Contribution of the hospitality industry to the tourism sector
The paper also provides my personal opinion on the various issues in the hospitality industry such as, lodging, the interdependence of and food service. The research also looks into the various implications of implementing more integral techniques, in order to grow the hospitality industry. The world contuse to experience a range of challenges facing the hoteling industry today. These challenges may be categorized into political, social and economic perspectives. It is essential to pay critical attention into these problems so as to ensure that relevant counter measures to solve them. This can also help in deciding the marketing strategy of the eatery (Kusluvan 43). Social Factors The people’s eating habits within UK Roads will affect marketing resolutions made. The most difficult challenge that restaurants face is the number of people who eat out frequently.
Many restaurants all over the UK close down after years of being open. This changes often and is not exclusive to just one category of restaurant. This is essential as it allows visitors to review the data presented in identifying destinations which meet their required standards. Additionally, these statistics are often availed to tourists around the world. This, therefore, means that such information may be used to influence the opinion of the tourist on the kind of motel, hotel or any other type of accommodation to choose from the enlisted ones. The hostel and tourism industries are intertwined where one’s resources may be used in satisfying the needs of the other. This, therefore, means that the two industries cannot survive without the help of the other. The following are some of how the Hospitality and tourism industry are interrelated; Package Holidays The hospitality sector plays a very significant role in package holidays.
For a hotel to be included in packages holidays, depend on the price of the packages it offers. Five-star hotels offer packages of the highest standards whereas other hotels with lower ranks tend to provide services that are relative to a smaller budget. In most cases, hotels tend to experience mass purchase of holiday packages which allow customers to enjoy favorable customer rates as well as economical airline ticket costs. Depending on the preference of the consumer, hotels offer a variety of options that every visitor may choose from (Nickson 32). This allows such investors to increase their investments owing to the low costs hence allowing the company to maximize its profits in the long run. This also allows the hotel to remain relevant in the vast competitive market. Over time, the company has been able to entertain an existing client base as well as others who continue to prefer its services to others.
Standardization The standardization of services provided by a company may prove to be a difficult thing to do as a result of the availability of a range of the variable. The standardization of automated services may be said to be carried out more efficiently as opposed to manual functions. If this continues to be the case, the chances are high that the company may experience tremendous growth in markets around the world. Development of Hospitality Businesses Plan for a Visitor Cottage Being a recreation area, Center Parcs host a variety of visitors from around the world every year. The visitors tend to enjoy good times together as they explore the vast woodlands available in the facility. As a hospitality business-oriented individual, I believe the installation of cottages in the centers could prove to be a logical decision that would prove to be profitable with time.
The reason as to why I decided to choose such a business lies behind the fact that the center continues to gain more and more clients who in one way or another may enjoy a good time together for more than one day. Integration has allowed Whitbread group to encourage effective communication among employees from different departments as a strategy aimed at ensuring that everyone is entitled to work in a friendly environment. The hotel management sector continues to be viewed very seriously owing to the increased demand for improved accommodation resources by tourist from different parts of the world. Works Cited Guliani, Lipika K, and Syed A. Rizwan. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Nickson, Dennis. Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Toursim Industries. Oxon: : Routledge, , 2007.
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