Police diversity
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Subject Area:Social Work
Police brutality and racism has been so serious in America than in any other country in the world with the black people being killed for no reason by the American police force. This has called for alarm by the American government to try and reduce this kind of citizens’ rights abuse through ensuring diversity of the police force. At some point, the government had allowed the police to use excessive force in the name of interrogating the suspects and also protecting themselves. However, this is not the way the police should work but they should use a rational amount of force to in any situation only when the only option is to use force. Most of the times, the excessive forces have been directed to the marginalized groups in the society mostly the poor, the blacks and the weak.
The Task Force encouraged a diverse range of shareholders such as law implementation leaders, advocates, policymakers, and community members to search for strategies for implementing community-police relations, crime reduction, and public policy advancement. Their final report was supposed to provide law enforcement and communities with a roadmap to reinstall trust and to improve efficiency, legal, and community-based policing (Luther, 2017). The federal government, through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a commission whose main work is to make sure that job discrimination by the employers against job aspirants and the employees has also tried to reduce the problems of lack of diversity in the law enforcement department. The commission’s work is to collect and analys2es the data about the employees employed by most of the main companies in the United States with the inclusion of the security agencies in the country.
The department of justice in the United States of America has also been very keen to help increase the police diversity in the country so as to at least get a permanent solution about those problems affecting the service delivery of the police department. It had officers who were employed to be on duty full time. This police force was established in Boston because earlier before, the Boston shipping company had to hire people to protect their property I the sea as they were being transported from Boston to the other destinations. The merchants who were responsible for the shipping company then thought of transferring the burden of paying the security guards to all the citizens of the United States. They argued that the responsibility of ensuring security to property was collective for all the citizens, therefore, starting the police force which could be paid by the money collected from the taxpayers was the better way to do it.
The racial discrimination in America started that time with Americans beating the black slaves for committing just very tinny offenses. Those men could not be prosecuted because their immunity against prosecution was assured by the law. They would even expose the slaves to thorough beating just because of gathering together even without attempting to escape. Selective implementation of banned laws further shows that that police worked as agents of class and ethnic control (Painter, 2018). The poor and racial minorities in the society were subject to severe, ruthless, and sometimes deadly execution but the wealthy were sometimes given no more than a slap on the wrist with most of the time being left unpunished even if the wrongs deserved a punishment. For the instant, prohibition, a ban in the United States of America that restricted the manufacturing, transporting, selling or consumption of alcoholic drinks was just a joke for the wealthy Americans but for the minor and the poor in the community, it was a no joke.
This means that the behavior of the police being selective has not just started but it is just like a culture for the American police force. The problem has just worsened recently with the police even shooting people for no reason. Black people have no equal rights as the other citizens in the country. The situation is even becoming worse with the current happenings where the behavior has gotten in the schools whereby, there have been witnessed a series of shootings in the schools. The students do not think that the police cannot protect them and they now want the government to assure them enough security while in the school. No more can police departments have full control in detailing instances of arrests that outcome in serious damage or passing against minorities in their groups.
It will get increasingly hard for the police to conceal their activities against minorities that vibe they are being persecuted by these establishments with regards to being captured. For instance, Black individuals are utilizing web-based social networking to get the consideration of general society keeping in mind the end goal to join together and challenge police ruthlessness. What's more, they are appearing in awesome numbers in a composed manner so as to look for equity from the administration. Dark individuals are tired of segregation by police as far as being executed or getting beat up in a capture circumstance on account of their skin shading. He shared stories from his work as district commander in one of his working office. He explained how he tried to change the working of the police to a situation where they will work with an aim of only protecting the citizens but not brutalizing them.
Nicholson‐Crotty, 2017) The other person to give her story was a law professor Jelani Exum who said that the police uses fatal force to deal with suspects in the streets. He says that the fuse of brutal force is like sentencing a person in the street without taking him/her to the courts and without following the right process that should be used for correctional sentences. Shutting an unarmed suspect in the streets is like sentencing a person to death without taking him to the court according to the professor. Jackson, 2017). The research question In the recent events, a lot of police brutality incidences have been witnessed in the United States. The police in the United States have been treating the blacks like animals. They do not respect the rights of the citizen who are not whites.
When a black man just commits a small mess, he is exposed to serious brutal business with sometimes being shot in the streets. The citizens think that helping the police to catch somebody s putting that person’s life in danger. Bradford, 2017). What effect would more diversity have on police departments? Literature review The problem of police brutality has become a daily topic on the news and across the whole country. Most people have urged that police diversity is the permanent solution to the problem. The argument has created a lot of discussions in the social media verbally by politicians and activists. The theory explains the reason why some of the officers use the brutal force and others do not. The theory argues that those officers who become bad story are mostly the whites who think that the blacks have no rights to live at all.
The symbolic interactionist and the marginalize civilians is also a theory that says that the weak, poor and few in the communities are the ones who are likely to be affected by the problem of brutality. In my research, I have studied mostly the views of the citizens on the police diversity agenda, I have done this so as to know what exactly is the problem facing the diversity agenda because it has become the talk of the day recently. Most of the black people do not like joining the police force because they have hated the job due to the way they have seen the police work from before. Each of the topics below has tried to explain certain perspective from different groups of people. Radil, 2017). Racial issues in policing The police racial discrimination should be done away with at all means in America.
