Causes and Effects of Lung Cancer in Developing Nations
Document Type:Proofreading Editing
Subject Area:Psychology
The best way to solve an issue is to solve it from the source. Therefore, this paper aims at giving the psychological explanation, results, conclusion, and recommendations on Causes and Effects of Lung Cancer in Developing Nations with Nigeria, Kenya, and India as the Case Studies. It seeks to come up with new ways of handling lung cancer. The new approaches of cancer prevention will be those that involve the consideration of the impacts of factors like tobacco smoking, psychological factors, and economic factors, among others. By looking at these elements, the researcher seeks to devise better methods of cancer prevention, control, and treatment than those that physicians currently use. The field of Experimental Psychology researches the psychological and behavioral repercussions of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative issue, and mind dysfunctions. Using the stated principles and theories the researchers will be able to explore and investigate the human cognition and behaviors that may lead to certain specific behaviors basing the experiment on causes of lung cancer (Teichroew, 2016).
The background information of the study revealed that there are many conclusions drawn from many types of research regarding the causes of Lung Cancer and how it affected an individual that has been reported to develop it. The studies took the dissimilar methodological approach and differed on the study subjects (Novello, 2017). The study concept is squarely pegged on the research topic, “Experimental Neuropsychology: Causes and Effects of Lung Cancer in Developing Nations with Nigeria, Kenya, and India as the Case Studies. That is to be done with the belief that it will lead to improved outcomes in the initiatives to prevent the disease. The results, discussion, and recommendation from this research will be integral in the formulation of policies by all stakeholders affected by the lung cancer, especially in developing nation.
According to Ken at al. differences in personality traits have an effect on the causes and consequences of lung cancer. As such, this study is a significant step in the revelation of some of the traits as pertains to the causes and prevention of the disease. To establish the association how the prior treatment of lung cancer affects the current rate of the disease. To study the effect of lung cancer on the psychological, economic, social and political development of the nation, especially in developing nations (Kenya, Nigeria, and India) and how economic development of the country affect the rate of lung cancer treatment. Research Questions 1. Do Gender and Age affect the rate of lung cancer diagnosis? 2. Does smoking of tobacco result to increased cases of lung cancer? 3. The first approach is observational or correlations which will allow continuous observation of the sample population against the population.
This reduces manipulation which may cause statistical bias. The second approach includes the use of questionnaires as data collecting tool (Brown, 2015). The third approach is the use of direct interviews with the selected participants. The descriptive research design is also best since it allows easy presentation of the analyzed data through graphical and explanatory forms. Most of the finance will go to personnel expenses and time-consuming accomplishments of analyzing 200 interviews. The costs include participant incentives, staff, direct and indirect expenses. The staff costs will cover the planning, coordination, implementation, and supervision of data analysis. The instructor of the staff will be responsible for the recruiting activities, data collection, and data coding. For details kindly refer to Appendix A: Budget. int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/ Child Neuropsychology. Child Neuropsychology, 23(8), ebi-ebi. doi. org/10.
Etikan, I. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer, 16(4), 184-190. doi:10. j. issn. Ken, S. doi. org/10. a0035748 Lung cancer incidence statistics. Cancer Research UK. Retrieved 30 April 2017, from http://www. pone. Michaels, C. The importance of exercise in lung cancer treatment. Translational Lung Cancer Research, 5(3), 235-238. doi. Dicle Medical Journal, 42(1), 117-122. doi:10. diclemedj. Roth, J. Sullivan, S. Cancers, 6(4), 580-594. doi. org/10. cancers6010580 Teichroew, J. K. doi. org/10. bbij. Vikram, B. Research in imaging/biomarkers for precision medicine in lung cancer: National Cancer Institute funding opportunities. Furthermore, the data analysis for the study will be complicated requiring the application of an advanced form of modeling. Also, significant time has been invested in the extensive literature review and survey designs. The calculationis for 20 hours funding for the research period. The funds will go to the research administrators who have invested their substantial personal time into the survey and release them from other duties during the project time.
Other direct expenses $7000 Semi-annual subscription to survey monkey fees from 2016 and 2017.
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