Comparison between Barack Obama and Donald trump presidency
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Economics
Thesis statement: Compare US presidents: Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump. View the president’sforeign and domestic accomplishments and their political background. Background of US presidents (i) Barack Obama political and domestic background (ii) Donald Trump political and domestic background (iii) Political affiliations (iv) United states micro economic state in 2009 (v) US political crisis 2. The united states Unemployment rate during the tenure of the two presidents (i) Unemployment rate during Barack Obama first term in office (ii) Rate of unemployment during the first year of Donald Trump in office (iii) Comparison between Barack Obama and Donald Trump ability in dealing with unemployment (iv) The rate of unemployment rate during the two presidents 3. Barrack Obama hailed from Honolulu, Hawaii in the United States from while Donald Trump was born in New York. President Donald trump before venturing into politics was a businessman and television personality; unlike Barack Obama, he did not have strong political backgrounds since he was much involved in business and modeling.
Obama political ambitions started earlier since he was once a community organizer. As an organizer he took the responsibility of launching the communities' development project which was funded by the church, and particularly organize Altgeld Gardens' residences to mount pressure on the Chicago's city hall so as to ensure the improvement of the conditions of the public housing project which was poorly maintained. He successful met his efforts, although he complained of facing a complex city bureaucracy. However, through mentorship of Emil Jones, who was also an African American senator in Chicago from Democratic Party, he adapted relating to both parties. Although his party was in minority, Obama manages to get crime legislation and campaign finance reform enacted during his Senate term (Atwater, 123). When democratic gained control after 2002, Obama took the position of a leading legislator on various issues, over nearly 300 bills specifically with an aim of helping old people, the poor, children and labor unions (Martin, 42).
During his early political career, Obama nearly missed stem to what he later termed as "an ill-considered race. This was when he challenged US representative, Bobby Rush from Illinois. He never minds on the situation but used the slogan "yes we can" during his campaigns and that is how people entrusted him. The Obama accomplishments include ending the 2008 recession which in February 2009 saw the Congress approve the Obamas $787 billion economic stimulus package which was used to cut taxes, fund public works projects and to extend unemployment benefit (Greenstein, 25). The same recession come to an end in July when the GDP growth now turned positive. On October 9, 2009, Obama was awardedwith a Nobel peace prize due to his unrelenting efforts to fight terrorism and the reduction of the US nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent (The Presidents).
Donald Trump's political background was not as strong as that of Baraka Obama. Improving infrastructure was his main agenda during the campaign and just like Barack Obama he addressed in his first address to the Congress, on implementation his team announced that the private sector would play a role in fixing the American roads and bridges a goal that was one of the trumps manifestoes to the people of the United States. He also addressed an end to the affordable care act, he fulfilled his promise to repeal the Obama care in which he received a standing ovation from his party. He promised that repealing the affordable care act was the first priority because he wants people to fully deduct their health care insurance premiums from their taxes. Healthcare system President Barack Obama reformed the health care systems.
On March 23, 2010, the inexpensive care which his achievement transformed healthcare and by then the economy benefited from having 95% percent of the total population attain health insurance. percent. Its clear Donald trump started at a high just like President Barack Obama in making sure that the economy and its citizens are stable due to the creation of employment in sectors of the economy. Barack Obama also had the record of falling rate of unemployment during his term in office, between the first months which is February 2009 to the end of his term in January 2017. He recorded a significantly falling rate of unemployment by 3. percent that is for a period of 8 years which he served as the elected president of the United States, unemployment rate as at 2009 when he assumed office was 8. The military withdrawal and the killing of Osama Bin Laden reduced annual military spending and save the United States the huge budgets which they used to spend in dealing with terrorism.
President Donald Trump on his part has been I the forefront in the fight against terrorism, during his campaign he promised to bomb Iraq when he wins the presidential election and that come to pass on November 9, 2017, when the United States damaged the hospital complex and surrounding areas of Mosul, Iraq. The hospital complex was regarded the main medical center used by the Islamic State group during its rule and was greatly damaged. During thattime, the Iraq forces were fighting and this situation enabled him to also seize Mosul back from militants. The two presidents are too much concerned about the security of the United States and the world. This source is a book which shows and identify barrack Obamas road to the state house, the book also reviews in detail the microeconomic developments that the Obama presidency achieved including the 2008 economic crisis that the United States faced before President Obama assumed office.
The Presidents. The White House website. whitehouse. gov/about/presidents (assessed February 23, 2012). Addresses Japanese citizens with great applause. Japan is the country where he was brought by his mother. Obama promises people to unite Pacific nations. He says that people should struggle to gain victory since nothing is impossible. Atwater, D. This book compared different leadership styles from FDR to Baraka Obama. Specifically, the book outlines the differences between the old presidency and the modern one. In addition, the book outlines Obama's political achievements and the two developments close to the end of his political career. President Donald trump annotated bibliography Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Women marches: more than one million protestors vow to resist. This article on the Washington post goes into depth and gives more details of president Donald trump achievements and his political background, it also gives the views of citizens on the administration of Donald Trump.
The article also goes into detail to compare what his administration archived against his wishes. Ahmadian, S. Azarshahi, S.
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