Climate change impact on biodiversity

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Biology

Document 1

Researchers have engaged in intense field of study to predict the response of biodiversity to climate change. To be able to predict for potential future risks, many scientists have engaged in observatory investigation on the impact climate change has had on biodiversity in the past years. Others have relied on the stored database for comprehension on the effects. Despite the fact that there is very little evidence of current extinctions in the past years caused by climate change, some studies show that climate change may surpass the destruction of habitat as the biggest world-wide threat to biodiversity. This means that the recent studies need to review an understanding of the impacts climate change has had or may have on biodiversity. In review of previous research studies, the paper will identify some of the implications caused by climate change on biodiversity in the United States and United Kingdom in the past 30 years.

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Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to build on studies done by other scholars and researchers. Biodiversity has proved to be useful in the ecosystem not only to human beings but also to animals and birds. In some instances, once they are completely depleted, it is difficult or impossible to replenish them (Staudinger, 2012). In this case, it is crucial to understand the effects that climate change has had on biodiversity to inform the science department on the effective mitigation and preparedness measures to take to address future negative impacts. 1 days in a decade with about 2. 3 days in a decade in every species. Corals in the US have also been reported to have diminished over the years. Moreover, the oceans have recently experienced intense storms and pollution.

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It is further found that the rapid global warming rate in the Arctic areas within the past decades have immensely minimized the ice and snow covers which are foraging and denning habitat for the polar bears (Clark et al, 2016). The average development has been about two weeks over the past few decades. Some database reveals that some of the autumn events’ timing is changing including the delay in fungi fruition and the leaf fall. Due to these observations, scientists base their understanding on the fact that most phenological changes happen as a result of increased temperatures. Phenology can be influenced by various factors in some species like a requirement of the winter low temperatures as well as rising levels of carbon IV oxide (Morecroft & Speakman, 2015).

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These therefore result in the differences between species. It is also noted that warm-water invertebrates, algae and fish have tremendously increased in the seas of the UK over the past years and their ranges have gone around northern Scotland as well as to English Channel (Procter et al, 2010). Moreover, in the past recent years, many summer migrant species of birds tend to arrive earlier in accordance the observation made. The advance has been more for the species with shorter distances of migration than for the intercontinental migrants, and even greater for the early species than for the later arriving species (Burns et al, 2015). There is however, mixed evidence for changes in autumn dates of departure migration. In the observatory database, it is found that the migratory journey is decreasing over the years for most short-distance migrants that are moving from the continental Europe and UK or within UK.

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When there are higher temperatures, the aphid population tends to increase. Some of the plant-eating insects are forced to migrate to a place with more vegetation to meet the need of the increased population. This negatively impacts on the vegetation cover in the US. This explains the reduced vegetation cover in some parts of the country. More notably, the processes of soil like nitrogen mineralization, soil respiration and litter decomposition are very sensitive to soil water content and temperature. Most aquatic plants in the UK have been affected by the increased warmth over the past 30 years. The results of global warming have been the proliferation of cyanobacteria and algae in the UK waters. As a result, the bottom-growing species have shaded and declined overtime allowing the floating species such as duckweed to be prominent in the waters.

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Corals in the US are also in the verge of mortality due to the increasing temperatures of the sea and ocean waters as well as the increased intensity of storms. The increased temperatures have also led to increased ocean acidity which makes it difficult for sustaining fishing activity. Due to the impacts that climate change have had on biodiversity there is need for a strong predictive power in the research field. Scientists need to take another step beyond the observations and data recording and focus on risk assessment, early detection and screening, integrated management and vector control in the areas such as those invaded by alien species. Moreover, similar approach should be adopted in other causes of biodiversity loss like habitat destruction and overexploitation of habitats.

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