Classical Music Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Music

Document 1

Dances and cheering can accompany the music. Music has various categories which include Opera, Jazz, Baroque music and Rococo Music. The primary goal of my paper is to show how music has revolutionized between 1730 and 1820, its impact on cultural objects, where and why did it rise. Music emerged during the classical period which spanned between 1730 and 1820 in Europe. During this period, music was accompanied by simpler melodies and forms that include sonatas. Development of Opera Music Opera is a staged drama set in the entire music made of vocal pieces and instruments and orchestral overtures. In some Opera, music can be continuous, or it can be broken into discrete pieces. Opera is an abbreviation of Italian phrase "opera in musica" which means "Music in work. Opera is designed to be performed on the stage with scenery and costumes.

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Opera originated out of royal entertainments in the 17th century in Italy and France. Women would wear long dresses that would reach to their ankles. Therefore, it was difficult to see the steps that they made. These dresses also limited their movements. Later, women became stars in ballet dances such as Marie Taglioni who was a hardworking and skillful dancer. This made her internationally famous, and she wore a white dress with fabric and pink roses. Music was light in texture, melodic and also homophonic. In early 1800, a reaction against Rococo style occurred where there were objections due to lack of depth and to the use of decoration. Some of the most celebrated music composers included J. S. Bach, C. It led to mixed vocal forms of opera, cantata, and oratorio.

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Baroque included decorative paintings that balanced dramatic shadows and poses with gilded frames. Some of the baroque composers include Johann Sebastian Bach and George Handel. During the Baroque period, composers were treated like servants. Music directors were paid well although it had strings attached where they were expected to maintain music instruments, overseeing performances and also disciplining musicians. Jazz music led to the rise of Jazz culture. It led to the rise of jazz poetry, jazz fashion and industry. It led to increased tension during the post-war period. In New York, jazz music was influenced by ragtime which was very popular. In New Orleans, African American musicians would gather to improvise and share their music. Rock and roll were associated with sex and also drugs. They were known as hard-drinking, hard-living characters.

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Drugs continued being used by the musicians as they became popular stars. They, therefore, led to the notion that drugs are acceptable in the music industry. Some of the rock musicians include John Lenon, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan and Jerry Garcia. Other characteristics of hip hop include how to sample beats or baselines from records. Hip-hop has a cultural origin of the Bronx, New York City. It started back in the 1970s. The typical instruments involved include rapping, DJ mixer, drum machine, synthesizer, keyboard, and turntables. The stylistic origins include funk, disco, electronic music, dub, rhythm and blues, reggae, dancehall, rock, and jazz. It appeals to many audience or subculture. It began with the discoveries by Thomas Edison and Emile Berliner. It derived from rock and roll, traditional pop and folk.

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Pop music meant a piece of music that had popular appeal. It was characterized by blues and rhythm as well as country and folk. The Birth of Orchestra Professional western Orchestra can be traced back to the culture of classical Greece where sporting events and theater performances were brightened up by groups and rehearsed and the musicians were paid. Instruments used in this type of genre include piano, celesta, violin, viola, and brass. The word orchestra derives from the Greek name which means the area in front of the stage. They are usually led by a conductor who directs the performance of both the arms and the hands. He unifies the orchestra and sets the tempo and shaping the sound of the ensemble. He got involved in music at the Salzburg court, unfortunately, was not comfortable with the position; he therefore traveled to seek a better position.

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It involved the use of instruments such as the violin, harpsichord, horn, mandolin, flute, and clarinet. It is believed that listening to classical music soothes a baby and may, in turn, turn her into a classical fan in life. A test was carried out on college students who listened to Mozart sonata a few minutes before taking a test did better than students who listened to another musician or no music a few minutes before sitting the same exam. It is believed that listening to such music has several benefits and could help avoid mental and physical problems. Diss. School of Social Sciences Theses, 2012. The author of this book describes Opera music, how it was performed, where and when it emerged. He states that opera music was often performed in palace where kings would show off their wealth.

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Williams, Justin A.  Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 49. The author explains that rococo music is characterized by short themes with repetitive words. It rose in France and spread to other parts of the world. Outline I. CHOOSE A DESIRED TOPIC OF RESEARCH A. Background information about music B. Various periods and eras that music emerged C. Various genres of music that emerged 1. When, where and why each kind of genre emerged 2. The role of each of the music genre in the cultural object 3.

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