Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative
They influence their every endeavor and form a basis of decision making, trust and give meaning to their lives. Hence as medical practitioners, it is important to understand, familiarize and respect people’s religious and spiritual beliefs. With this notion in mind, it is easier to incorporate it the medical practice to eradicate ethical issues in medicine and treatment. Most religious folks, especially staunch Christians, have more trust in the supernatural which is God, for the treatment and cure of their ailments rather than relying on science, tentatively medicine, as seen from the narrative case study of Healing and Autonomy. It is therefore important for physicians to understand people’s beliefs, religious considerations and stand and merge this information with science in medicine in order to provide services that appeal to these people (McCormick, 2014).
It was the ultimate test of their faith, through medicine in a life or death situation on whether to wait on God to give a way or risk one of their son going to surgery to give one of his kidneys to the other to save his life. The narrative depicts how Mike and Joanne rely on God in everything. The ultimate test to their faith comes when their son is in dire need of medical attention and dialysis as recommended by the physician and they do not disappoint. They seek out God first. People may argue ethically that it is upon medical practitioners to convince their patients how medicine works wonders and it should be a partnership with their spiritual and religious beliefs in the treatment of these patients. Rational adults who are mature denounce science and medical interventions in choice of spiritual healing.
When this is critically analyzed, the underlying ethical issue becomes ignorance and rigidity. But the main value depicted by such adults is autonomy. Autonomy in such cases lacks valid justification other than faith and trust in religious processes. Such adults even go to an extent of denying organ donations or giving out organs. When it comes to health, and specifically modern health, religion and Christianity become like an obstacle or a parallel dimension. Christianity and science do not mix well and Christians are reluctant to get the medical attention and treatment they need, which is good for them as a result of the science incorporated in medicine. Science is the greatest enemy to religion and Christians follow this notion by heart. But in modern times, it is important for Christians to be more open minded and ready to accept scientific medicine as a friend to their health.
A few Christians have rationalized modern medicine as God’s way of healing them and this has merged religion with medicine making treatment easier and this situation should be unanimous everywhere. The family should have a positive outlook which will make treatment easier for their young eight-year-old son. His trust that God is working for him should be through James getting the required treatment within the required time. References McCormick, T. April). Spirituality and medicine. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3662145/ Sloan, R. VandeCreek, L. Religion and medicine: Why faith should not be mixed with science. Retrieved from Medscape: https://www.
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