Business Research on Staff Selection and Turnover

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Tourism

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The demands in the hospitality industry require hotels to present a fantastic experience that appeal to the consumer expectations for a tranquil vacation or conference experience. The manner in which customer service through the engagement established between the staff and visitors in the hospitality sector initiates an understanding of an entity interested in serving to the best interest of the client. The two theories that define the assessment on the benefits that accrues from developing a staff selection process that responds to market needs. On staff selection, the iceberg theory comes in handy as a guiding principle for enabling the hotel get the right workforce to fulfill their objectives in the competitive industry. Consequently, staff turnover will be analyzed from the perspective of the firm specific human capital theory that enumerates the circumstances that govern the work environment in enhancing better performance from the employees.

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View of the Iceberg Model on Selection Significance of the Iceberg theory in the Staff Selection Farr & Tippins (2017, 256) avers that there are hidden competencies that might not be recognized in the selection process since recruiters focus on the tip of the iceberg not to notice what lies underneath the water. The iceberg theory enumerates the need for the selection process to undertake an extra mile that would initiate measures with the capacity to align the suitability of hidden qualities to the job description. The iceberg theory helps the recruiter identify unique characters that are exhibited by an individual in the execution of the tasks which adds value to the organization. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) acknowledges the existing employees with different capabilities when it comes to fitting the job description in the hospitality sector.

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Competitive pressure in the hospitality and hotel industry is challenged by the development of a differentiated strategy of their products facilitated by uniqueness. Benefits of a Good Staff Selection Model Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) recognizes the existence of challenges in the labor market that have been evolving from time to time in an effort to respond to ever-changing business dynamics. The complexities that come with expanded business make it difficult for an organization to put up a good team that will address their human capital needs. The difficulties are evident from the challenges that exist while dealing with a globalized world where competition is rife and technology has taken the transformative agenda across several markets (Farndale, Raghuram, Gully, Liu, Phillips & Vidović, 2017). Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbor Hotel selection team should be guided by the iceberg theory that focuses on hidden attributes of the staff that might have a positive impact on the execution of a candidate's duties.

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Evaluation of the Selection Process A good selection model does not focus on the observable attributes alone but should scrutinize further about an employee to evaluate whether they might perform better in a different task. The value of growth should be shared between the organization and employees so as to convince them that it is a shared victory between the two parties. AlBattat & Som (2013), look at the staff turnover as a factor that has been contributed by the organizations' inaction towards convincing the employees of a possible self-fulfillment. Despite the call to developing strategic interventions that are premised on the desire to develop substantive gains for an entity, it is equally imperative for an organization to assure employees of personal growth. The introduction of training and appreciation of the best employees goes a long way towards improving the level of performance exhibited by an organization’s workforce.

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Overview of the Firm Specific Human Capital Theory Relevance of the Firm Specific Human Capital Theory to Staff Turnover A firm specific human capital theory is an important tool that enhances the human resource management role in capping challenges of staff turnover. The perception might impair the objective of the theory in limiting staff theory by promoting it through the perception that an employee’s value would be significant to another firm. The firm specific theory might equally limit the productivity of the organization since employees who perceive their skills as firm specific are often dissatisfied and likely to underperform in the organization (Saridakis, & Cooper, 2016, 28). The solutions for staff turnover lie on how the human resource management team undertakes to formulate policies that attract the best talent and assert the need for employees’ commitment to the organization.

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Analysis of the Cost of Staff Turnover Snell, Morris & Bohlander (2015, 72) looks at what the organization risks when it comes to an assessment of the lost business prospects resulting from a system that does not bring into life a stable workforce. The disruptions that couple the consistent staff turnover might make it impossible for Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbor Hotel to satisfy the consumer's experience when service delivery keeps varying from time to time. The iceberg theory and firm specific human capital seek to advance the need for correlating two diverse extremes but interrelated on the value they create for organizational prosperity. It is imperative to underscore the fact that staff selection and staff turnover are critical to the success of Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbor Hotel. The relationship between staff selection and staff turnover represent how human resources play a pivotal role in the success of the organization (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2012, 226).

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The two theories contribute significantly in developing a framework that displays an organizations commitment to put in place a structure in which it recognizes the role of staff in yielding organizational progression. Caligiuri, Lepak & Bonache (2010, 44) makes an understanding that staff turnover to some extent depends on the quality of the staff selection process. The business environment is changing and comes with market pressures that create the need for employees with added attributes capable of facing the maneuvers in the industry. Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbor Hotel should appreciate the benefit that will come from a good selection model primarily one that underscores the need for special attributes for creating a positive corporate image. On the contrary, the application of the firm specific human capital approach requires an understanding of the impact it establishes on employee behavior.

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The theory is based on perception and might develop an outcome not anticipated by the objectives of the approach. The application of the firms specific human capital should be applied cognizant of the fact that it must equally enhance employee productivity for purposes of challenging market competitive pressure. A good human resource management enhances the organizations understanding about the different perspectives on the work environment that play a pivotal role in job satisfaction or dissatisfaction which determines the level of efficiency. References Journal Articles AlBattat, A. R. S. Som, A.  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 453-472.  https://doi. org/10. IJCHM-12-2013-0538 Dusterhoff, C. Cunningham, J. Phillips, J. M. Vidović, M. A vision of international HRM research.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1625-1639. C. Practical application of importance-performance analysis in determining critical job satisfaction factors of a tourist hotel.

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