Case study of venice
In the case study, individuals can note the issues that ail the city of Venice over the years. Through the highlighting of the problems, there is the constitution of the best proposal that will ensure there is the one on one working towards the restoration of the city. It will get the attention of the people in the administration to ensure they can channel the right energy and funds towards the preservation of the city’s heritage. Some of the recommendations that have been proposed to the development of a well rehabilitated city include the introduction of legislation to control the housing sector, the channeling of the funds collected in the town to the best places to ensure benefits are gotten by the locals as well as measures that will aid in the reduction of pollution in the city.
The application of these issues will lead to the development of a society that is well enlightened on matters around them in an ethical manner. Ideally, people will have different level of notions on various issues as seen qoted ‘The problem with this argument is that different people have different definitions of unfairness,’(McGee, 2009, 65-9). A look at the situation in Venice, it can be seen that any of the decisions that are aimed to be done should benefit Venetians. The steps to be taken should try as much as possible to reduce any level of harm to the city. One example of the situation includes the thought of how there are very many people who visit Venice as well as a large number of cruise ships which dock in Venice.
The docking of the vessels has brought about the rising of the sea level that will bring about menace as the city of Venice, which may vanish in about eighty years (McGee, 2009, 65-9). Lastly, there is a need for the issuance of pollution licenses for the cruise ships that dock in Venice. It will ensure that the cruise ship will have to pay some amount of fine for the level of pollution that their property cause to the city. In this way, it will ensure that there is the setting aside of some funds that will be used in the cleaning of the environment. Moreover, there can be strict regulation in that the cruise ship that dock at the port should comply with environmentally friendly measures. This process will be the first step towards the creation of a clean environment around Venice.
It will help in the reduction of the rent that is charged on the individuals in the city. It will first have to consider the individuals' tenants from the city as opposed to consideration of the tourist that come and go. This process is because the various operations undertaken in the town are part and parcel of the individual efforts by the residents. Lack of efforts by the residents will paralyze the services in the city. The house owners will hence have to consider the welfare of the residents as they have a significant part in the stay of tourist in the city. Question 2 A view of the case study shows that various stakeholders have some level of control over the operations in the city. Some of the key stakeholders include the residents of Venice, the tourist that visit the city, the house owners of Venice, the Airbnb Firm, the cruise shipper owners, the central government and the workers in Venice.
Each of the above individuals has his or her level of influence in the operations of the city. Power stakeholders A look at power stakeholders’ analysis, the part would be played by the national government, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization as well as the local administration. Under the rising level of oppression to the resident of the city, there can be a view of the laws that will be put in place to ensure the smooth running of the affairs in the city. Urgency stakeholders These are the stakeholders who need to consider time sensitivity in the operations. The urgency stakeholders in this case study are the city itself as well as the tourists. The tourists are urgency stakeholders in that their stay in the city will be short-lived.
They will hence require best service delivery directed to them to guarantee the best accommodation in the city. The next critical stakeholder is the city itself. Additionally, it is clear to note of the level at which decision making is crucial to the making of the most ethical decisions. In the making of the decisions, there is the look at the consequences of the decisions that are made to the people around (Driver, Julia, and Rosalind Hursthouse, 2002, 110-122). With the setting of the best decision-making strategies, there is the realization of decisions that aid in the minimization of societal errors and oppression of the less privileged. The decisions made should have some level of progress towards the achievement of the various life goals. The goals will aid in the elimination of the various limitations that may affect the successful life of the entire process.
The rebellion leads to the slow rendering of the services to the individuals. Conclusion All individuals should strive to the consideration of the others in terms of the way that they engage in the day to day activity. Through the use of the normative theories in ethics, a clear line is drawn that shows that all individuals are for the idea that the decisions that are made should have a consideration of others. The good and the bad are to be well viewed and a decision makes at eliminating the matter that will have less good to the majority. Any inclination to some certain level of sides that have personal interest should be minimized. ed. Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Broad, Charlie Dunbar. Ethics and the history of philosophy: selected essays.
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