonobos, chimps, and human beings while separation from this geographical area made them develop different body features. The aforementioned matriarchal society of bonobos is integral to extend that, it differs from that of chimpanzees.

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Focusing on the female position in bonobos society, males usually receive orders from them. But this is not found in any chimpanzee group. It is possible to prove that bonobos are not as technically handy and are able to become more peaceful compared their chimpanzee and human counterparts and all this is associated to bonobos Matriarchal societal structure. Ovulation is one of the key components which gives the difference between bonobos, chimpanzees, and human being. Ovulation in human beings, bonobos and chimpanzees are one of the key factors which differentiate these three mammals. It is noted that the date of ovulation in human beings can be predicted and in most cases, they occurred following a given pattern. However, bonobos ovulation is evident.

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The two species can be differentiated based on their gender roles. And especially with their innate problem-solving skills, for instance, on how they are able to use “genital stimulation” to lower tensions and allow peaceful feasting as a group. Some of the bonobo's ability such as the theory of mind test, ability to understand feeling from universal expressions as well as their ability to “Beg” are quite amazing. Again, bonobos and human beings can be compared on an evolutionary tree or phylogenetic trees. Bonobos having splinted off from human beings over 8 million years ago, this gives them a short timeline for both species to have changed completely. " Current Anthropology 46. Cohen, Jon. Almost Chimpanzee: Searching for What Makes Us Human, in Rainforests, Labs, Sanctuaries, and Zoos.

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New York: Times Books, 2010. Print. Reichert, Karin E. , et al. “What Females Tell Males About Their Reproductive Status: Are Morphological and Behavioural Cues Reliable Signals of Ovulation in bonobos (Pan Paniscus)?” Ethology, vol. 108, no. 7, 2002, pp. "Human facial expressions in response to taste and smell stimulation. " Advances in child development and behavior. Vol. JAI, 1979. Tuana, Nancy. 1038/scientificamerican0606-14sp. Outline Randa Elkhashab Research paper outline Dr. Behr Com 101 Thesis: A bonobo society proves a matriarchal society is more peaceful. Conversely, the male- dominated humans are not as peaceful. This illustrates that gender roles play an important role in shaping society. Emotional expressions 1. Facial expression are similar to humans 2. Phylogenetic trees B. Dominance 1. Females have a larger clitoris which gives males a disadvantage in mating with females 2.

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