Corruption in Thailand and Vietnam

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Politics

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For instance, in Thailand political figures take shares of media offshore companies. On the other hand, in Vietnam faces corruption on a devolved level. Whereby, the country initiated subdivision of the states to prevent further corruption in a different level of government. However, the problem persists and the major contributor to the corruption is the inadequate data on the tax collected. Therefore, the aspect of corruption significantly affects the growth and development of a country, the essay is based on the different comparison of corruption in Thailand and Vietnam and difference and similarity of the problem in the countries. In 2011, the country was ranked 112 out of 183 corrupt countries in transparency and allocation of public resources (Rand, John, and Finn 572). The survey was conducted on the business premises, academics, and risk analyst.

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It was established that corruption affected the distribution of resources, amenities and social development. Furthermore, corruption has encouraged poverty, lack of employment and relatively low income. On the other hand services such as hospitalization and education are relatively expensive in the country since the majority of the individuals cannot afford the services and the resources allocated to the sector are not evenly distributed. However, the politicians have developed restrictions on the information which the media can give the public in general (Tsuboi). Therefore, despite the world's acknowledgment of the role of the media in governance, Thailand still does not recognize the rights of media. Furthermore, the officials also corrupt the new anchors to either hide their stories or give a positive account of their public performance while they are looting the public resources.

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Thus, the Thailand system of governance has failed to a large extent in managing the impact of corruption. In comparison, Vietnam was motivated by lack of stability in the country. For instance, both Christianity and Buddhist have different approaches to drugs abuse. The Christian section tends to instill the moral and ethical lessons to individuals in the community. In most cases, they play an essential role in teaching and addressing the issues of drugs and substance abuse (Vorng 115). Generally, the population is poor, and the majority of the individuals lack a source of income. Due to the frustrations and lack of employment, the individuals are motivated to engage in drugs and substance abuse. On another example, the public houses were converted to private residences which amounted to protests by the public on the issue.

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Generally, corruption in Vietnam is relatively high due to poor anti-corruption institutions in the country. Notably, the government has not put in place measures which fight and curb any form of corruption in any institution. For this reason, the politicians have the freedom of looting government resources without being traced. Therefore, the country is characterized by general retarded growth, poverty and low levels of education since the resources are limited. However, the leaders encourage corruption and they take part in the corruption process. The government despite the numerous cases of corruption, they have not done enough to prevent any further incidences of corruption. It has put in place institutions which are charged with the responsibility of preventing corruption but still, the culture is still taking place. The watchdogs take part in the corruption and they do not take appropriate measures in preventing and dealing with the corrupt cases.

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Moreover, the corruption cases have heightened poverty among the working class and the politicians have become wealthier. As discussed, corruption both Vietnam and Thailand have similar features in preventing growth and development and also affecting the public sector in general. Notably, Thailand corruption has been motivated by the traditional favors which leaders received as a token of appreciation (Yamshchikov, Ivan, Aleksandra, and Alexey 882). The gifts have been extended to modern politics, and thus the resources are limited. On the other hand, Vietnam has been affected by militia groups and instability. The people in power wrongly use the public resources to satisfy their needs without considering the communities which they rule. com/southeast-asia/Vietnam/sub5_9f/entry-3447. htmlAccessed on 28 November 2018 Darling, Frank C. Modern Thai Politics: From Village to Nation. Edited by Clark D.

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Neher.  Economic Development and Cultural Change 60. Tsuboi, Yoshiharu.  Corruption in Vietnam. Center of Excellence, Contemporary Asian Studies, Waseda University, 2005. Vorng, Sophorntavy.

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