Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

This is all in a bid to maintain the working relationship that was beforehand as well as trying to prevent future occurrences of such misunderstanding between Cape Tisbe International and OZStuff Australia and other clients. A major analysis in this report has been focused on how this company aims to ensure products will be of high quality and delivered on time. It also details how we as a company and specific staff respond to the complaints against us and the training tactics we plan to deploy for the betterment of our employees and services they provide on behalf of our company. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 4 BACKGROUND 5 DEFINING THE ISSUES 6 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 7 Response to Issues Raised by OZStuff Australia. Training activities to be enforced 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 10 1. BACKGROUND We as Cape Tisbe International are inclined to provide the best goods and services to our clients as we strive to enhance our reputation locally and internationally as one of the very best institutions.

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However, we have received complaints that are related to poor customer service, specifically regarding the state or quality of our products and the response from our sales team in regard to our delivery schedule to suit the needs of our customers and in this case, OZStuff Australia. Our organization takes such complaints seriously and that is why we have established complaint policy and procedural guidelines. These have been put in place to address the requirement of possessing procedures that assess dispute and complaint resolution. The guidelines also have a duty to make sure that the received complaints are well handled in a timely, professional and clearly stated manner. This is especially for companies that are in the process of significant operational change as well as companies that are well established in the national and international market, for example, Cape Tisbe International.

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Our company has prepared a number of procedures that it intends to undertake in the near future so as to see to it our client in this case OZStuff Australia, receives high-quality products on time. The procedures, stated below, will be based on the delivery of products and services to all our clients in general too. Developing a philosophy based on continuous improvement. For this philosophy to be effective, there has to be strong leadership too that puts into consideration the implementation of this concept. Integrating teamwork as part of the corporate culture. Cape Tisbe International is based upon principles such as teamwork since we realize that this is a critical element of doing business in the present day. We shall seek to engrain the teamwork in our corporate culture in order for the employees to realize their role in enhancing production of quality services and goods for the betterment of the company.

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Routine measurement and analysis procedures. These procedures are crucial in that they help the organization understand important elements of its operations. As well as transparency, we realize that customer satisfaction is also vital to the performance of the organization. Aggarwal and Falenius, 2014) There are staff meetings that are set to occur frequently, to be specific weekly, that seek to tackle the quality issues that have surfaced and also establish the root cause as well. This will hopefully enlarge our processes and help our systems get more robust in addition to building the confidence of our employees. On behalf of Cape Tisbe International and its staff, I would also like to apologize for the poor customer service, specifically through the comments regarding our delivery schedule and products to OZStuff Australia. Our intention is not to provide undesirable customer experience to our clients and such an instance is guaranteed not to happen again.

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Once complaints are lodged for instance through telephone, they are received and acknowledged within three business days and are followed up according to their urgency. The policies and procedures pertaining to handling complaints are also reviewed on an annual basis. Cape Tisbe Ltd, 2018) As an experienced sales manager, I would recommend an update to the above listed procedural guidelines with recommendations of my own as given hereon. Building customer loyalty through the use of proven and workable strategies. This might include ensuring a customer relationship through updating them regularly through personalized emails, phone calls, and newsletters. Once these recommendations are put into practice, Cape Tisbe International is set to benefit a huge chunk as this will increase the efficiency that is directed towards customer satisfaction. The company also understands that the complaints that are directed towards the services we provide offer an opportunity towards growth as well as establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships with the client.

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As such, those comments are not perceived negatively nor lightly but are seen as an opportunity to excel even further. Thereby, as the sales manager, I have indicated the way forward through my recommendations and will strive to achieve they are implemented for the sake of ensuring the issues with OZStuff Australia are eliminated as well as ensuring a case of this magnitude does not arise in future. REFERENCE LIST Aggarwal, R.  Policies. online] Available at: https://capetisbe. weebly. com/policies2. html [Accessed 6 May 2018]. org/en/guides/customer-relationship-management/ [Accessed 6 May 2018]. Workzone.  7 Unbeatable (Process) Ideas for On-time Delivery | WorkZone. online] Available at: https://www. workzone.

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