Breast Cancer Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Biology

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Breast cancer develops in in the breast ducts and lobules. The ducts are the pathway for the flow of milk from the glands to the nipple, and Lobules are milk-producing glands (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018). The cancer cells can also occur in the fat tissues within the breast. These chaotic cancer cells also spread to other healthy breast tissue and in some cases move up to the armpits lymph nodes. These lymph nodes provide a main path for the cancerous cells to spread to body organs. If diagnosed with ILC, it means that it has already invaded other tissue and organs. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive type. With this type, the cells along the breast ducts change and look cancerous although the DCIS has not invaded the nearby tissue.

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“Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)” develops in the lobule of the breast. These cancer cells have not invaded the nearby tissue. In other cases, breast cancer is hereditary. Some of the risk factors are inconclusive, modified, not influenced and others are clearly defined. These include; family history especially for women with relatives who have suffered the disease there is a double risk. Age is also another factor as one gets older the chances increase (Herndon & Holland, 2017). Diagnosis of a benign breast condition like atypical hyperplasia increases the risk of the disease. There may be no signs of breast cancer during the early stages. Each type of breast cancers shows different symptoms, but many of them are similar. The symptoms include breast pain, a new lump that feels different than other surrounding tissue, the breast skin may appear red, blood discharge from the nipple.

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Breast swelling, nipple or breast skin peeling, and a unexpected change in the breast shape or size are also symptoms (Herndon & Holland, 2017). There is also an inversion of the nipple, swelling under the arm, and changes in breast skin appearance. The severity of breast cancer determines the stages. Invasive breast cancers are at a higher stage than the noninvasive types. To stage a breast cancer, a doctor should know: the tumor size, if it has affected the lymph nodes if it is invasive or noninvasive. There are five stages of breast cancer. Stage 0 is DCIS where the cancerous cells are within the breast ducts and do not spread. Radiation therapy, on the other hand, entails targeting and killing cancerous cell using high-powered rays of radiation.

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Chemotherapy entails the use of drugs to destroy the cancer cells. Most doctors combine chemotherapy and surgery. There are however many unwanted side effects of chemotherapy (Herndon & Holland, 2017). Hormone therapy treatment takes place when the type is sensitive to hormones. It affects both men and women, but women are more susceptible. There are various types of breast cancer depending on the spread and location. The cause is unknown, but there are various risk factors of the disease. Breast cancer is treatable through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy. However, individual can employ preventive measures like a healthy lifestyle, regular screening and examining to reduce the chances of the disease. org/quality-programs/napbc. Accessed Nov 17, 2018 Balentine Jerry R and Stöppler Melissa C.

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