The police officers who are found handling the citizens either black or white in a brutal manner should be taken to court justice for the citizens be done by all means. The police officers should be diversified with the recruitment of women officers and also black Americans in the police force so that the white police can understand that even the lives of the black citizens matter so much. This is because when white police officers are recruited in that area, they will not interact well with the blacks in that city, something which can greatly increase police brutality and race-based street shootings. McAden, 2017). Why diversity is important in law enforcement The challenge of recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse workforce is actually equal to law enforcement. In most parts of the country, in every sector of society, people and organizations are contending with this matter.
Employers in a variability of industries have involved themselves in practical efforts to encourage diversity. In most parts of the country, in every sector of society, people and organizations are contending with this matter. Employers in a variability of industries have involved themselves in practical efforts to encourage diversity. Yet this challenge will always remain predominantly urgent in the field of law implementation. Law implementation organizations fulfill an important role in our society, and in many communities, specific police officers are frequently the community face of native government. It then is dangerous that our nation's law implementation agencies generally imitate the diversity of the societies they serve. Police have started holding engagement with the community so that the community members can present their views and grievances to the policing agencies. Some of the view from the citizens have been so helpful to the running of the police department because they reflect a good relationship between the police and the community at large.
The police have realized that without engagement with the society they cannot perform their duty well. This is because the city usually has very important information which can help them in doing investigations. When the police create a negative relationship with the citizens, they do not give the information they have thereby making it difficult for the offenders to be caught. We can be more caring and treat all people as they deserve to be treated every time you are dealing with anybody and we believe that the benefits of universal respect will greatly reduce violence. Most of the people who the police treat as if they are very violent are always not as violent as they are thought to be. Community Perception of Police In the research published by the united states department of justice to find out the community view on police services to the customers, most of the Americans who are white, about 55% have their view as that most of the police in local areas are guilty of brutal and racism against the blacks at an occasional time.
Among the black Americans, the percentage of the police who are guilty of brutality and racism increases to 79%. This is because the police in America has a color discrimination and the way they treat black Americans is different with the way they handle white Americans. The research showed that the relation between the police and the citizen have experienced strains in the United States history. Police who are white and the minority peoples observe each other in a different situation. This is because of the way the police treated these minorities cannot make them have one view this lead to the mistrust and animosity between the residents and police. The treatment of the minority communities from blacks was different from those who are from the white’s citizens. The young citizens had no good affairs with the police due to the way they treated them according to the survey.
There was the study that was carried in the 1960s showed that the black citizens take the police more negative in the way they carry out their duty than the whites. In addition, the research showed that such negative attitudes toward the police are not confined only to Africans- Americans, But all other countries apart from united states like Mexico as well the blacks had given the policy lower rate than the white in their work. These assessments of the police performance variation were because of the attributable to different experience with the police. The brutality that the police was doing to blacks than white gave the policy lower evaluation in America. The blacks and other minority in the report were seen to be more likely than the whites to have unfriendly spontaneous contact with the police and these associates were the one that catalyzed their views of the law implementation officials.
Those factors include race, gender, previous police encounter, and criminal justice major. We also wanted to know whether the students were willing to join the police force if they could be given a chance to join. Lastly, we asked the young scholars about their take on the police diversity. We asked them how they thought police diversity in the country would help reduce the race-based discrimination. To conduct a good study, we decided to choose a reliable sample to represent the whole population in the school. Do you think policing personnel diversity will reduce police brutality? 2. Can police diversity reduce racial discrimination in America? 3. Do you think the failure of the minorities to take part I the recruitment process is the reason for the delayed implementation of the police diversity plan? 4.
Do you think police street shootings can end if police diversity is practiced effectively? 5. Do you think it’s good for the police to be recruited according to the ratio of the races in that area? The correctly filed surveys were then to the surveying team committee for analysis. The adults were more feeling to participate in the survey than the students in the university. Just like for the university students, the participants here were also told that the survey was voluntary so any person who did not like to participate was advised not to participate. people participated in the study with 55% of the participants being the white people. The police diversity was supported by 65% of the participants in the survey with 35% not supporting the move. of the participants supported that the police officers should be recruited on the bases of how the composition of the population in the region.
It was sown from the survey that the United States government has been trying so much to recruit black youth to the police force but the youths seam not to be willing due to the way they have been treated before by the white police. The data clearly shows that the youths don’t even want to be involved in the survey because it is like they have been completely bored by the police officers. The police department should work harder to help return respect to the rule of law by the police so that they can be trusted by the citizens. This will increase the link between the citizens and the police giving the police a conducive environment to ensure safety for the citizens. Wolof ,2017). References Luther, C. A. Lepre, C.
R. Clark, N. Policing and society, 27(2), 136-156. Newman, M. Enhancing Gender Diversity in Police Recruitment. Australia & New Zealand Journal of Evidence Based Policing, 2(1), 38-44. Nicholson‐Crotty, S. M. Dezzani, R. J. McAden, L. D. Berman, M. US police chiefs blast Trump for endorsing ‘police brutality. The Washington Post. Jeffries, D. Jeffries, R. American journal of public health, 107(5), 662-665. McPhedran, S. Gover, A. R. Mazerolle, P. Routledge Gross, N. Mann, M. Is There a “Ferguson Effect?” Google Searches, Concern about Police Violence, and Crime in US Cities, 2014–2016. Socius, 3, 2378023117703122. Wolof, R.
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