The city is endowed with beaches which have a high groundwater table in addition to the complex canal system. This makes it vulnerable to occasional tidal flooding. The town council therefore also faces a water shortage crisis. Literature Review The department of sustainability, environment, water, population, and communities conducted literature review on the impacts of environmental protection and biodiversity act of 1999. The study is tailored for the Australian water bodies. These species are dependent on the citizens’ ability to conserve the environment and water bodies, then also practice safe fishing habits. Silva (2012) analyzed the experience of water management organizations in Bangladesh. The research was supported by project G3 and funded by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). The project seeks to understand the multiple modes of water governance and the role of communities in such instances.
The study noticed that the environmental policy is challenged by issues of high rates of poverty, an increase in human populations, and intense competition for available water resources. The move has been a causality in flood control and agricultural expansion strategies. That called into the question for institutions to reduce the fishing strategies to avert the flooding disasters in Bangladesh. The research study, however, notices multiple gaps in the overall management of water about the environmental policy. The target is to improve the quality of water while also reduce the level of flooding. These can cause health hazards to the citizens. The study aims to evaluate the systems in existence for the river pollution and assess the economic costs of the control process. The government has tried to apply policies of pollution mitigation such as uniform taxation, tradable permit system, and uniform taxation.
From the analysis, the river’s water quality was not acceptable. The study well shows the current knowledge of river pollution. It amply discusses the relevant water quality systems. There is a possibility to submerge more than a quarter of its homes that are six feet below the sea level. Flooding remains a major threat to the city’s residents. It is a major threat which the city’s residents have to deal with and ensure the safety of all its residents. The Miami city has a very flat surface and has the most complex water management system in the world through the canals. These efforts are still short, with the city still looking vulnerable during long and short rains. The main cause of carbon emissions is a large number of cars that are on the roads of Miami city.
They emit high levels of carbon that has polluted the ocean, leading to changes in the tides. Physical waste management might be well managed, but gas pollution remains a crucial challenge. The process of reversing the city’s fortunes have failed as more cars grace the roads, lead to increased pollution, change the pH of the ocean making the water to rise above the sea level and cause flooding. Many of the residents have to grapple with adjusting their drainage systems due to the always impending danger. The sustainability is also affected by the waste management systems applied by the city regulators. Environmental challenges continue to supersede the ability of the town to manage pollution. Currently, the city’s main concern remains at how to ensure it has clean water for the residents.
Lack of environmental sustainability leads to a high rate of sickness. The hospitals are full while medical expenditures increase for the town. However, Barcelona has not faced any flood issues in the recent past. The objective is to install good management procedures to avert the floods and improve the quality of water in the city (Criollo et al. Barcelona city is well industrialized and continues to absorb people from other less developed regions in Spain. Basing on that, the city’s municipality has invested in giving an excellent transport and communication system to the people. The roads have been constructed to keep in mind of any event of a flood. Drives are advised to be careful not to spill gasoline to the environment. When air pollution is reduced, the benefits will be highly visible.
Innovation and competitiveness remain the key driver for achieving an environmentally sustainable Miami city. Water challenges can only be sorted by innovative mechanisms that prevent the water from seeping underneath into the water pipes and contaminate clean water. The first technology is a water filtration mechanism that will be used to treat the sewer overflows and secure the ocean. Burdons, S. Enrich, M. Cardona, F. April). An approach of groundwater management in Barcelona City. Literature Review: The Experiences of Water Management Organizations in Bangaldesh. Sukop, M. C. Rogers, M. Guannel, G. Bray, R. Kirtman, B. P. Wu, Z. Increasing flooding hazard in coastal communities due to rising sea level: Case study of Miami Beach, Florida.
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